
Skill Growth: Parallel Thought

"The idea of Parallel Thought is quite simple, and you've probably already done it once. So, let's begin with an easy example. Right now, I want you to think about something you like," Umbra said.

We moved onto the vast grass field outside the buildings in the middle of the city, but still behind the big walls that locked the outside world away.

Something I liked? Well, I was wondering what Dani was doing right now...

"Okay," I responded, closing my eyes and waiting for the next step.

"Now think about something you don't like," Umbra said, crossing her arms.

Something I don't like...? Illya would be a perfect example.

"Now that you have both of those things on your mind, cross them. Combine them, if you must. Just try to imagine both emotions for both people, and see where it takes you." Umbra told me.

Combine them...? Oh, I see. Umbra's explaining this to me in a weird way.

"I'm thinking about Dani and Illya right now. Combining them leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth, but a thought I'd like to keep revisiting." I explained to her.

"That's sort of it. I'll give you one of my examples. When I think about fruit, like oranges and apples, I think of the color of both fruits, and blending them together until I have an orange apple or a red orange. Then, I start thinking about how you could grow both. What environment would it take to grow them? And, how would they both taste together?" She returned an explanation to me once more.

"I see... you're thinking about both items and returning each one with the same thought? So, if my prompt was Illya and Dani, I would think about their speed and how they compare?" I asked, and she nodded.

"That is the first step. The next step I want you to think about is their own strengths. What's good about an apple over an orange? Maybe their color? What are the positive sides of their differences? Think about that all at once with a single scenario. If you're thinking about Dani and Illya, think about how they would fare against me in a fight, but use what you know about them to understand the result of that fight." Umbra told me.

"Oh... I get it now... Dani's speed over Illya's strength is two different qualities they have over one another. They both have their strengths, but both have their weaknesses, and their weaknesses may appear in the face of a challenge such as yourself rather than staying hidden while fighting each other. While considering Dani and Illya's strengths, fighting as a whole is rather flimsy..." I commented.

"You're starting to get it now. It goes much further beyond that. I'll tell you what I'm thinking right now. I'm the leader of a city called Karia about three miles due west. Right now, that city is acting independently from my own decree, but my actions in Zealous may have a ripple effect in Karia. Everything I do here is calculated in that fashion, so that Karia may steadily improve even without me." She said.

This definitely feels a lot deeper than I initially thought... but using this path of thinking can help me win a ton of battles.

"Hey, Avie, why are you so quiet right now?" I asked the girl in my head.

"I'm trying to rest right now, and your talking is putting me to sleep. What's this about Parallel Thought?" She asked in my head.

"It's a train of thought involving two separate things that connect back together. You know, now that I'm thinking about it, our two minds are a good example. In battle, when I think about using my abilities to fight somebody, and you think about using your speed to fight somebody, it works out a lot better like that and leads to the same path." I told Avie.

"Oh, that's just how our minds operate separately... but you're wondering how to do it on your own? That could be interesting." Avie said. I felt like I could see her drifting off to sleep once more within my mind.

I thought to try thinking about two things at once while talking to Avie, but I couldn't do it. It was too hard to focus on both things. If 100% of my attention could be accessed, then I was using that percentage to speak with Avie. If I even let 1% of that attention move to looking at Umbra, or understanding that she's in the background, I felt myself ignoring Avie altogether.

Now that I'm reconsidering how Parallel Thought works, it's exactly what Domin once explained. The thought of considering the danger that follows the running prey was something I could never understand before... but with this skill, I could understand it. I see, now it all made sense.

"Sky, come over here," Umbra waved her hand over to me and I followed her. As soon as I closed a few steps, she threw a light punch at my head.

I easily dodged it and sat confused with my arms up, blocking my face.

"Are we fighting or something?" I asked, but she shook her head.

"No, I've had enough of that whole cliché. I want you to speak to me while I swing at you. Keep your head focused on me while I try to punch you, and your mind on saying whatever you can to me. If you end up pausing to think of something to say, I'll land a hit on you," Umbra threatened. I was amazed by her confidence and decided to listen.

"You know, ever since I landed down on Earth, I didn't expect it to be so lackluster and..." I paused while dodging her punches to think of a word, and surely enough, her fist was slammed into my side, pushing me to the ground with a singular punch.

"Damn! I was just thinking of the word!" I said, getting up while dodging more punches.

"No time to think, speak your mind while you dodge," She restated, going in with more punches.

"Like I was saying, Earth has been interesting, I didn't think it would be full of so many entertaining people and difficult situations. Everything I've done here has felt like one long rollercoaster that won't come to an end. Between Quake, and even you training me right now, I feel like I haven't gotten a break. How long do I have to keep talking for?" I asked.

And unfortunately, I paused.

Umbra kicked out my ankles, even when I tried to reinforce them, and punched me in the side again.

"I can't ask questions?! And how did you out-perform my strands? You couldn't have known that I was going to use them!" I said, getting back up on my feet.

"Your strands can't block my attacks," Umbra said with a smile.