
Surgebinder in Game of Thrones

Plagued666 · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

Saving Arya


The one word shared was all Jason needed before he'd kick the man right in the chest. His peak human strength and steel-toed boot dented that golden chest plate, making Barristan be flung back with a pained yell. His arms were out wide as if bracing for a fall, while in fact he 'accidentally' tackled down Jaime along with another King's Guard within his reach. Jaime cursed out, caught off guard by the sudden fall which knocked his blade free from his grip.

Jason, however, did not pause for a moment, thrusting both hands forward and flexing his fingers summon stormlight. Putting his full focus into the source, the burst of telekinetic force flew out wide across the end of the throne room. It was strong enough to fling everyone onto their backs, including the Hound and King's Guards who hadn't be knocked down beside their Lord Commander. Cersei screamed out in terror as she was flung roughly aside, while Joffrey cried out having his back slammed into the rough back of the Iron Throne. For those who hadn't been hit by the Sign, they'd gawk in complete disbelief, unsure of what they just witnessed. As for Jason, he felt intense dizziness hit him like before, only far more intense as he felt like he was going to faint. Despite the feeling though he'd stand strong, swiping his blade off the ground and getting into a battle-ready stance.

At that same moment though, Beric and Thoros reacted as well. Each man grabbing a bomb at the Surgebinder's belt before throwing the alchemical devices into the crowd of shocked Watch before they'd turn their heads away and used their free arm to cover their faces. Loud bangs filled the room as the bomb exploded in blinding flashes of light and smoke, drawing shocked cries among the crowd of soldiers and courtiers.

"MOVE!" Jason ordered out, as the trio turned as one for the doorway out. There were only six guards in their way, only partly blinded by the bombs. They were quick to recover from being stunned, but that was all the time the group needed to fight through. Both Jason and Thoros gave a powerful shoulder charge to tackle the men aside, putting their strength to full use while the Watch's stance was weak. The group barreled out of the throne room and into the grand entrance hall. They could hear fighting echoing from outside in the main yard, the rest of the men loyal to Eddard clashing against a large ambush of Lannister soldiers.

"Go help the men! Fight your way out of the keep and get out into the city!" Jason quickly ordered Beric while Thoros slammed the heavy doors of the throne room shut, buying them a few more precious seconds.

"What about you?" Beric quickly questioned

"I need to get Ned's daughters. You two focus on staying alive! I'll find you somehow!" Before they could argue, he was already rushing down one hall leading deeper into the keep. Despite how fast he moved, he felt gnawing exhaustion creeping over him ever since he used stormlight. "Have to keep going. Just a bit longer."

Foreign bastard!"

The Lannister soldier swung out at the short duelist who casually batted attack aside with his study practice sword. Soon there be a ringing bang as wooden sword bashed into the man's armoured head, knocking his armoured form to the ground.

"And you will be speaking to me with more respect." Syrio had his other hand shift from behind his back, drawing his rapier from its sheath. He'd agilely spin both weapons in his hands, pacing slowly about as Ser Trant and the four other Lannister soldiers shifted to try surrounding both him and Arya.

"Kill the Braavosi and bring me the girl." The King's Guard ordered to the other men, their swords at the ready.

"Seems our lesson is over child. Stay away while I deal with our guests. I swore to your father to watch you after all." The man showed no fear as he spoke while his gaze shifted between the soldiers, trying to judge who'd make the first move.

Arya stood back, Needle in hand yet open worry hinting her face. While she trusted in her teacher's skill, she couldn't deny that the odds were against him still. "I can-" She started before suddenly one of the soldiers lunged for her, trying to slip by the duelist and take her hostage.

