
1: Meeting each other

Ivanna just graduated with her best friend, which is Ivy Simmons. Some of their friends decided to hang out and go clubbing to the famous club, The Ash Club in USA. She was wildly dancing when her phone was ringing.

"Ugh, Ivy who is it?" she asked. Ivy took out her phone.

"it's your mom!" she mouthed.

"Oh shit!" she cursed.

She quickly grabs her phone to her and ran out from the club, her parents were so strict for her to let her go out and go on a club with some sort of her friends.

"Hello mom." She spoke.

"Honey, we need you to come home as fast as you can." Her mom from the other line said. She was shocked and surprised.

"Mom, my flight is still by the second week of the month." She said groaning.

"I know but you need to come home immediately." By that, her mom ended the call.

She was spectacularly hopeless, she went back inside to find out that her friends were all drunk and expectedly, Ivy was the only one who isn't.