

In the eerie Land of the Dead, its inhabitants fall victim to unseen horrors that lurk in the shadows. Mr. Collins is a respected doctor and teacher who takes his students on adventures deep in the forest. They didn't know that their journey would lead them into a nightmare. In an unexpected event, Mr. Collins underwent a horrific transformation and became a ruthless killer. Stranded in the forest without knowing how to return home, the students find themselves murdered with no way of escape. Every step they take is now a struggle for survival, as they must navigate the treacherous forest while evading their former mentor who had turned to a predator. But as the darkness envelops them, the question remains: will anyone make it out alive?

Healingpen · Action
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9 Chs

Whispers In the Wood

The students exchanged nervous glances, their excitement quickly turning to fear. Mr. Collins, trying to maintain a semblance of control, stood up and addressed the group."Everyone, stay calm.

We need to stay together and figure out what's going on. First, let's check on the driver."As they approached the driver, one of the students, a bright-eyed girl named Emily, gasped.

"Mr. Collins, look at his forehead! What is that symbol?"Mr. Collins examined the mark closely. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, a series of intricate lines and curves that seemed to dance and move as he stared.

"I don't know, Emily, but we need to get help. Does anyone have a signal on their phone?" Mr. Collins asked, looking around at the sea of students pulling out their devices.

They were met with a chorus of 'no service' and worried murmurs. It was then that Mr. Collins realized they were not just stranded; they were cut off from the outside world."Okay, we need to stay together and find a way out of here. Let's—"Before he could finish, a scream pierced the air.

Everyone turned to see a boy pointing towards the trees, where a figure was standing, watching them. It was the shadowy figure from before, but now they were closer, and the twisted smile was clear to see.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Mr. Collins shouted, trying to sound more confident than he felt.The figure stepped forward, the smile never leaving their face. "I am the keeper of the woods, and you are the player in a game much older than you can imagine.""A game? What kind of game?" Emily asked, her voice trembling.

"A game of survival, of secrets, and of sacrifice. You will all be tested, and not all of you will pass. But for those who do, the rewards are beyond your wildest dreams.

"The students looked at each other, unsure of what to make of this. Some were visibly shaking, while others seemed intrigued by the promise of a reward.Mr. Collins stepped forward. "We're not playing any games.

We're leaving."The keeper laughed, a sound that sent shivers down everyone's spine. "You have no choice. The game has already begun. Look around you; the woods have changed. The path you came on is gone.

There is only one way out, and it is through the trials I have set for you."As if on cue, the trees around them seemed to shift, the path they had come on disappearing as the forest rearranged itself. Panic set in as the students realized they were trapped.

"What do we do, Mr. Collins?" Emily asked, her eyes wide with fear.Mr. Collins took a deep breath. "We stick together. We're smarter and stronger as a group. We'll face these trials, whatever they are, and we'll get out of here.

"The keeper clapped slowly. "Brave words. Let's see if you can back them up. Your first trial awaits. Follow the markers and remember, the forest is watching."With that, the keeper vanished into the trees, leaving behind a trail marked with the same mysterious symbol that was on the driver's forehead.

"Let's go," Mr. Collins said, leading the way. "Keep your eyes open and watch each other's backs."As they followed the markers, the forest seemed to come alive around them. Strange noises filled the air, and more than once, they thought they saw figures moving in the shadows.After what felt like hours, they came to a clearing.

In the center stood an ancient tree, its branches reaching up to the sky. Hanging from the tree was a lantern, and beneath it, a riddle etched into a stone tablet."To move forward, the past must speak, A secret kept, a promise to keep. The answer lies where memories sleep, Speak the truth, or the consequences are steep.

"The students gathered around the tablet, trying to decipher the meaning."It's talking about a secret," one of the boys said. "But what secret?"Emily stepped forward. "I think it means we have to confess something, something we've never told anyone.

"Mr. Collins nodded. "It's worth a try. Who wants to go first?"There was a long silence as the students looked at each other, each wrestling with their own secrets.Finally, Emily spoke up. "I'll do it. I have a secret. When I was ten, I stole a necklace from my sister and let her believe she lost it. I've felt guilty about it ever since.

"As soon as the words left her mouth, the lantern above them flickered to life, casting a warm glow over the clearing."It worked!" one of the students exclaimed.But their celebration was short-lived as the ground beneath them began to tremble, and a deep voice boomed from the woods."You have passed the first trial, but many more await.

And remember, not all secrets are so easily shared."The students looked at each other, each wondering what secrets they might have to reveal next.Mr. Collins stepped forward. "Let's keep moving. We can do this."

They continued on, following the lanterns that now lit their path. Each step took them deeper into the heart of the woods, and with each step, the sense of unease grew.As night began to fall, they came upon a second clearing, this one with a large stone door set into the side of a hill. Another riddle awaited them.

"Two guardians stand at the door at night, One tells the truth, the other tells lies. Ask one question to make your path right, Choose wisely, or face your demise."Two statues stood on either side of the door, one with a smile and the other with a frown."How do we know which one tells the truth?" Emily whispered.Mr. Collins thought for a moment.

"We ask a question that we already know the answer to."He turned to the smiling statue. "Is the path we came on still behind us?"The statue replied, "Yes, it is."He then turned to the frowning statue and asked the same question."No, it is not," the statue answered.Mr. Collins nodded. "The frowning one tells the truth. The path is gone.""So, what do we ask to get through the door?" another student asked.

Mr. Collins faced the frowning statue. "Which one of you will open the door for us?"The frowning statue replied, "I will."Without hesitation, Mr. Collins pushed on the door, and to their relief, it swung open, revealing a tunnel that led into darkness.The students hesitated, but Mr. Collins urged them on.

"We have no choice. Let's go."They entered the tunnel, the stone door closing behind them with a resounding thud. They were plunged into darkness, the only sound their own breathing and the distant echo of their footsteps.As they made their way through the tunnel, a faint light appeared in the distance.

It grew brighter as they approached, until they emerged into a vast underground chamber, lit by torches along the walls.In the center of the chamber stood a pedestal, and on it, a golden key."The key to your freedom," a voice echoed around them. It was the keeper.

"But to claim it, you must face the final trial. One of you must stay behind."The students looked at each other in shock. The thought of leaving someone behind was unthinkable."We won't do it," Mr. Collins said firmly.

"We stick together."The keeper's laugh filled the chamber. "Then you will all remain here forever. The choice is yours."The students huddled together, whispering and arguing. No one wanted to be the one to stay, but they all knew they couldn't stay trapped in the woods forever. The choice is yours".