
It just makes everything rosey

Everybody is still sitting where we left them before, it's literally like nothing happened and I'm relieved that it hasn't caused a big commotion. Jay has a red cheek, and I notice Jen actually went to get him an ice pack. Clearly that's what she interrupted us for. I stroke Matty's thigh, and he places his hand on top of mine to keep it there. Ross is seated next to me and yet again I find myself in between these two beautiful guys.

Not sure if I've gone into shock from the moment of violence and fighting as I just randomly laugh out loud. Ross looks over at me smirking telling me to shhh. Seeing Jay sitting with an ice pack has tickled me. I sip my drink, I made it weak but I feel like a lightweight all of a sudden. I'm so worried that if I have another drink something will happen, it's totally stupid. I don't believe I've conceived really, surely. I will not however smoke in any capacity.

One of my favourite songs comes on, and I'm more than ready to dance, Matty notices.

"You can bop around like that again. God you're hot especially when you move" he says in my ear.

He pulls me onto his lap, this is a development I like. God I love being close to him.

"That feels better right" he asks in my ear. I'm sitting sideways on his lap.

"Mmhmm" I tell him

"You haven't smoked" I ask him

"Or barely drunk anything babe, I intend on getting you back home safely. We can leave whenever you like" he says stroking my arm and I think of all the things we can do back home.

He rests his hand over my waist, I notice.

"You don't think, you know with the alcohol" I ask him, he knows what I mean.

"Nope babe it's all good" he kisses my neck.

I tune into what everyone else is doing. Rachel is back on top of Jay but he's watching me. His eyes going over my legs and breasts. It's a little off putting but then I remember Matty punching him and it just makes everything rosey.

"Okay it's your go Ryan" Jen laughs.

Oh shit, I think I better make it clear I'm not up for kissing others.

"I'm not kissing others, sorry hun. I'll do truths instead" Rhea says, perfect timing. I smile at her. Malachi agrees with her.

"Me too" I share.

"Yeah and me" Matty says nonchalantly.

"Im only interested in kissing this one" he says meaning me. He smiles at me.

Jen smirks and the others seem a little shocked.

"Whatever it's not your go anyways" Jen says.

"You lot can do truths" Rach says encouragingly.

"Or dares that don't involve actually kissing anybody, like I dunno taking your top off" she laughs.

"I'm good with that." I say. I like Rachel really I do. I want so much for her to find love and be happy.

Ryan is dared to take his top off. I can't lie he's good looking. Not in comparison to Matty of course but good looking overall.

"Okay Taylor" Jen says.

Ah man she has got it in for me.

"Truth or dare" she asks locking eyes with me.

"Truth please" I say, I'm willing to be nice to her see?

I dread to think what she's going to ask me.

"Is it true you were actually a virgin, before Matty" she sneers. She's really enjoying herself, what a surprise. Let's all have a laugh at Tay the good girl virgin.

Nobody laughs. I'm actually pretty shocked that they don't because I assumed the girls would laugh at me.

"Don't be a bitch, Jen" Pippa protests.

"Yeah what kind of question is that and so what anyways" Rach says and I smile at her.

Matty whispers in my ear that I don't have to answer. Just leave it he says.

"Actually you know what" I start. Ohh my blood is boiling and I can just feel it.

"You know I was a virgin. I was yeah, I didn't let any guy close to me because I didn't feel the need to have a dick inside of me to stop me from feeling like a lonely, stupid bitch" I say.

Yeah that's right I said it. I tried to be nice to her, I did but that wasn't working so fuck it. Ross snorts next to me, he was mid drink and he puts it down on the table. Wiping his face and trying not to laugh.

"Who's next?" I say looking at her dead in the eyes.

Pippa laughs out loud she doesn't even try to hide it. She smiles at me.

"I'll take a go" Rhea says, she will forever be my saviour from sticky situations.

Jen is staring at me and at Matty. That old saying pops into my head, if looks could kill or some shit I'd be dead.

"Oh fuck you it was just a question" she says venomous.

"Yeah and that was my genuine answer, all done moving on. Got what you wanted" I tell her and sigh. She is pathetic.

Matty is laughing into my shoulder, I don't think he wants to make it worse for me, really he doesn't but like the others I don't think he thought that I would say that to her.

Personally I'm done with trying to be nice to someone who has no real class and who clearly just wants to out-do me and belittle me in anyway she can.

Rhea takes her go. I notice she gets a normal question unlike myself. Something that isn't intended to paint her in a bad light.

At the end of the first round, the guys seem to have their shirts off, Matty opted for a dare and had to join the shirtless crew. Hey I'm not really protesting.

"I'll be right back" I tell Matty. And I excuse myself.

"Save my go for when I get back" I tell them all.