
Survival Game -need to find partner in order to live

Hi My name is Niya. 19 years old college girl not so popular student. Nowadays I'm addicted to game called 'Survival Game'. Who would have thought that one day I'm gonna end up in Game world. How I'm going to escape. Without partner it's impossible to win this game. As a terrible player no one wants to be with me. Am I going to win or die. Find out more.

Nimai_R_1997 · Teen
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10 Chs

Game world

Hi My name is Niya. 19 years old college girl not so popular student.

Nowadays I'm addicted to a new game called 'Survival Game' where we need to obtain items like basic necessity goods to survive and luxury goods to gain more power. Every level gives you benifits but clearing the level is quite hard. Enemies can attack anytime and snatch your items. You need support of atleast one player in order to win this game.

"Ah! Look at the time it's already 9:30 am. Oh gosh I forgot today we have special class at 9...Noooo" I hurriedly run towards college.

At college.

Professor scolded me for being late. I slowly walked to my seat.

My friend Lina whispered " What happened why are you late"

" I'll tell you later".

Class went by I'm not listening at all  my mind filled with the ideas of how to level up in Game.

Professor ended his class and said " Class over submit your assignment by next week ".

(What assignment.     Let's ask Lina later.)

Lina " Now tell me what happened?"

" Well I'm playing 'Survival Game' and forgot about special class."

She started to scold me " You are unbelievable your exam scores getting worst day by day. You should focus on study rather than games."

I complained " Lina....Study is not meant for me I'm different. You know I got the feeling that in future I'm gonna be legend of Game player".

Upon hearing other students started laughing.

Vikram who doesn't waste single opportunity to mock me came near my desk and said " Niya how come you are bad at everything. Study, cultural activities, sports and even in E Games. Wah!... Guys listen here give her a round applause. Miss Niya is honoured with the title 'Bad at everything'."  Apart from some few students everyone started laughing .

I couldn't denies that. I ran outside I heard Lina calling.... tears welled up. I  went straight to home.

Then took out my phone and opened 'Survival Game'. Wiped my tears and with determination started playing game. I'm so got involved it's already midnight still struggling to reach level 4. Then suddenly my eyes went blank.

Wait what's happening....I couldn't see anything...Oh my God.....










I slowly opened my eyes .

Where am I? It's looks familiar.



Oh no....I ended up inside game... Nooooooo.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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