

It is a popular saying in Africa that what an elder can see while lying ,is something a young one wouldn't see even after climbing the tallest iroko tree. I wish I knew the meaning of this while I was way younger, wait! I think I did just never bothered to pay it some attention. Dad, a well known Christian whose upright conducts could make him pass for a deputy Jesus, always instructed us in the way of the Lord. well I guess I wasn't cut out for Christianity.

Dad wasn't wealthy and neither was mum but they did well in sponsoring my education I attended a private school which was quite expensive but we were doing just fine until my parents had my twin siblings . I didn't need a seer to tell me that dad's salary wouldn't be able to sustain my fees and my baby sisters. sooner or later I knew I would have to leave for a public school but hey! that's what big sisters do right? we make sacrifices and I have dealt with my full share of sacrifices.