
Surrogacy for the cruel lycan prince

Ariana's already sad life moved from bad to worse as she was sold to Kai, the ruthless lycan prince as a surrogate. Unable to accept his cruelty towards her anymore, after he brought in his intended fiancee who also treated her like a worthless omega, she escaped from his mansion. Helpless, she trudged on until she found solace in the arms of a mysterious man who had compassion and offered a home. Their blossoming relationship however is threatened as Kai in his jealousy searches for Ariana and discovers an augustly Family Secret. Kai's jealousy turns to rage as he swore to find Ariana and protect their unborn child, but that's when his rejected mate suddenly showed up, trying to prevent him from having access to his surrogate, and ends up abducting her to discard the pregnancy which meant everything to him.

Jophiel_Blue · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Found the one I need

Kai's POV

I returned late in the night after visiting one of the bars in the crescent moon pack to see if any of those ladies could catch my attention, and as usual, none could.

I was unable to catch up with my flight since I came on a public flight and not a private one. So, I decided to spend the night in a hotel.

I had to quickly find a place to stay because if I had stayed any longer in that bar, I could have killed someone.

It shouldn't be as though I wasn't trying to help myself, I was. I have had a psychiatrist assigned to me by my dad since childhood who I often visited when I couldn't understand my detestation anymore.

I have no idea why my Beta hasn't still given up on me because I've given up on myself.

We have gone deep into my situation that every day I would watch ladies who were professionals at the seduction deeds strip, trying to seduce me, but it was always futile.

I only did it because of Aiden and the elders being so persistent. I had to prove that it wasn't by my will that this was happening to me, I had no control over it, and they were all bewildered.

While mine was natural, Aiden had to learn how to surpass the power of seduction to be able to stand firm beside me.

It seemed my situation was worsening each day, and right now if a completely naked lady was in front of me, I wouldn't have the urge to mate with her.

The urge to touch her wouldn't be there, but if any lady would be able to catch my attention for the slightest bit, I'd acquire her.

I don't care how much I'll need to spend, or the extent I'll reach to get her.

But it hasn't happened before, and by the looks of things, I doubt it would.

It wasn't just the fact that seduction doesn't work on me, the detestation was still there, and it made things more complicated. I couldn't live with a she-wolf.

I remained in my hotel room, my eyes staring at the scribblings on the screen of my laptop. Then, I darted my gaze to my phone.

I had been working for a long time and hadn't had a proper sleep for some days.

Switching on my phone, I stared at the time displayed on the screen. It was already early in the morning.

Heaving a sigh after completing my work, I closed my laptop without shutting it down. Then, I placed it on the table.

Stretching my tensed muscles, I lay with my back on the bed. I stared at the blank ceiling, trying to invite sleep to take me over. However, it seemed impossible. So, I just closed my eyes and remained like that until dawn.

You all might be surprised why I rejected my mate without her causing any trouble, but I have a reason for everything I do as a Lycan Lord.

Long ago, when I was still a kid, my mom cheated on my dad, her mate.

Even though she was the one who cheated, she still had to abandon us.

Even when my dad tried pleading with her to stay, begging her to do it for me, she refused.

I watched her walk away, leaving the pack on her own. That was the last time I saw her.

She rejected my dad in my presence and walked out of the house after saying many offensive cursing words to him.

I ran after her, pleading with her not to leave us.

But she lied to me, saying she was going to get me ice cream, and I believed her.

However, before she sat inside her car, she whispered into my ears that she doesn't care about me or my dad, and we could go fuck ourselves in hell.

It made me wonder if it was my dad who was caught in the act of cheating on her because the hatred in her eyes was obvious.

Could it be that she wasn't my real mom and no one was telling me the truth? I was confused, and these thoughts always ended up with me having a throbbing headache.

She didn't care about the challenges I'd face without having a mother in my life.

She didn't care about the pack, not even her mate. She abandoned us all as though we were pieces of shit.

Rejecting my dad in my presence wasn't all she did. She went ahead and slapped him.

