
Survival Among the Dead (The Walking Dead) Fanfiction

After opening his eyes after a helicopter crash, Damian Wolfe finds himself in a chaotic world. A Virus has spread worldwide that brings back the dead. Would he be able to live in such a world? See how he navigates in the world where humans are not the apex predators anymore and are near extinction.

CaringSoul · TV
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54 Chs


As the night disappeared, the surrounding became visible as the sun was about to rise, they were sitting far from the dead Jim with guns in their hands. "What do we do? He's going to turn or not?", T-Dog said in frustration. "It's been a long time. He would have turned long ago", Lori said. "What does it matter whether he turns or not? He is dead. Just shoot him in the head and bury him like her husband", Daryl said looking at Carol who averted her eyes. "Hell, I'll do it", Daryl said as he spoke and started walking towards Jim when suddenly he opened his eyes and sat up. He turned towards the group making most of them shiver. Daryl walked forward, raised his crossbow and shot the head without waiting. He pulled out the arrow from the body and looked at others before saying, "Let's burn the bodies now". Glenn said, "No. Burning's for the geeks. Our people go over there". "What's the difference? They're all infected", Daryl said. Glenn said once more, "Our people go in that row over there. We don't burn them. We bury them. Understand? Our people go in that row over there". Daryl said, "You reap what you sow". "Alright man. Shut up now", Morales said in frustration. "What? You guys had it coming. You left my brother for the dead", Daryl said with anger. "It's done now. Let it go everyone", Dale said. Soon, they buried the two members of the group and came back after burning the walkers. "We are not safe here", Andrea raised the topic again. Rick came forward and said, "I heard the CDC was working on a cure". "I heard that too. Heard a lot of things before the world went to hell", Daryl replied. "What if the CDC is still up and running?", Rick asked looking at everyone. "Man, that is a stretch right there", Shane said not believing Rick.

Rick said, " Why? If there's any government left, any structure at all, they'd protect the CDC at all costs, wouldn't they? I think it's our best shot. Shelter, protection...". But Shane interrupted him, saying, "Okay, Rick, you want those things, all right? I do too, okay? Now if they exist, they're at

the army base. Fort Benning. That's 100 miles in the opposite direction. That is right. But it's away from the hot zone. Now listen to me. If that place is operational, it'll be heavily armed. We'd be safe there". Rick replied, "The military were on the front lines of this thing. They got overrun. We've all seen that. The CDC is our best choice. They might have a cure. I don't know why people can't see that". Andrea from behind suddenly said, "Look, if one of us suggested, based on a hunch, that we head toward that city, you'd have no part of it. Tell me something with certainty". "Guys, if I may say something, before I joined you guys, I was actually heading towards CDC. Someone told me that they were searching for a cure there. I don't think that would be bad to check out. We just need to be extra caution", Damian backed Rick's idea of going to CDC. He wanted to go there and see if there actually was someone making the vaccine, he would offer himself for the cause. The group separated from each other while discussing what they should actually do. A little while later, Shane started convincing people that they can trust Rick's instincts as he also does. In the camp, Glenn was preparing his bag. Seeing Damian enter, Glenn asked, "Do you really think there'd be someone there at the CDC?". "I think so. We have to hope. That's all we can do these days. Moreover, we have to stay together. More people in a group make it stronger". Glenn nodded and continued packing. Soon, they stepped out to put the bags in the van, as he opened the slide door, Glenn saw the wooden boxes and looked at Damian. "Emergency supplies. Only use as last option", Damian replied to remove the confusion. 

They came back and saw Morales and his family leaving separately. Damian approached Amy and asked, "Are they not coming with us?". "He said they would go to Birmingham. They have family there". "They think their family would be there. Maybe they went somewhere else for safety", Damian said and Glenn nodded agreeing as he walked away. "Well, they are gone now... Hey, I didn't thank you for saving me yesterday. You saved me from that walker. For an instance, I thought you were about to shoot me", Amy said jokingly. Damian said, "Yeah, I was going to shoot you for offering me that tasty fish". Both smiled looking at each other before Andrea interrupted them. "You ready to leave?", she asked Amy. "Yeah, will bring out my bag", she looked at Damian saying bye and walked away. "You will follow us in the van?", Andrea asked. "Yes. Glenn, Douglas and I will be in the van". Andrea said, "Good". Soon, the group drove out leaving their camp permanently.

On the road, Douglas was driving the van following the RV while Glenn was sitting on the side and Damian was at the back. "Hey, you were really going to the CDC before you joined us? Or did you lie to us to make us go there?", Glenn asked Damian. "I told you man, it's the truth. I was lucky that Shane warned me though. If I had gone unprepared, I wonder what would have happened to me there alone. That's what I fear the most. Dying alone", Damian replied. "So, you mean you don't want to die alone and convinced us to come here with you to die together?", T-dog said jokingly looking at Glenn who also laughed inside. "Hey, that's not... Leave it. I'm gonna go take a nap. Wake me up when we reach there", Damian said as he laid back and closed his eyes.

"Hey, we're here", Glenn called out to Damian and woke him up. "Huh... We arrived?", Damian asked and looked out. He saw an abandoned post and several military vehicles, a damaged helicopter and several dead bodies. Fortunately, there was no walker around. They silently got out and gathered around Rick's group. "Let's walk from here, silently", Shane said looking at everyone as everyone started walking in the group. They soon reached at the gates of CDC and tapped at the gates. "There's nobody there", Douglas looked at Rick and said, "Then why are the shutters down?". Just as he said that Daryl, looked around and said, "Walkers", as the walkers started coming at them from all the directions. The men stepped forward covering women and children behind them and started shooting at them. "You led us into graveyard", he said to Rick. Everyone was suddenly in panic. "He made a call", Dale said. "It was a damn wrong call", he replied. "Shut up everyone", Shane said and looked at Rick saying, "Rick this is a dead end". Lori looked at Rick while holding Carl and said, "Where are we gonna go?". "She is right Rick. We can't be here. This close to the city after dark. Fort Benning... still an option", Shane proposed. "On what? There's no food, no fuel. That's 100 miles from here", Andrea said. "125 miles. I checked the map", he replied. "Forget Fort Benning. We need answers tonight now". "Let's get out of here", Glenn requested others. "Yes, let's go", T-Dog said. Shane said, "Alright. Back to the cars. Let's go move" and started leading the group while Damian and Rick stood there hitting the gates. Just as they were about to follow others, Rick looked up and said, "The camera, it moved". "You imagined it", Shane said. "It moved", Rick emphasized his words. 

"Look, they are automated devices. They're gears, okay? They're just winding down. Now come on", Shane also insisted him to leave but to no avail. "Come on, man, just listen to me. Look around this place. It's dead, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go, Rick". Lori also grabbed his arm and said, "Rick, there's nobody here!". But Rick didn't listen, "I know you're in there. I know you can hear me", he spoke as he looked at the camera while Damian hit the shutters with his gun as others kept shooting at the walkers. While Shane ordered everyone to get back to the cars, Rick kept talking looking at the camera. "Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left". Damian also gave up now, "Rick, there's nobody here. And if there are, they won't open it", he said but Rick still didn't give up and begged, "We have nowhere else to go. If you don't let us in, you're killing us! Please! Please help us". Shane grabbed his shoulders and said, "Come on, buddy, let's go. Let's go everyone". As they started leaving, Rick looked back again with tears in his eyes and screamed, "You're killing us! You're killing us!". Suddenly, the shutters opened up with a clang and gas from inside hissed out. 

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