Syrio though was faster, body twisting about as he'd slide his thin blade through a gap in the soldier's ornate armour, drawing a pained cry weapon sunk in deep. The wooden sword followed up striking across his head to knock him aside, before the duelist turned about to parry an incoming blow. The two soldiers who rushed him soon were pushed onto the defensive as Syrio began a deadly dance with his weapons. He'd use the wooden sword to break the soldier's guard before following up with quick stabs or short cuts with his rapier

The two other men tried to aid their allies, yet Syrio dodged and turned about. He'd trip and push the men into each other, misdirecting any attack towards him onto another. More pained cries filled the air as one by one the soldiers were picked off, all badly wounded between Syrio direct attacks or from accidentally harming each other. Arya flinched seeing blood pool under the fallen men, all of them too wounded to keep fighting.

"Useless oafs," Trant growled as he'd draw his long sword and raise a shield, slowly closing in towards the duelist.

Syrio sidestepped about the knight, trying to outmanoeuvre the more heavily armoured man. As before he'd use the wooden sword defensively, yet it began to crack and splitter as Trant struck back with powerful sword blows and bashes with his shield. The duelist's rapier did get past the shield, but even the exposed points were two well armoured to pierce.

"Need a bigger sword, fool." Trant laughed out while Syrio remained silent, a cold fierce glare in his eyes. Suddenly there'd be the sound of metal being rendered, followed by the man giving a pained cry as he was slashed across his back. Falling to his knees, the King's Guard was barely able to support himself as he glanced back to see Jason loomed over him, blooded steel sword in hand. "You…freak…" He gasped before Syrio struck across the man's jaw with the wooden sword with a resounded crack. The sword broke from the force, Trant's jaw and right cheek no doubt suffering the same fate before slamming his head to the stone floor."

"The aid wasn't needed Surgebinder…though welcomed." Syrio sighed, though he gave a small thankful grin as he'd toss the broken training sword aside.

Jason looked over the room with the wounded soldiers spread about, groaning out in pain from their wounds. "Seems like you handled yourself well enough." His attention focused on Arya who looked right back at him, her worried expression quickly becoming a joyful one.

"Jason!" She hurried over to him too, almost hugging him before realizing this wasn't the right time. "What is going on? Father was acting odd this morning and…did something bad happens?"

"It is difficult to explain." The Surgebinder muttered before echoing yells could be heard from the hallway, making both him and Syrio glance to the doorway. Placing a hand on the girl's shoulder, he gave a serious look to her. "I'll tell you what happened once we're safe. I promised your father that I'd keep you and your sister safe, no matter the odds."

The girl was silent, obviously worried over what was going on. "I…I understand. Yet where are we going to go?"

Already Jason was wondering the same thing. No doubt all the ways leading directly out of the Keep were being watched by now. While he was certain he and Syrio could fight their way though, he didn't want to put Arya and Sansa at risk by putting them near another fight. "We'll find away." He assured Arya after a moment. "Right now, we need to find your sister before we leave."

"I'm not certain. I saw her with Jory earlier this morning heading off to the gardens."

"Then we best search there," Syrio remarked. "At the least within the gardens, we'll have more cover to elude the guards."

Nodding in agreement, Jason moved to the doorway out to check outside the hall. "Then let's go. Syrio, watch our back. Arya, you stay close behind me. If trouble comes, I expect you to keep away or run if need be."

"I'm not helpless you know!" The girl argued. "I know you are trying to protect me…but what was the point training me if-"

"Because if you hesitate for an instant, you may very well get hurt." Jason sternly warned. "I know you want to help, but right now there are too many risks. If needed you can defend yourself, but right now we must focus on escaping. Is that clear?"

The commanding tone had Arya quiet down before nodding in understanding.

"Good. Now let's move."

The group quickly filed out of the room, sneaking a winding route towards the gardens. Sometimes they'd stop as a group of guards hurried by, just avoiding them as they'd hang back to hide behind some cover.

"Our way is becoming more difficult Jason…" Syrio warned.

"I've noticed," Jason muttered back as he'd glance around the next corner. He'd notice one of the rooms along the hall open and a familiar robed figure standing at the doorway. Despite the chaos going on through the Keep, the spymaster looked ever calm, even amused from the way he stood there. The chubby man gave a small nod to the Surgebinder to follow along before disappearing into the room.