Slapping a lycan Lord was the worst thing a Luna would do to her mate, it was a very disrespectful act, but the woman I called my mother had no remorse.

So went ahead with pouncing on my dad.

She wanted him to get into a fight with her, but my dad wasn't that loose, so he only tried holding her from doing anything crazy.

I had just returned from school and was seated in the luxurious sitting room of my dad's mansion and watching them, but the next thing I knew, she picked up a vase and broke it on my dad's head.

I watched in fear as my dad began bleeding, and that was when I realized the gravity of what was happening in front of me.

My eyes welled up with tears as I went to separate them from fighting, but I received a forceful push from my mom because I was dragging her away from my dad.

I fell to the floor, my head hitting the edge of the transparent vanity table with a thud, and my consciousness began whirling.

My dad flinging my mom to the floor, accompanied by her painful groans was the last thing I saw before I fainted.

The reason for which my dad had flung her to the floor was because she had hurt his only son, that's the only excuse I could give.

After she left, everything changed drastically.

My once blissful life turned into something else as I watched my dad suffer from the pain of rejection.

Ever since then, my detestation for she-wolves arose.

They were unreliable, evil bitches, so I have nothing to do with them.

But there is a problem. I needed a she-wolf to carry my child.

I have been thinking about it, but since I have the money, there wasn't any need for me to worry.

I desperately don't want my child to live the type of life I had lived.

So, I've concluded that I would buy a she-wolf.

However, I haven't found the perfect one yet.

Peeking my eyes open through my messy hair which was all over my face, I stood up from the bed and sauntered into the bathroom to get prepared for my journey.

Strolling gracefully out of my hotel room, I was dressed decently in a simple white shirt and black-fitting pants.

My black hair was brushed messily with every single strand out of place, stopping below my nape, and I liked it that way. I didn't have much time to myself, but whenever I'm dressed in a suit, I'll have my Beta brush it perfectly for me.

With my hand placed in my pocket, I walked out of the hotel, ignoring all the greetings I received from everyone I passed.

I kept scrolling through my phone as I walked towards my awaiting car. When I reached it, the door opened, and I sat in it.

After tightening my seat belt, I ignited the engine of my car and drove out of the compound of the luxurious hotel.


There was heavy traffic on the road which was crowded with many cars.

I remained seated in my car, my eyes staring at the screen of my laptop.

Suddenly, as though I felt a link, I raised my head, my eyes wandering around, and I knew I was searching for someone I didn't know.

My gaze then stopped on a lady passing in between cars as she crossed the road, and I immediately knew she was the one I had felt the link from. A strange link.

I waited until she was about to pass in front of my car.

In a calculated move, I propelled my car forward, obstructing the space she had to pass.

She stopped in her tracks, her gaze fixed on the dark glass of my car window.

I studied her intently, my mind racing with thoughts, and with a single swipe, I rolled down my car window, and our eyes locked on each other.

Her piercing emerald eyes, full eyebrows, long lashes, red lips, and long black hair cascading down her shoulders made me frown.

There was something about her that seemed odd, but I shrugged it off.

A thought suddenly struck me. It dawned on me that I had found the mother of my future child.

I continued to stare at her, contemplating the idea of replacing my already rejected mate with her or making her a surrogate mother.

But there was something more about her that intrigued me. So I made a mental note to explore it later.

As the traffic light turned red, she impatiently turned her gaze back to me. Her facial expressions said it all, that she was in a hurry.

I swiftly rolled up the window of my car and then propelled my car backward to make way for her to proceed.

As she walked in front of my car, I discreetly captured a picture of her, but she remained oblivious to my actions.

With the traffic light turning green, indicating it was time to move, I started the engine of my car.

As the car in front of me began to move forward, I drove off, stealing one last glance at her retreating figure.

I no longer intended to go to the airport immediately.

I had found someone I needed.

"Aiden?" I spoke into my phone.

"Yes, boss, how may I help?" My Beta replied promptly.

"Send me the details and location of the picture of the lady I sent to you."

"Okay, boss," he responded, and I ended the call, an evil smirk curling on my lips.

Once I had acquired her, she would become my rightful property.