
Survival Diary

"We still have many places to pass before we get there" That was what the leader said for us when we embark, i don't what is going to happen with me and my family but i know we gonna get out of this nightmare.

InfamousCreator · Horror
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Chapter 1: Page 5

Has been pass 10 days since the day we had to leave our house, every one is dealing very good with this, like, Mike even made a friend, they play together every day, i still don't know how this is possible, because the walls of the rooms is really close of which other.

Mom is doing the cooking today, i love when she do the food, is always better than that junk food they prepare for us, i still think she have a secret ingredient.

Dad worked really hard today, i wouldn't be able to look all that people, is just so many to look and they stink, but every one thanks him for the job.

We sit all together to eat the food mom's did for us and every one loved, i don't know why they don't promote mom to command the kitchen, would be so better for every one.

"Is time to sleep, remember to close all the windows" My dad say's this every night, and i always stay awake, i like to look outside the window to see where are the others notes of my diary, i know they are there somewhere in the ground.

Something woke my up in the middle of the night, when i look to the side my dad was awakes, and he said "shhhhh, don't make any noise" I didn't say a word, i remember he was with a serious face while holding a shotgun, i knew i was safe so i went back to sleep.

I wake up every morning with a big smile in the face, because i know every time i wake up we are going to be in a different place, if it wasn't for this train we probably would be dead by now.

Hey, i'm not a writer, i am just doing this for fun but if you like give me some comment, thanks and have fun.

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