
Rescuing Starks part-3

The Queen screamed at the scene. Jason didn't react as he'd ignore her spitting curses, moving to Sansa who stood by looking terrified. "It's time we leave Lady Sansa." He formally said to her, offering one hand for her to take.

"I…I know…" She muttered while holding back fearful tears. "I can move on my own. Still…thank you, Jason."

The two quickly hurried down to the main stage were already Stark loyalists had gathered up, Beric and Thoros checking up on Eddard. However, before they could reach them, Sandor and the two King's Guard stood in their way, having dealt with their fire problem. All of them looked angry as well, though seemed hesitant to rush him after seeing what he could do. Hopefully, Jason could use their fear to his advantage since he couldn't risk wasting more stormlight in the middle of a fight.

"Sansa. Go to your father and the others." Slowly he moved to get in the way of Sandor and the King's Guard, not wanting them to try and stop Sansa from hurrying over to the Stark Loyalists. "All of you should back off. If anything, you'd be better off stopping the riot instead of us."

Sandor gave a grim chuckle, seeming amused. "This is personal Surgebinder. I knew since we fought all the way in Winterfell you were a cheat. Whatever your…tricks are, be it magic or crackpot alchemy."

"So, you're doing this over fucking pride then? Being that petty." By now Sansa had slipped by to hurry to the others, Eddard embracing her closely, thankful she was safe.

"Pride is all I got left and if anything, the King's Guard here want your blood for wounding their King."

There was a short standoff, the three foes shifting slightly as they were ready to attack. One of the King's Guard moved first before the other followed and Sandor behind him. At that moment Jason drew three throwing knives with his left hand, each blade fitting between delft fingers. With pinpoint accuracy, he'd throw a knife at each man, aiming for the exposed opening at the shoulder joints of their armour, focusing on disrupting their charge. For the two King's Guard, they couldn't react quickly enough as the sharp blades pierce into the exposed spot, drawing pains cries as the metal cut into sensitive muscle.

Sandor though understood the Surgebinder better, turning his body just enough to have the thrown blade bounce off his heavily armoured shoulder. He'd keep his shoulder up for a tackling charge, though Jason dodged aside to avoid it. Both twisted as their blades struck against each other, the supernatural one sliced the Hound's sword and armour, missing the flesh. One more knight came out of nowhere.

"Oh no, you don't!" The sudden roar of Thoros drew the two knight's attention before the Red Priest lunged in, blade striking down at one to force him to defend. "Come on fight me!" The men had little choice as the wild warrior lashed out aggressively, his near-suicidal behaviour, unlike anything they had faced.

Jason smirked, glad he had someone watching his back. From what he could just see the others were hurrying off the stage, Eddard being supported by his daughter and Beric. Meanwhile, the other men protected them from any threats, be it from the rioting mob of commoners or the guards who struggled to capture them.

"Don't have time for you Hound…"

"You run now and I'll hunt you to the ends of the world Surgebinder!" He threatened back, lashing out with a heavy backhand which Jason leaned back to avoid.

"We'll see." Both clashed and spun around, the Surgebinder putting his incredible speed to use as he forced Sandor to use his reach and size to protect himself. He'd performed a faint, making the Hound accidentally attack out which left his defences open, giving Jason a chance to roll past him. "Thoros! The Bombs"

"Right!" The Red Priest kicked the one of the King's Guard back before drawing his bomb, sparking it's fuse quickly before throwing it down at the same time as Jason's. The bombs exploded loudly before smoke filled the air, drawing curses from Sandor as he'd swing wildly out, trying to get at Jason or the Red Priest, both having leapt off the stone platform by then.

The two had their feet land on the back of two guards struggling with the mob, knocking the men down before they hurried off. By this point there was noise on the far end of the plaza, horns blowing as Lannister soldiers came in as reinforcements, already working on breaking up the mob of brawling commoners.

"Damn it…got here faster then I thought," Jason muttered.

"Must be Tywin's doing. Bet he knew trouble may break out one way or another…though I doubt he expected us to come in." Thoros laughed. "Need to do this more often Surgebinder! I haven't had his much fun since the Greyjoy Rebellion!"

The Surgebinder simply shook his head, too tired and focused right now to jest back. Until Eddard and his daughters were safe, then he could do that.

For once Jason realized just how confusing the maze-like alleys of King's Landing were as he'd sprint through them, barely having time to figure which direction to go next. Often, he had to yell out for Thoros and even slow down for the Red Priest to keep up.

"By the Fire…slow…slow down a bit…" The man gasped out, bracing one hand to a nearby wall to catch his breath.

"Tell that to the guards closing in on us. Besides we have to catch up with the main group and make sure they are safe." Just as he said that the familiar bang and whistle of a flare filled the air, making both look upward to see the sparking light being quite close. "They're close and in trouble. Break's over."

