
Surgebinder in Game of Thrones

Plagued666 · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

Planning rescue part-2

Three days slowly pasted by, dull yet tense days as Jason watched Davos men bring in scattered Stark loyalists. Most detailed their difficult battle out of the Red Keep, only to get surrounded by Tywin's soldiers who were returning to the Keep at that moment. Most were captured in that case, leaving only a third of the force remaining.

The news was quickly released, mainly the declaration of Joffrey being the next King of the Seven Kings. Then there were the claims of Eddard attempting a coup in a selfish grab for power, using lies of Joffrey being a bastard of Cersei with an unknown individual. Jason wasn't certain if the Queen had this information leak out from the Court or the gossiping nature of that environment had let such details slip. There was a brief list of co-conspirators released, with the Surgebinder being listed as the second in command along with having the largest bounty of fifty thousand gold crowns. There was no mention of his Signs, making him assume they either decided to hide the fact his magical nature or perhaps they didn't understand what had happened during the escape from the throne room.

Beyond that, there were no details on the inner workings within the Red Keep, though Jason assumed Varys would fill him in when the spymaster decided to reveal himself. On the fourth night since Ned's capture, Jason would sudden hear loud chatter outside in the main common room. He'd quickly head over to find the surviving men gathered around Thoros and Beric, the two men looked dirtied and quite roughed up by the looks of it.

"You crazy bastard!" Thoros laughed out when he saw the Surgebinder, moving up to firmly shake hands with. "We thought you were going through hell, but here you are lazing around in a dank warehouse."

"Gotten lucky really," Jason remarked back, a small smirk on his face. "What have you two been through? Heard a lot of mixed rumours, some claims you were dead or had fled the city."

"Hiding out in Flee Bottom," Beric explained. "A few of the locals helped, mainly recognizing Thoros from the tournament. The guards tracked us down, forced us to flee and fight a few times. We were lucky Davos men found us since the bounties put on us were quickly turning the peasants against us."

"Greed is a useful weapon, something the Lannisters use well." Jason looked between his two companions. "Right now, you two deserve a long rest and wash. You both saved a lot of lives getting your men to spread out through the city."

"Aye…but doesn't change the fact over what happened," Beric muttered grimly. "It is only a matter of time that Cersei and her son put Lord Stark on a public trial and as for Sansa…they no doubt will force her to marry Joffrey to ensure control of the North in the years to come."

"A power grab through force." The Surgebinder muttered. "So then what do we do now?"

Everyone in the room glanced between each other before all eyes focused on the Surgebinder, who glanced about as if expecting them to be looking at someone else.

"Wait…surely you're not expecting me to lead everyone? Lord Beric, these are your men after all, and you have an official position considering."

"That is true though relying on my title will do little. I'm a minor lord considering and my influence here in King's Landing is nonexistent now that I'm branded a traitor. Besides I lack any connections within the capital." The nobleman answered back. "When all seemed beak in the throne room, it was your quick planning and skill that got us all out alive."

"Don't look to me, Jason. I know a dozen prayers to the Red God and will fight any man you point me to…but leading has never been a skill of mine." Thoros quickly reacted when Jason's gaze moved onto him.

The Surgebinder was silent as he looked over the group, gazes of respect even a bit of awe showing. Everyone must have heard of the daring escape out of the Keep along with the fact he openly insulted Joffrey and Cersei in such a bold manner. Jason never saw himself as a leader, it wasn't right for a Surgebinder to take such a role. Yet it had happened time and again.

"For one we need an escape plan from the city. Leaving by land is going to be impossible with such a large group…lucky we have Davos here."

The trader decided to speak up, having been hanging back for most of the conversation. "My ship should be able to sneak everyone out of the city. Will need time to get proper disguises and other arrangements so that we have no trouble slipping away from the capital and to the safety of Dragonstone."

"You think Lord Stannis will let us stay?"

"Of course, he will! Lord Stark put his reputation and life on the line to declare Stannis as the rightful heir. It has second thoughts I will argue for days and nights to change his stubborn mind."

"Heh, good to know." Jason paused in thought before Thoros spoke up.

"What about Lord Stark and his other daughter? Surely we should plan a rescue or-"


"What?! You're not suggesting we let that damn witch parade him around and-"

"You're not thinking right Thoros. Cersei may be power-hungry but she's not stupid. If Eddard dies, the whole North along with its allies will lash out in vengeance. If we try and free him, we'll only verify him as a traitor even further."

"Just not right to leave him…" The Red Priest grumbled.

Beric put a firm hand on the man's shoulder. "Your sense of loyalty is right, but the approach is wrong. Using force got us into this crisis, we can't make that mistake again."

"Thoros does have one point, we need to be ready for anything. Weapons and armour could help if any surprises come around."

"Sadly I can't simply buy arms and armour for you. Doing so no would surely draw attention to me and possibly expose us." Davos muttered.

With that detail shared, Jason thought for a moment before an idea came to mind. "May have someone who can help with this…"