

"Sounds like a name for a guild…a strange one at that," Mott muttered nothing noting Jason's eyes. By then the servant girl returned with drinks and fresh bread for the two, setting it down at the table before leaving without a word. "I would like to know more Jason. You're not like any knight or warrior I've met before…"

For a moment the Surgebinder didn't answer as he'd glance to the brandy, picking the bottle up and filling both cups. "Not sure if I should tell you. Sort of a personal story." He muttered.

"Then on my honour as a master smith and under the dark gaze of the Black Goat, I swear to guard whatever secrets you share with me. None will hear a word beyond this room." The man said in a calm serious tone, hand raise and fingers set in a gesture of some kind.

Jason wasn't sure if the man truly had a magic about him. At best his power was on a basic level to what he knew, yet it no doubt gave the man an edge with his work. "Very well then…" Picking up his cup, he'd take a drink and give a small sigh downing the strong liquor.


The day went by quickly as Jason and Mott chatted, the Surgebinder detailing his full made-up story and history of his kind. The master smith was quiet and respectful, only speaking when he had a simple question asked. He showed no doubt even on the most fantastical elements such as monsters and magic. Perhaps the man did believe in such things, considering the city he had been raised in.

"Amazing…I remembered some lectures back home in Qohor. Theories on secret warrior clans" The smith muttered as he set his cup down. "You tale explains everything. Why your sword is made of such exotic and strong material along with the runes strengthening it to an even greater degree." Sighing, he'd lean back in his seat. "Ah, I'd trade everything just to see this world of yours and learn its crafting secrets."

"Heh willing to trade that much for knowledge?" Jason chuckled as he finished his drink.

"In Qohor, sacrifice is everything there. Equivalent exchange if you will."

"Huh…remember some young alchemist back home saying something like that. Can't remember who though." Jason shrugged. "Sad to say there isn't any boat back home. Still, I may have an alternative means to get what you seek."

"Oh? A trade?"

Jason nodded. "I even have materials from home. Meteorite ore, dark steel and dimeritium."

"Quite the offer, yet what would you want in return?"

"You're crafting skills and expertise on a certain matter. My gear may be good yet they can do with some improvements. I'm taking part in the upcoming tournament and I'm going to need every edge I can get going against full armoured knights."

"And the certain matter you mentioned?

"I'm doing an investigation for the Lord Eddard Stark. It's a private matter, yet it involves tracing down the owner of a certain weapon. A Valyrian steel dagger with a dragon bone hilt."

Mott thought for a moment over the description. "That is quite a unique weapons. Valyrian steel weapons are very one of a kind and often related to family Houses or rich individuals. In Essos many treasure hunters brave the ruins of the old empire for lost weapons."

"So that means most weapons can be traced back by their unique design?"

"Exactly. Valyrian steel can be reforged yet it's a complicated process to ensure the metal keeps its unbreakable strength and strong edge. Lucky I'm one of few known individuals on the continent with such skills. I think only a handful of Maesters who have dedicated to the mystic studies and forging can do the process."

"Very interesting. Anyway, I'll be sure to have you examine the dagger once it's delivered to me. Besides that, I'd like to have my armour and swords worked on."

"As long as you share those materials that sound fair to me. If anything special comes up though I'm sure we can negotiate on any additional costs."

The two firmly shook hands to seal the deal before they'd get out of their seats. "Anyway, it has been nice talking with you Mott. I'll be sure to return tomorrow."

"It's been a pleasure, Jason. Until next time."

The master smith escorted the Surgebinder out of his lavish store and home. Once the heavy doors were closed and locked behind him, Jason began to the long walk back down the Street of Steel. Half the day had just past by chatting with Mott yet he felt he had gained a useful ally. Rubbing one hand over his chin, he'd realize that his beard had grown out quite a lot. He had ignored it because of how long he had been travelling for so long, no doubt giving him a fitting Northerner look.

