
Chapter 2.

Because Xiaoxiao stayed in the room for a long time, her skin was white and translucent due to lack of ultraviolet rays.

Her hair was very long, and she didn't bother to comb it when she was washing, it was just scattered casually behind her.

Her face is even smaller and whiter under the cover of her hair. The two faint bruises under her eyes add to her fragility. Her lips are a little chapped from staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time, like a dusty doll in the window.

Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, just quickly nodded and went into the kitchen to grab the buns and eat them.


The two parents were still discussing the recent weather in a low voice in the living room.

Xiaoxiao turned on her phone and skillfully clicked on the X forum, browsing while eating.

Although her parents deliberately did not discuss recent issues in front of Xiaoxiao, she also saw a lot from online posts.

The global climate has become even more difficult to predict in the past two years.

Winter is very cold, and many tropical countries also have heavy snowfall.

Summer is even more unbearably hot, with temperatures approaching 40 degrees Celsius in less than July, and the heat is really intense in mid-August.

The climate problem has endangered the lives of ordinary people.

The school is constantly adjusting its class time. Most courses are arranged as online classes, and a small number of courses that require practical training are also arranged in the evening. Almost only in spring and autumn can a full day of courses be taken.

Because the climate predictions have become increasingly worse in the past two years, the government has begun to pay attention to the physical fitness of young people.

Ancient martial arts have been included in the school curriculum and become a key subject. Everyone speculates that this is to prevent apocalyptic monsters that often appear in novels and movies.

But all this has nothing to do with Xiaoxiao.

As soon as Xiaoxiao entered high school, she applied for a leave of absence due to illness. It was only in the past six months that she was able to go home to recuperate after being hospitalized.

Xiaoxiao finished her last bite of the buns and continued to scroll through her phone, watching the doomsday comments floating around the forum.

Everyone felt that after entering the shelter this time, they would not come out again within a few months. After all, it was no longer a simple "severe cold and heat", and they could survive with the help of air conditioning and heating.

A new headline popped up from the top of the phone. Xiaoxiao scrolled down the message bar and clicked on the details page.

Two more earthquakes occurred in Province G last night, with reports of large-scale collapse of highway roads.

Now even the rescue teams and supply convoys are stuck on the highway outside the province, making it impossible for larger vehicles to pass.

The government is working hard to mobilize the army ,motorcycle and helicopter rescue teams from nearby provinces to rush to the disaster area.

But the report also said that several nearby provinces and regions have expressed shortages of manpower, and Province G may have to fight alone for the time being.

Most of the coastal residents of Province Z have been evacuated to Province M, which is further inland.

The shelter that was about to be completed in Province Z had to be abandoned because of the tsunami that hit half a month earlier than the forecast.

Xiaoxiao remembered that her aunt Lin Yu and her family were in the migration brigade in Z Province.

When was the last time they contacted us? She still remembered her cousin who often came to the house with her aunt. He was different from her, always full of energy and with a bright smile.

My aunt's family must have entered the shelter. Xiaoxiao still remembers the last time she communicated with them.

They complained to their mother that the environment in the shelter was too bad and there was a shortage of supplies. They could only eat big pot rice from the cafeteria every day. The food was not as good as the school cafeteria. .

Later, the communication suddenly stopped, and mother had not contacted them for two weeks.

But mother was still saying last night that the originally planned shelter in the shelter where my aunt and her family were located was far from enough, and most people could only live in temporary tents.

Fortunately, it is summer. Although it is sweltering, the underground is protected from sun light and there is no interference from ultraviolet rays.

I thought that although there was no way to communicate, they probably had some other ways to contact the outside world.

Xiaoxiao turned to look out the window at today's weather. The sun had been too generous recently, not covering up its light at all.