
Survival Evolved: Incarnation

*ALL CHAPTERS ARE FREE* With little to no explanation for their wiped memory, several survivors, referred to as Arkians, wake up on a beach on what seems to be Earth. These survivors have many differences, but the most defining one is Sky; The one with a White Stone on the back of his left hand. What kind of journey will Sky undergo because of this White Stone? My Twitter is @Twitchy_Asterio, please follow or feel free to contact me with any questions! My Cover Artist's Twitter is @Bombyixmori, follow if you like their work! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Warnings: 1. Survival Evolved is meant to take place through the eyes of a teenage boy (mainly), meaning that some things he doesn't pick up on or connect in his mind are done ON PURPOSE. 2. Survival Evolved often describes gore/wounds in a gruesome way. There are many scenes in which slavery, human trafficking, or torture are talked about, so read with caution!

Twitchy_ · Fantasy
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704 Chs

Group A, B, and C

---March 1st, 2446---

The day had passed soon after our meeting at the Tavern, and after a good night's rest, we returned to the table with Ruby and the fifty others.

The Arkians had all clumped together in one area around me again as Ruby began.

"I've taken the night to think it over, and I decided that we'll be splitting off into groups. I've already informed the people of Zealous of my groups... but as for the Arkians, I talked over some details with Illya overnight and comprised them in a notebook to section you off. So, listen closely," Ruby began. I was impressed with both Illya and Ruby's efforts.

"Firstly, I've named the groups you'll be placed in off of the Alphabet. Starting with Group A, I'll give an explanation and then the names of the people in that group," Ruby started. She pointed at the holographic table and up came pictures of Quake.

"It's come to my attention that there's a gap in ability that we have here... between Dani, Illya, and Sky, it's extremely difficult to even attest to who has similar skill. Before I begin with Group A, I want to talk about Group Zero. Sky, you compose Group Zero. Your skill, your control, and your abilities are unmatched by everything we have. You will be at the front of every battle I tell you to, expending your energy as I see fit. Are we clear?" Ruby asked me.

Group Zero... huh...

I nodded, and she continued.

"Great. Group A will be composed of Dani and Illya, a core part of our forces. It has come to my attention that these two barely care about losing limbs in battle, and suffer no physical trauma from doing so. In the event that Quake gets violent, which is extremely likely, we need to prepare accordingly. Dani and Illya will be focusing on Zeka first. This opponent is able to heal his teammates' strands, which are the main cause of the probability of destruction. Does this make sense?" Ruby asked the two. I could tell there was already a spark of conflict between Dani and Illya because they had to work together, but it should be easy for them.

Dani could work with anybody if she was told to.

"Group B was tougher for me to decide on who should be in it. A lot of capable fighters showed themselves when they were fighting The Deity. I see these individuals as being the most capable with training with Essence Strands, and with enough courage and determination. Group B will be composed of Mandi, Rin, Ren, and Ellios. Without Shike, Belle, Buusu, Charlie, Alex, or Lily here, these are the next components of our battle and will be core to winning. That's not to say any Groups under B aren't important, but they will play a key part in winning," Ruby stated.

"Onto Group C, I've decided to place our most nimble, fast-reacting, and quickest soldiers at the helm, bouncing between fights to give support when needed. Alatus, Fudo, and Lia are our absolute quickest forces that can fight in a multitude of styles and will be required. Are we okay with this?" Ruby asked everybody again, shortly after turning to Noboki, Tavian, Ellie, and Moon.

"I know you all said that you'd be done fighting, here to live your lives out normally without fighting anymore. I know you want jobs, careers, and families to raise within each other or the love you will possess one day on Earth... but my final request to your four, guaranteeing you each enough funds and basic necessities without ever having to work a day for the rest of your lives, if you would participate in this war. I understand and do not plan to ostracize you if the answer is no, but I thought I would ask," Ruby said. She bowed her head deeply, a gesture that was seen as more of a beg than a request.

"Raise your head! I still got juice in my engine," Dante said. He had lost both of his hands in Orion's war and had them healed, but he was still raring to go when it came to battle.

"I could go again," Noboki said with her head tilted down and a smile on her face.

"Count us in," Ellie slapped Tavian on the shoulder as they all came together.

"It sounds like history will be made here, and I want stories to tell Aegis," Moon smiled.

"Great. This group, with previous fighting experience, will take on Fico... and the reason for that will be Illya's Incarnation. Incarnation of Null, did I get that right?" Ruby asked, slightly turning her head toward Illya.

"That's right. My Incarnation can disable strands in a wide area or an individual. The plan we talked about involved shutting down my Incarnation that's surrounding Earth right now and fixating it on Fico specifically. She wouldn't be able to travel at light speed, and those with experience fighting against Fico, who has experience as well, would put them on a level playing field. The fight would not include abilities, but what you're purely capable of," Illya explained.

I interrupted, waving my hands back and forth because something wasn't adding up.

"You can stop strands in a wide area, why don't you use that on Zeka? That would eliminate their ability to heal completely," I told her.

"Because Fico exists. If she has her speed, we can count on our whole army dead. Dani and I will charge Zeka first as soon as I put my Incarnation of Null on Fico, and separate the two globs of glue holding Quake together. Otherwise, my efforts would be completely focused on Zeka and shredding him into flesh jerky," Illya said.

"Then use it in a wide area around Zealous. We'll trap them in with my dome and then kill them like cattle," Alexia surprisingly said out of character.

"We would kill Avie if we did that. Avie is a strand entity, and using that strategy would render her brain-dead if she was exposed for too long," Illya said.