
Surrogate Love

What if one day you find out that you are not the one that he loves? Tang Wei was a beautiful and smart girl who fell in love with her saviour, but one day she had to ask him "Can you please say it once? Wei wei, I love you."

MengWang · General
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130 Chs

Chapter 60 : Last Scene

The sky was dark. The wind was blowing hard. On the empty highway, there were several groups that were preparing for filming. A yellow sport car and a police car were on stand-by.

Today was the last day of filming. After three months filming, 'The Thieves' was finally completed. The last filming would be the part where Tang Wei and Kathy's characters were rushing to the port where the other characters had been waiting to escape from the country. Alas, they were chased by the police.

This scene involved shooting and racing which made it to be a dangerous scene. Thus, Han Zhi Fan had deliverately come to the filming set to oversee the filming himself. To not bother Tang Wei, he hid himself in the corner while having all his eyes toward the woman in the other side.

"Wei wei, just let the stuntwoman to do this part, okay?". As her manager, Long Fei, was made to persuade her.

Director He was there to persuade as well "Long Fei is right. It is dangerous. It's better to use the stuntwoman."

Previously, Tang Wei had filmed the part herself while she crawled out from the car window to get a better angle to shoot. However, as it was a close up, they had filmed it without the car moved.

This time was different. She would crawl out herself while the car was moving. It was such a dangerous act. Moreover, she was not as accustomed as the stuntwoman.

"The quality will be fine. We have filmed the close up, even we had seperately filmed the time when you and Kathy were conversing in the car.", director He assured.

Filming process was not easy. A scene which only lasted several seconds in the movie might take several times of filming, like how it was at the moment. They had taken the close up of her crawling and shooting, close up of Kathy's driving skill,as well as their conversation part to show their teamwork.

"I'm fine. I will do it myself.", Tang Wei was determined.

No one could ever stop her when she had decided to do something, and Han Zhi Fan knew it better than anyone. Thus, he didn't intervene and just watched everything unfold from afar.

He turned to his side "Is everything fine?"

Wen Luo who had just come back from rechecking replied "Yes, everything had been handled."

Wen Luo felt grateful that the sport car and the police car were checked directly or else something unwanted might have happened to Tang Wei. He had found out that someone had tampered with the sport car which Tang Wei had been using for filming. They had been all fine because the scenes that were filmed before were all not directly driven. The car was on a truck to give the moving effect.

However, the scene that they were going to take was the real driving. It would be filmed by several cameras as well as drone. She might lose her life while driving the tampered car.

Since that no one among the crew were able to persuade Tang Wei, thus they started to film the dangerous scene.

Tang Wei got on the car, she closed her eyes to get into the character, and the moment she opened her eyes, she had turned into the thief who had sharp eyes and killing aura. As for Kathy, she also decided to do this scene herself.


Kathy who was on the wheel stepped on the pedal when 'Action' was shouted. Tang Wei also started to climb through the window with a gun on her right hand. She directed it toward the police car that was following.

"CUT", director He didn't waste anytime since Tang Wei's life was on stake.

However, his fear became reality. "I can't stop the car" The moment he heard the Kathy screamed through the mic, his whole body froze. He was brought back to his sense when a man was running pass him as fast as the light.

Han Zhi Fan ran all his might. His eyes was focused to the Tang Wei who was still dangling onto the car. She was trying herself to stay on the car roof. He didn't know which magic power that possessed him, but in no time he was able to catch up with the running car.

"Jump down", he ordered Tang Wei to do so and with no hesitation Tang Wei did as instructed.

That kind of trust..She also didn't know why she trusted him so much. She trusted that he would never harm her. No matter what, he would protect her.

The moment he caught her, his right hand covered her head while his left hand hold her waist firmly. As she jumped toward him, the momentum caused them to fall and rolled over. However, with his meticulous actions, Tang Wei was all fine.

Tang Wei was laying on the road with Han Zhi Fan on top of her. "Are you fine?", Han Zhi Fan immediately checked on her.

She nodded then she looked toward the running car before it rushed down to the sea. Her eyes widened at the scene "Ka..thy", she mumbled.

Han Zhi Fan looked at where her eyes locked unto. He turned to face her and caressed her head "She will be fine." By then, he picked her up and brought her to the resting area to check on her body. He was afraid that the jump and roll would hurt her.

On the other side of the city, Zhou Sheng who was working in his office suddenly dropped his cup which was placed perfectly on his desk.


The shattered glass caused him to have foretoken. His feeling was proved correct when he got a phone call from anonymous number.

"Is this Mr Zhou?"

"Yes, I am. Who is this?"

"Ms Kathy had an accident. She is on her way to the Imperial Hospital."