
The Destined Day

---February 18th, 2446---


Ah, so, the time is getting closer for my reawakening.

It's been quite the amount of time since the events that transpired during and after Orion's War. It's been a breath of fresh air, but that does not mean that we've been able to take a break.

Especially not me.

My System will Awaken in 12 hours, and I have to face my untimely fate as soon as we leave the city. I could stall until I Awaken, but the problem with that is if Avie doesn't wake up and Cole catches on to what I'm doing, I could get everybody killed.

I needed to stall for as much time as possible... and leave within the five-minute mark. Then, worst case scenario and the best case of luck possible, Avie will Awaken and save me.

I chuckled.

I'm so dependent on that girl... and her theorized existence... it's almost pathetic.

But, what am I to do about this situation? Where do I go? How do I fight?

I'm rendered completely useless and everything standing in front of me is insurmountable.

Staring at a tall mountain with broken arms and no way up... how do I climb that?

Sure, it's easy to stay optimistic from the ground, but I wonder if I can keep that same mindset and smile while I climb it.

The path ahead will be strenuous... and probably lead to my death... but backing away is sealing my fate more than committing to that climb.

"We finally get a day off! How nice!" Lia commented, stretching her body while walking into the lobby.

"Huh? You're up early. What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Just thinking. What about you? It is your day off, after all." I asked Lia. She smiled, leaning against the couch similarly to how Faith would.

"Well, I wanted to make the most of the day. I'm used to this time, after all. But you... you usually sleep in." Lia commented with squinted eyes as if she was trying to see through my lies.

I actually hadn't slept all night, and have just been thinking about everything.

"Who knows." I flatly said, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, I want to go explore the city. I'll tell you what I find. Do you mind if I take Dani with me when she wakes up?" Lia asked me again, to which I shook my head.

"I thought you had already seen the entire city... can you check up on Illya for me? Just make sure she hasn't destroyed anything or is planning to." I told Lia. She seemed to agree with my request, without even questioning it.

"Can I ask a question, Lia?" I said. I must've seemed too sentimental about it because Lia turned her head with worry.

"Has something changed that wouldn't make it okay?" She returned my question with another, and I began.

"I'm leaving for Umbra today. Do you think Cole will stay put?" I asked.

"Even if he doesn't, you'll figure it out, right? I mean, you always have." She said. Lia turned her eyes away from me and looked out the window toward what I assumed was his cell.

"I'll try to keep him there. I'll tell him something interesting... maybe the name 'Danafall' will be of importance to him, just as Asterio is important to everybody else." Lia assumed.

Just like I always have... yeah, I have always done that... but why does he seem so frightening now?

I haven't looked at my opponents as a challenge, but more like a chore. Now, I look at them like they're impossible foes. If I apply my previous mindset, I might lose. Beforehand, I was doing things an athlete would've been able to do... but since the spike in power from the Deity fight, things have drastically changed.

I can punch the ground and crack it with a visible line. Beforehand, I couldn't do anything like that. What makes me afraid is knowing that I'm capable enough to do something like that, but I'm at half of my strength because of my out-of-commission arm. Cole has that advantage over me. I would never fight against somebody I knew I was blatantly weaker...

"Let him come for me. And, while he does, secure the inside of the city. Help Ruby defend like there's no tomorrow. I'll play offense this time since you guys fought for my sake last time." I told her.

"How noble of you. Okay, I'll do that then. Do you think Illya will help us?" Lia asked me, walking to the front of the couch where I was standing.

"If she has a reason to. I still don't trust her fully, and I know she's waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of us... so if you absolutely have to, then you can." I told her.

"Noted. I'm sure Dani will be enough security to take the challenge on, but I'll keep her in mind. What about Tavian, Dante, and Rin?" She asked again.

"They're fine where they are, don't force them to do anything. I won't let anybody get killed in this encounter, keeping as few people involved as possible will give me that extra insurance." I clarified again.

Now... what to do until that twelve-hour mark...

I wonder how Orion would've handled this.

Maybe I shouldn't be considering his point of view... but I don't even believe he would have these complications. I think the only reason all of this is happening is because of that damned last name...


I had never considered it before, but that last name is something I felt like I've heard before, not just in the past memories that are jumbled in my head, but on the Isle somewhere.

The hatred for that name is so deeply rooted in my existence and everything that I know... it's like the source of my journey is that name.

The hatred between those who fight me and even myself... it all stems from that...
