
Surgeon in My Hero Academia

||ENGLISH ISN’T MY FIRST LANGUAGE|| Join the discord: https://discord.gg/gSNuRm9 Being killed by a crazy truck when you are about to be surgeon sucks right? But you know what doesn't sucks? Being reborn in the world of My Hero Academia with your knowledge of modern surgery and with the freaking abilities of Law from One Piece. Yes, it is the adventure of one dude trying to have an easy life fulfilling his dream with the Ope-Ope No Mi. There won't be any shit like helping random people just because he can, neither fawning over a deep shit like Midoriya. Our MC isn't a nihilist, but realistic. ----------------------------------------- Here I am, your regular newbie French writer. My fanfic isn't what I could call original, but I will try to keep up on updates and with your help, try to make my ff more interesting! Leave a lik- a review and put it in your bookshelf if you want to support me :). The cover is not mine but [Lasagna_God] did a few modifications on the original one and I am truly grateful to him. My Hero Academia is not mine, only the OC's are my creation. It’s AU If you want to talk to me, here I am: Antlike#8189 Aurevoir.

Antlike · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Bad experience

(Suzuki POV)

I am confused.

I thought that being born will be one of the greatest experience of my life. I was wrong. Oh god so wrong.

My birth was nothing too difficult for my mother, I can even say that it got smoothly.

But the experience was a true nightmare, a nightmare so dark, disgusting and painful that you would almost wish being a furry. Almost.

I don't think that you know what I am talking about, so I will describe you what my very soul felt.

First, when I got reborn, I still was inside the womb of my mother. It felt like being in the void except that you are squeezed from everywhere with a lot more of different fluids.

The pressure exerted on your body there, is nothing compared to when the labor has begun.

If I could, I would just skip this damn situation or just forget it, but here I am me and my prodigual memory. (This event made me a little claustrophobic I think.)

To be honest I can't remember much apart from this feeling, since I was still a newborn, neither could I see or hear a damn thing.

Otherwise I could immediately die from embarrasement. Imagine being naked covered from

different fluids being the mixture of yours and your mother, disgusting right?

You should know that I hate pain. I always hated it and always will surely. That's why I hate so much my birth. Few seconds after my birth, I took a deeeep inspiration, as you know it's just a natural reflex. But the thing that I overlooked, is the fact that my lungs weren't too accomodated to breathing since I always lived from the oxygen of my mother.

I will always remember the pain which welcomed me in this world, and I will never forgive it. (never ever)

So here I am, in my birth suit (literally), crying in the arms of who seems to be my mother.

Since I can't describe anything after that since I just fell asleep, I will switch the pov so you can enjoy it.


A/N: You son of a ***** stop breaking the wall.

"Fuck you author, you humiliated, what were you expecting?"

A/N: I swear that I feel like a crazy for writing this.



(Mom's POV)

I feel like the doctor had just put in my arms the best of all the treasures a mother can hope to have.

My little son, my Suzuki. He has my purple eyes and looks like a carbon copy of his father. He will surely be a handsome man, I must be aware of the girls who will try to take him away from me, he is way too cute for this world. While I was thinking about the future of my little boy in my arms, Hajime, my husband, the father of my son stretched out his arms almost trembling in the hope of carrying him.

"Can I… carry him, Konami-chan?" He said almost shyly

"Yes… I am tired I will see him later." I said but in fact, having my baby in my arms is as if I am carrying my world itself, it brings me so much joy and euphoria that I can ignore my tiredness.

I looked up at my husband carrying our son, a man of almost 200 centimeters behaving like a child who got the best gift of his life. I can't say that I won't be the same as him once standing.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


(Dad's POV)

I am currently carrying in my arms, the flesh of my flesh, the blood of my blood, the mixture between Konami-chan and I, Haji Reed. Maybe you think that my name (Reed) is unusual for a japanese, let me tell you that you are right. I am half Japanese, my father was an American and my mother a Japanese, they live in Japan since they met and I too met Konami-chan here in Japan.

I looked at the bed where my wife was resting, her long purple hair falling out of the bed, she did a great job delivering our little treasure. I looked at him, sleeping and drooling on my suit. He will become a lady killer that's for sure, a grin appearing on my face.

"Excuse me Mr. Reed, but we must prepare the baby so he can be ready to leave with you in the next day." the midwife announced to me.

"Take good care of him, I will be back in a few hours." I said giving her my son and making my way to my sleeping wife.

"Thanks for staying with me Konami-chan." I said putting a kiss on her forehead.

Then, I left the delivery room toward the parking where my Berline was parked. Once in my car, I got a call from my boss, the minister of social affairs, health and labor, Katsunobu Kato.

"Hello Reed-san"

"Hello, Kato-sama how are you today?"

"It is my line, it's today that your wife gives birth, right?"

"Yes it is, I can proudly say that I am the happiest father in the world now hahaha."

"Already?! Good work Reed-san I always knew you got the potential to be a good father haha.

It is a boy or a girl?" He asked curiously

"It's a boy, and for a while, I was thinking about all the potential perverts I should have protected her from."

"Haha being a father of a girl isn't easy at all right? Boys are less difficult, I wanted you to know about this pain too haha."

"You are mean Kato-sama haha, but I will have done my best either way."

"Yes I know you will have, take care, and don't forget to invite me to his party later, I will come with my daughter, she is 5 years old."

"There is no problem at all Kato-sama, maybe in the future, they can be more than friend haha."

"With her temper? It would be a miracle!"

"Goodbye Kato-sama, take care."

"Goodbye, Reed-san yeah take care too."

Here's the second chapter! Thanks y'all for the support!

This night I thought about the future of this fanfic, and normally it will be dope.

Recommend me to your friends and drop your comment if you want to help me or fix a possible error on my part.

Take good care of your health and your family, Edo Tensei isn't real!

Antlikecreators' thoughts