
Surprise your ex wife is a trillionaire and out for revenge

there are what people in business called the 4 richest families in the world. they were called the four great roses. on the bottom was Greenrose family which was run by the sleezy Sameson Greenrose and his spoiled daughter Emily Greenrose. Rumor has it she slepted her way to the top of the entertaiment world. Above them was Yellowrose family. they were run by a man named Jakeson Yellowrose. it was rumored that he did have a daughter but he was abusing her in more ways than one while his wife was of screwing multiple men some at the same time. number two was the Redrose family. they are a respected and dignified family run by the current CEO of their company Redrose inc. Adam Redrose. word was he was forced to marry someone but as to who no one knew. Then tsitting on top was the Bluerose family. it was led by Thomas Bluerose and his wife Camilla Bluerose. the had an adopted daughter named Amanda Bluerose. no one new that she had a secret to hide. see Amanda was actually Thomas and Camilla's real daughter Grace Bluerose. the one that was said to have died 6 years prior. Amanda was secretly married to non other than Adam Redrose. a man she has loved all her life. only problem was that he hated her because his heart belonged to his first love Grace Bluerose. he did everything humanly possible to hurt and torture her. however he did not know that when he made the biggest mistake that he would find out later had costed the love of his life but almost kill his unborn children as well. after her divorce Grace returned but the love she had for Adam was buried inside an ice cold heart. she wanted only one thing to find out who tried to kill her the first time and get revenge on them along with her ex husband.

Crystal_Scott_7464 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Before Divorce


I am Amanda Bluerose the adopted daughter of the most powerful family on earth and I have a secret. I am actually Grace Bluerose the actual daughter of the Bluerose family. however no one knows, not even my high school sweet heart and husband. he in fact hates me and constantly tells me I will never compare to his first love Grace Bluerose. ha I guess the joke is on both of us then.

I was not feeling well so I went to the doctor and I waited for the doc to return with the test results to see what was wrong. I sat and played with my fingers when the door opened and the doctor came in and smiled.

"congrats Mrs. Redrose you are 4 weeks pregnant." She said happily smiling at me. I was shocked.

no impossible, I said to myself. then a few minutes later as I was on my way home it came to me. it must have been when we had sex after he was drunk.

if that's the case would he accept this child though? I thought but something told me I was wishing for to much. furthermore there was no point he would just have it gotten rid of the poor child. apon arriving home I immediately went up stairs and I was about to open our bedroom door when I suddenly heard moaning coming from inside and I knew that he was with another woman. Adam often did this to torture me. so with my already shattered heart I went to my second room.

I changed into my night gown and layed down and went to sleep.

the next morning I was startled awake by a door being slammed open. I opened my eyes to see the face of Emily Greenrose. My husband's current toy of the month. she waltzed in like she owned the place. ha what a fool.

"Well so it was you that he was with why am I not suprised." I sneered at her. I hated her. every morning after she was with Adam she would come see me.

"ha then you should know I will be moving in soon." She stated as if she had won. I knew better.

"Yeah I doubt that no one could compare to his first love Grace." I said smiling but I also felt weird talking about myself. then she walked over and leaned down.

"Well that will be hard cause she is dead and soon you will be as well." she whispered. "I always get what I want and I remove anything in my way and first it was Grace and you might want to be careful around fire you might get burned like she did."

'so the snake has finally shown itself, but you might want to be more careful little snake cause there is a mongoose waiting in the bushes for its next meal and trust me she will devour you little snake' I said to myself then I made my way to get dressed for the day. it's a good thing I had a digital recorder put in my watch or I wouldn't have this confession.

you see through out my marriage to Adam I had done everything and today was no different. before I could do anything a hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around.


my head whipped to the side as his hand connected to my cheek.

"I knew you were a snake, Emily just said you confessed to killing my Grace!" He shouted and and preceeded to beat me. just before I blacked out I had decided on two things. one I wanted out of this marriage and two Grace Bluerose is coming home and out of hiding.

three days later I woke up in the hospital with Jessica Yellowrose my best friend sitting there. I looked at her and saw she had a black eye. my hand instantly went to my abdomen.

"Jess please tell me my baby is ok." was the first thing I said as tears began to fall.

"Yes they are now but if it wasn't for the servants quick thinking then they would have died." She said smiling a little.

"they as in more than one?" I asked shocked and confused at the same time.

"Yes there are 4 to be exact, three boys and a girl." She said and then her face fell. "but Cece what will you do about your husband?"

"I will divorce him and return home." I stated to her as the memory of three day ago came back to me. she looked at me shocked but nodded.

"they will be happy to see their adopted daughter Amanda." She said. Jessica was the only one that knew I was actually Grace other than my assistant Felicia and my mom and dad.

"no Jess I'm not going home as Amanda but as Grace Bluerose daughter of trillionairs Thomas and Camilla Bluerose." I said as i sat up.

Adam only gave me a day to rest before he showed up with what I knew was divorce papers.

"sign and return them as soon as possible and Amanda I am not giving you a penny." He said coldly.

"Don't worry Mr. Redrose you will get what you desire as soon as I am out of here." I said just as coldly. I looked into his eyes and he was shocked at my attitude towards him. "Oh and Adam ...I didn't want jack shit from you so if you don't mind I would like some time alone so do me a favor and get the fuck out of here."

"Amanda one day I will find out how you killed Grace" He said coldly "and I will make you regret crossing paths with me."

"Well I look forward to that day and seeing the look on your face when you realize that it wasn't me who killed her." I said as he left. when the door slammed shut the tears that I held back fell down my face like waterfalls.

a few days later i left the hospital and arrived at Grace Villa and yes he named his villa after me. I immediately went and packed all my things. I signed the divorce papers and left them there and as I walked out I grabbed my phone and dialed my father's number.

"Amanda my dear I am so happy to hear your voice." He said happily.

"Daddy I am coming home." I said calmly.

"Well your mother and I are happy to see you." He said sounding happy.

"No not as Amanda....I Grace Bluerose am returning home." I stated with a smile.

"you found out who tried to kill you then." He said as I heard him getting choked up.

"Yes and they will pay dearly for it but not yet I have something more important to do first." I replied and then I left Grace Villa and never looked back.