The Red Priest sighed as he watched the Surgebinder hurry off before shrugging aside his exhaustion to give chase. "Damn it! Can't let you steal all the glory!"

Jason quick traced a path to where the flare had been over, his sharp ears soon picking up yells and the sounds of fighting nearby. Rounding a corner, he'd enter a large crossroads space, pretty much a public yard the commoners came here for a cleaning. Right now, though it was crowded with a frantic skirmish between the Stark Loyalists and City Watch supported by Lannister troops. Eddard was in the centre, yelling out orders to the men while he kept Sansa and much to Jason's surprise, Arya as well. The young girl glanced about in a panic, the fighting around her far more brutal and chaotic then what she had witnessed before.

Jason noticed Syrio close by the Stark family, facing off against two Watch guards he parried their attacks and dodge about, stabbing one man in the side then the other in the back with his sharp thin blade. Beric and his men were trying to clear a path southward, yet most were busy trying to keep the follow of attackers back who filed out from the other alleys. Smoke bombs were thrown at the attackers, letting a few get a few lethal blows on the surprised soldiers, yet one by one a few of the Loyalists were being picked off as well. The lack of better armour and weapons with reach left them at a disadvantage.

"Let's even the odds," Thoros yelled out, the man grabbing a dropped shield among the fallen.

"Keep the reinforcements back while I clear an escape route!" Jason ordered, the Red Priest nodding as he charged off, shield bashing a trio of soldiers, giving his fellow allies a chance to regroup.

Jason moved over to the gathered Starks and Syrio, the duelist quickly seeing the stern look the Surgebinder had towards Arya. "I found the girl at the plaza mid-way through the trial. Seems she had slipped away from Davos watch soon after we left." Syrio explained, making Arya glance away slightly.

For a moment the Surgebinder wanted to snap out at her, but the look Eddard's gave showed he had already chastised his daughter for her recklessness. "At least she's safe." However, he'd suddenly hear the whisk of an arrow nearing them, twisting about to deflect it out of the air before it hit him. Looking up, he'd see soldiers on the lower rooftops, armed with bow or crossbows. Seeing one aiming, Jason drew his crossbow with his free hand and fired, striking the soldier in the chest before he fell to the ground with a cry. "We're not going to last with arrows and bolts coming down on us!"

More projectiles were fired into the group, Jason working his blade back and forth as he blocked as many as he could. With practised skill, he'd reload his crossbow, loading in more specialized bolts such as a split or small explosive bolt to take out a group of archers. The men who had shields raised them overhead to provide cover, while those without kept the ground forces back. Eddard kept low, keeping both daughters close to shield them, though his supporters made sure to provide cover for the lord.

"Damn we just need an opening!" Beric yelled out, kicking one of the guards back and dodging a thrusting spear, quickly snapping the shaft with a strong slash.

At this point, there was only one choice left as Jason moved to draw out grapeshot. He hated the idea of using such a bomb in close quarters will his companions close by, but he had to risk it. "Retreat! If you value your life take cover!" It was a warning for both his allies and the soldiers, giving them a chance to spare themselves. He'd see a few of the soldiers yell out some warnings, recognizing the Surgebinder, yet a group seemed determined to press on the assault.

Lighting the bomb, he threw it at the chokepoint of the alley just as the last of the Loyalists hurried away. The soldiers must didn't back off even as the explosive rolled close, no doubt thinking it a harmless smoke bomb. However, the devastating explosion proved otherwise, drawing horrible screams as the men at the centre of the blast were blown into pieces while those just far off were thrown aside. The force of the bomb cracked the nearby walls of the buildings making the alley, causing them to crumble to partly block the way.

"Arya…Sansa…don't look back there…" Jason heard Eddard mutter, not wanting his girls to see the scattered body parts and splattered blood that bomb had created. Sansa whimpered, the girl no doubt in shock over all the violence she witnessed today. Arya did glance slightly at the gory carnage, a troubling fascination showing much like she had to see Syrio fight back at the Red Keep.

"Gods…" Beric muttered, the sight shocking even to the experienced lord.

"No time to be battle shocked," Jason warned, glancing up to see the archers had ducked away, worried of more bombs or exploding crossbow bolts. "They are scared off for now, but they'll be back any moment." He'd pause as he glanced around, debating on a new way forward. All the remaining alleys were no doubt guarded, leaving them cornered in this yard. Before he could speak up though, he heard a click behind him from one of the backdoors to one building. "Behind us!"

Most of the Loyalists turned to the door, weapons raised as it opened. A Lannister soldier stood behind it before suddenly dropping forward onto the ground. A confused look crossed Jason's face before seeing someone else who had been standing behind the soldier, a grey cloaked figure stepping into view. Even before the hood was pulled back, Jason recognized the man by just his tall and steady stance.


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