So…what is the Spider planning?" The duelist muttered, having just noticed the man as well.

"Either helping us or luring us into a trap. I hopefully helping." Checking about once more, he'd gesture for the group to hurry towards the room. Syrio was quick to close and lock the door behind them while Jason focused on Varys who was pacing along the western wall of the room, a simple bed-chamber by the looks of it. "So, Master of Whispers, did things play out as you expected?" He calmly questioned sword at the ready for any surprises.

At first, Varys didn't react as he'd touch his hand along the stone wall, almost as if he was looking for something. "I had many predictions on the outcome. Mainly it came down to the role Baelish would play…a costly mistake on Lord Stark's part. I'm certain you were very much against his involvement, so the blame isn't on you." He'd suddenly answer back. "I will admit your escape from the throne room was unexpected. Even with knowing about your formable skills, I was doubtful you'd leave that chamber alive, much less with your companions in tow."

"I had a few surprises left." Jason simply remarked back.

"Yes…" Varys tone became quite cold for a moment, eyes narrowing in a very judging manner. His hand pressed to another stone which clicked, sinking slightly into the wall. "Ah, there it was." The chubby man pushed up against the wall which slowly swung open like a door, revealing a dark passage behind it. "While I have many things to say about you Jason, now is not the best time." He'd fold his hands into the sleeves of his robes, again taking that calm stance. "The Red Keep has many secret passageways such as this. Follow this way until you reach an intersection, then take the right passage until you reach some stairs. Continue down and you should be led to the cliffs by Black Harbor, where a mutual friend of ours will be waiting to help you. I'm certain from there you will be able to handle yourself."

For a while, Jason didn't answer as he glanced to Syrio and Arya. The duelist had a cautious look about him while Arya seemed nervous about the spymaster, considering the fact she knew nothing of the man. "Syrio, take Arya ahead. I'll follow along in a moment."

"If you think that is for the best," Syrio answered back before gesturing for Arya to follow along.

For a moment the girl hesitated before she'd follow closely after her teacher, giving a worried look to Jason before she disappeared down the dark passage.

"Why help now?" Jason asked once his companions were gone, letting him speak privately with Varys.

"Because as I said before, I'm best suited to help in my subtle ways. If I was standing alongside you when you shared your accusations, I'd either be dead on the end of a spear or in chains like Lord Stark. Better that I work unsuspected among our enemies…" He'd pause as he'd pace away slowly. "For one, I can say Sansa is beyond your reach for now."

"Why is that?"

The spymaster rolled his eyes a bit. "She's been captured already and under heavy guard. Cersei had planned to blackmail Lord Stark if things didn't play out in her favour."

"Damn it…" Jason gripped his sword tightly, hating how the situation was only getting worse. "Why should I take your word as fact? You could be very much lying to me, trying to dissuade me."

"Because I have no reason to lie. If anything, your attention should be getting the other girl as far away from here as possible." Varys calmly countered back. "Debating won't help the matter. Focus on escaping and leave the rest to me. A time will come when your talents will be needed."

Remaining silent, the Surgebinder glanced to the passageway, unable to deny that time was key right now. After what Lord Baelish had pulled off, he was hesitant to believe people like Varys. If anything, he could sense a more hostile feeling coming off the man, the similar vibe he'd received countless times from those discriminated against anything magical. "Then pray you don't make the same choice as Littlefinger." He warned as he'd move for the dark passage. "If you do see him though…give him a message."

Varys turned to glance at the Surgebinder, the man's cat-like eyes glowing fainting in the low light of the hidden passageway.

"Tell him if I ever see him again. I'll kill him." It was a cold and blunt message, chilling enough that even Vary seemed to shiver for a moment.

The spymaster simply bowed slightly in response, composing himself after that message was given. "Be safe Surgebinder. Oh, and don't worry about contacting me. I'll find you instead." With that said, he'd grasp the hidden doorway and pull it closed, leaving Jason in darkness.