"Guess a trim is needed if I plan to stay at the Keep." He muttered as he moved along. His next destination was the Street of Silk, guessing it may be a good chance to privately chat with Lord Baelish if he was at his brothel. At the least, he planned to visit a barber that he heard had a shop set up on that street, no doubt for customers wanting to look presentable at the many businesses of pleasure. He'd head back to the main city square before the Great Sept then head northward up the Street of Sisters, a long stretch of road which leads between the massive chapel and the ruined Dragon Pit.

Heading towards the ruin, the surroundings had a more lavish quality as the area around the western side of the Dragon Pit hill. From he understands this was the noble district where the richer merchants and nobility lived in. Some homes were built along the hillside, old yet maintained structures that no doubt traced back to King's Landing founding. Yet on the other side of the hill laid the opposite, the packed and dirty slums of Flea Bottom. Because of the hill's shape, all the waste and trash from the west side ended up on the east which was the main reason for the slum's sorry state.

A short search soon led to him finding a barbershop, a small yet welcoming establishment fitting for the district. The owner was an older gentleman who gave a curious look to Jason, no doubt because of the pale hair and yellow cat eyes. "My…either my sight is failing me today or you have beast eyes." The man chuckled.

"It isn't. Had these for most of my life. Bloodline trait." Jason calmly stated as he'd enter the shop which little more than a small room with a comfortable chair facing a mirror with counter close-by with razors and scissors set across it.

"No doubt an interesting tale, yet one I won't pry into. Overall you seem normal enough to me…ah…eyes and pale features aside." The man pulled the chair back before the mirror. "Though I take you're here for a trim. I can tell you no doubt been travelling for a while and need a little sprucing up."

Jason nodded as he'd unsling his sword off his back and set it beside the chair before sitting down. "You guessed right. Have an important meeting with one Lord Baelish."

"Ah, the Master of Coin. A charming fellow always comes here to get his hair styled." The barber remarked as he'd get a case of shaving cream from a sealed bowl, rubbing it along Jason bearded chin and cheeks. "I can say my business draws quite the unique costumers. Even have King Robert visit a few times in the early days of his reign."

"Wait you've had the King visit you?" Jason remarked in surprise as the man got one of the shaving razors.

"I guess my skills are just that good. He's was a good patron, although the Gold Cloaks always breathing down my neck while I work." The barber chuckled as he began to drag the sharp blade along the Surgebinder's chin. Jason did tense slightly since when it came to shaving, he always felt a bit vulnerable having a blade so close to his neck. "I worked my way from Flea Bottom, worked for coppers back then. Took a decade to save enough along with a war to…uh…free up business."

"Quite the good fortune you've had then."

"Thank you." The barber is silent for a while as he'd focus on his work, having Jason's beard halfway shaved.

"So I take you to know a lot about your more renown patrons. Maybe you can share a little insight into Lord Baelish."

"Not much to say really. A youthful man is full of ambition. I can relate to him well considering how he's risen from a lowly rank to a high member of Small Council." The barber muttered. "Never met a man more cunning when it comes to finance and coin."

"Sounds like quite the businessman."

"Indeed. Some of the nobility do look down on him still. Unfair I say." Getting a clean towel, he'd wipe Jason's face clean of any remaining shaving cream. Once, the Surgebinder would examine himself in the mirror, rubbing across his smooth face before giving a small nod of approval.

"Smooth shave. Very good."

"Thank you." Setting the razor aside, he'd get set scissors out before snipping at Jason's white hair.

"So any advice with dealing with him?"

"If you want his help you'd best make an offer. Man is fair yet he never does anything without wanting something in return." The haircut didn't take too long to finish as the man got a brush to sweep Jason's shoulders clean of any stray hair.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the cut." Getting out of the seat, Jason quickly paid the man, adding a little extra as a tip for his advice.

"Seven have a fortune for you, sir." The barber said with a smile before the Surgebinder left, before then focusing on cleaning the floor of hair.