
Letter to Ned

Jeor chuckled at the remark. "That aside, how long do you plan to stay Jason?"

"Plan to leave with Tyrion. Have to keep him safe and ensure a speedy return back to King's Landing. Eddard wants me at his side before they arrive after all. Still, plan to send a raven, perhaps to one of the Keeps the royal caravan will be passing through on the way south or to King's Landing in case I'm delayed."

"Then you're free to do so. We keep the ravens close to Maester's Aemon's quarters where you can write your message as well."

"Thank you Commander Jeor." Jason moved to stand up. "If you need anything else of me just ask."

The Night's Watch Commander nodded as the Surgebinder moved to leave his office, yet spoke up as Jason reached the door. "One last question. Jon Snow, is it true about slaying his share of Wildlings?"

Jason glanced back. "Of course it is. He may be young, but he was naturally skilled before I came along. Has a good sense of honour and bravery about him, the trait you need in this bleak place. Don't push him aside…don't waste his potential." With that said, he'd open the door and leave the room yet could see Jeor thinking thoughtfully over what was shared


Jason soon found his way to the Maester's quarters which were on the other side of the inner keep. Knocking at the door, an old voice spoke out to him. "Oh…come in please."

Entering the room, it was similar to Maester's Ludwin's quarters, being half a library and study with a large bed set in one corner. Sitting at one chair was possibly the oldest man Jason had seen in this world. He was pale, almost having paper thin skin at a glance along with short white hair that just crowned his head. The Master's eyes were a dull pale, a sign of the man being blind as he'd look blankly at Jason.

"At last…so you're the Surgebinder I've heard. Jason Back." The man remarked, his voice clear yet having an aged tremble to it. "I had a feeling you'd visit me soon after arriving."

"How do you know I'm Jason? You've never met him after all." The Surgebinder questioned.

The Maester chuckled, nodding. "True. Yet I can say I've never heard anyone step as silently and sure as you. No one here moves in such a way…and considering the tales of you...well who else could it be." Although the man did shrug. "Then again I could be guessing…an aged bluff if you will."

"Heh, at least you have a sense of humour." Jason jested, making the Maester grin in amusement. "I take your Aemon? I was told to come here to get a raven sent south."

"Yes…I can imagine you must have an important report to share. Parchment and ink are over by that desk." The Maester answered back, pointing to a writing desk across the room. "Haven't written in years, yet often my steward does that duty for me when messages need to be sent."

Already Jason moved to the desk, getting a fresh bottle and roll of parchment out. "Sounds like you've been here for a long time Maester." He muttered as he'd get a good quill and dab it in ink to begin writing.

"Very long yes. Between the many years becoming a Maester and then coming to the Wall…nearly half my life overall." Aemon remarked.

"The path of a Maester is a long while. Luwin is quite aged and I know he took many optional topics before joining the Starks." Jason commented as he continued to write.

"Aye…Luwin is quite a knowledgable Maester. We often chatted for hours whenever the First Ranger visited Winterfell for supply and recruits. But I'd distracting us…I'm one hundred and two if the dates are correct."

The Surgebinder's writing paused as he'd glance at Aemon, the old Maester look towards him yet his gaze distant at the same time. "You're joking right?"

Aemon shook his head, giving a soft grin. "I do not jest you Surgebinder. I'll admit the lessons of Old Town helped me maintain my health, yet the Wall to me kept me enduring. Perhaps it's the fresh cool air that flows over its peak? In the end, I plan to serve my duties as full as possible and advise our Lord Commander."

Jason smirked a bit. "Heh, you remind me a bit of my own master." He muttered as he continued to write. "Dalinar…well…the strongest Surgebinder I knew. Master fencer and wisest of our group. Must have been around your age until his death. You two get along I think sharing stories and picking at each other's knowledge."

"He sounds like an interesting man," Aemon remarked, nodding his head slightly. "I can tell you miss him. From how you speak of him he died fighting for what he believed in."

Jason was surprised at Aemon's sense of empathy, especially with how the Surgebinder spoke bluntly in tone. Then again it was hard not to think fondly and sadly of his teacher, since even after the many months of not meeting him, he didn't know if Dalianar was still alive, it troubled him still. "I do." He muttered, thinking back on the tense battle he had where Dalinar saved his life.

"Yet that doesn't ease the loss does it?" Aemon calmly stated. "I know loss well. My family is all dead or lost. It is a sad truth yet one I accept and remember. Never let a memory burden you but drive your conviction to press on."

At this point, he wondered if the Maester was a mind reader at this point. "What is the point of you sharing such advice with me?"

The Maester smiled softly. "Because it is what I do best and in the end master Surgebinder, even you need guidance."

Pausing, Jason sighed at the aged man's answer. "Heh…want to hear a truth about me Aemon. Maybe a bit unbelievable."

"Considering the long letter I received detailing your Surgebinder upbringing…it must be quite hard."

Aemon was silent, yet his eyes had a thoughtful look. "The training and experiments you went through young. The letter said they changed you yes? Physically enhanced you to peak condition. I've heard of such concoctions yet such studies have been outlawed by the Maesters for the dangerous and unethical uses it has lead. By logical such changes, no doubt affect your life span, preserving your body twice as long. Yes…it makes sense and is fascinating."

"As it is with most in this cruel world," Aemon muttered in agreement. "Bah, but I distract you from your work master Surgebinder. Finish your letter. We have plenty of time to talk later."

Jason realized he had finished only a third of his writing, making him smirk as he'd move his quill about to continue. Soon he'd finish his message and check over it.

To Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of the North and new Hand of the King:

I have arrived safely to the Wall and Castle Black yet faced another group of Wildlings. Jon and Lord Tyrion are safe yet this shows that something is stirring beyond the Wall. Lord Commander Jeor has already shared the many difficulties which I will personally share on my arriving at King's Landing with you and King Robert. Lord Tyrion also shares an interest in supporting the Night's Watch along with other matters of importance, in sight of debt for saving his life against the Wildlings. Overall be on guard and watch your daughters closely.

From, Jason.