
Survival Among the Dead (The Walking Dead) Fanfiction

After opening his eyes after a helicopter crash, Damian Wolfe finds himself in a chaotic world. A Virus has spread worldwide that brings back the dead. Would he be able to live in such a world? See how he navigates in the world where humans are not the apex predators anymore and are near extinction.

CaringSoul · TV
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54 Chs

Thank god

"Thank god, you're a medic". Wolfe said while lying in a bed in an abandoned house. Although he was shot in the stomach his condition was much better than Lane who was lying beside him in the bed next to his.

"How did you treat me in that condition? You really are insane", Wolfe said laughing.

"Just keep quiet", Lane annoyingly said.

After a bit of silence, Wolfe asked, "So, why did you kill him? Your captain. What did he do to you?".

Lane was silent for a while, Wolfe decided to change the topic when she suddenly spoke in low voice, "Women in army are not treated well. I knew that from the beginning. We were warned not to involve with men during our beginning days of service. We didn't listen to our senior officers then. I met him in the premises. I thought he was a friend until I saw his real face. I... don't know what happened, but everyone started looking at me differently one day. Talking behind my back, making fun. He stopped meeting me, talking to me. Pretended like he didn't know me. I thought I had done something to him. But reality came to me when I heard from a fellow female soldier. She was naive just like me. He had clicked our photos secretly and distributed them among his friends. I took this matter to the higher ups, but they just let it slide saying it will damage army's image and promised to take strict actions against them. But next thing I knew, they started harassing me. So, now you know why I killed him".

Wolfe listened to her silently. "So, he was the one who betrayed your trust", he concluded and looked at Lane. She had her arm covering her eyes, so he didn't know if she was crying.

"I don't know what to say", he said.

"Don't say anything", she said in a weak voice. They soon drifted away in sleep, forgetting all the events they went through yesterday.

"Hey, wake up. It's half past noon", Smith woke Wolfe up. Smith is the driver who shot Swift. He was actually a military engineer with a weak frame.

"Oh hey. Good morning". Wolfe said. "Wake up. I found some vegetables in the nearby store. I will bring up some soup for you two. Get fresh.", He said.

"Oh yes", Wolfe said looking at the empty bed next to him wondering where the medic went.

"...", Smith didn't say anymore and left the room. Wolfe wanted to ask Smith if he knew but he had already disappeared. He tried to stand up carefully, thinking his wound might open up but when he woke up, he felt only a little pain.

"What?", he was astonished. He quickly checked touched his stomach and slowly pressed in the sides. He didn't feel the amount of pain he should be feeling. 'Does a bullet wound heal this fast?', he thought. It had been three days since they found this empty house and rested here to recover and think how to contact the army.

Just as he was about to open the bandage on his stomach to look at the wound, bathroom door opened up, and Lane came out drying her hair, in only a white oversized T-shirt, which was a little wet with. She looked at Wolf dumbfounded for a moment who was staring at her.

"What?", she said. "Um... That...", he tried to point his finger towards her shirt but couldn't say anything.

"I found them in the wardrobe. What do you want to say?", she somehow felt annoying with him looking at her.

"Nothing. You look good. Your bruises not visible anymore".

"I also need to take a bath", Wolfe stood up, and quickly walked towards the bathroom locked the door and started shower. Only after she left the room, did he come out. He had forgotten to take anything with him inside.

'Thank god she went out'. He quickly came out from the bath and quickly started searching for clothes that could fit him. He also found a white t-shirt that fit him and a black pants. He looked at his stomach wound that was almost healed, only a bullet mark was left there. Smith had told that they both needed to rest for some days to recover from their wounds.

'I gotta bring my game up to the mark soon. This body is too weak right now. I can't run like I used to. I gotta eat a lot'.

The trio rested for one more day in that house. Smith would go out and bring clothes and food. He said the whole area was abandoned. They all had gone to the shelter in Atlanta. He found a radio where it revealed that the army bombed the shelter. It meant that everyone went to their deaths. They justified the bombing by saying that they did it to kill the infected as the shelter was compromised. World was really in a mess.

"We have to contact HQ immediately. We have to tell them we have the... We have completed the mission and ask for return". Lane looked at Wolfe and then at Smith.

"You are right. They don't even know we are still alive". Smith added. Both looked at Wolfe.

"Whatever you guys decide. I am okay. I am fully healed now", Wolfe said.

"Do you not feel any pain now?", the medic asked.

"No. I don't. It seems your nice treatment played some part along with the medicines". He replied looking at both of them.

"Well, it's decided then. We would leave for the post tomorrow morning, I will get the gas. We would need weapons to enter the base. Do you think we could do it?". Driver said.

"We'll have to". Trio looked at each other and agreed with what was said.

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