
Surgebinder in Game of Thrones

Plagued666 · Book&Literature
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146 Chs

Confrontation part-1


There was a sudden banging on the door, making the Surgebinder snap his eyes open before springing to action. He tumbled out of bed, rolling with his movement to land on his feet while grabbing his steel sword set just in reach. However, as the door suddenly unlocked he'd relax as he saw it was Thoros and some unknown man dressed in fine leather, chainmail and a deep green cloak fitting of a lord. Both seemed a bit taken back by Jason's battle-ready pose, yet quickly calmed down despite the fearsome surprise.

"What's going on?" Jason questioned as he lowered his sword to his side.

"A meeting has been called for in the throne room by Queen 'Regent' Cersei and 'King' Joffrey…at least that's what the messenger has claimed." Thoros quickly explained.

The other man stepped into the room, giving a small bow to Jason. "I feel it would be best to introduce myself. Lord Beric, titles can wait. Right now, the men are being organized and Lord Stark expects you at his side with confronting the queen."

The news was sudden, yet the Surgebinder understood the situation. "Give me a few minutes. Beric, go meet with your men. Thoros, wait outside until I'm ready."

The Red Priest grinned, pleased with the direct commands given. "Heh of course Surgebinder. Let us see how fate plays out today!"

Both men left, giving Jason time to change into fresh clothes and his armour. Strapping his swords onto his back, Dragonfang at the hip and a selection of basic potions and bombs. The bombs were mainly a selection nonlethal ones to avoid any unneeded deaths. Making sure the chest was tightly locked and the key in hand, he'd leave the room and rejoin Thoros.

Both hurried through the Red Keep, heading down to the lower floor and the main yard just outside the main hall. The gathered men were a mix of Ned's Northern guards and Beric's troops, a sizable force combined. Eddard was busy speaking with Beric, dressed in a quilted vest and leathers along with having a longsword at his side. Seeing the Surgebinder and the Red Priest, he'd finish speaking with the other Lord before turning his attention to them.

"Seems it has come to this. Cersei has played her hand and now expects us to do the same." He muttered. "She has most of the court already gather, though Lord Tywin is absent."

"Odd…has he left the capital?" Jason questioned.

"It seems Tywin has been tracing back on our your investigation throughout the city personally. Maybe he thinks we had a hand in Robert's death or is trying to figure out what we've discovered."

"Explains the timing of this gathering. Cersei's father could easily complicate matters if he was present." Jason remarked on.

"Indeed. I feel Tywin would be against Joffrey being crowned so quickly after Robert's death, considering the fact the boy lacks the skills and mentality to lead. That is not including the truth about his parentage." Ned shook his head. "For now, we work with the authority vested in me as the Hand. If Cersei resists, then we will have to use force."

"Then let's hope she's not that mad with ambition." The Surgebinder thought for a moment, quickly realizing something. "Is Arya and Sansa safe?"

Ned nodded. "Syrio is with Arya while Sansa has Jory and two of our guard watching her at my tower. They should be safe for what is to come."

Jason relaxed, though he wished the two girls were halfway across Westeros instead of here. "Then let's do this. Be ready for anything…"

Eddard nodded slightly in agreement before gesturing to ten of the gathered men. "The rest of our men will wait outside in case of trouble. The Gold Cloaks are already within the hall along with Lord Baelish, so hopefully, their numbers will be enough if a fight breaks out."

Mutterings of understanding followed before Eddard took the lead marching into the main hall with Jason following alongside, while Beric and Thoros following close behind. There were a few lesser nobles who were milling about in the hall, giving surprising looks seeing the well-armed trope approaching the throne room. The men of the Watch hardly reacted to their arrival, showing unflinching professionalism the entire time. Within the throne room itself, nearly everyone Jason knew who lived within the Red Keep was gathered within the grand chamber. More of the Watch lined the sides of the hall, spears in hand and arming swords at the hip.

Littlefinger stood by the entryway, seeming to have been waiting for their arrival. He'd step up to whisper something to Lord Stark, Eddard not saying anything back. Baelish though had that confident smirk hinting his lips, though why Jason wasn't certain.

The Surgebinder was quick to notice other key members of the Court such as Varys who stood among the crowd, hands tucked into the sleeves of his robes and looking as calm as ever. His observant gaze did focus on the group, a serious hint showed in his bright eyes as he no doubt knew what was about to happen. Pycelle stood close by the spymaster, a black notebook and pen in hand as he was quickly writing something down, no doubt a recording of what he was witnessing.

Barristan, Jaime along with five of the other King's Guard stood lined up before the looming Iron Throne. All of them were fully dressed in their golden armour along with fine metal shields which they had strapped to their backs. Jason couldn't deny they were quite imposing at this moment; all the men's faces having focused looks under their helmets.

Behind them beside the Iron Throne was Sandor, fully dressed and looking the cleanest Jason had ever seen. While the King's Guard were regal, he looked fierce with his hound shaped helm closed over his head. Despite his face being covered, the Surgebinder could sense the man's gaze set on him directly.

On the other side of the throne sat Cersei herself, dressed in her finest clothes for this occasion. It was the most queenly she had ever looked with her crown set onto of her stylized hair, giving her a regal if snobby look, at least from the Surgebinder's point of view. A small frown hinted her face seeing the armed force Eddard had brought, but she seemed calm none of the less.

Next to her stood Lancel, dressed in a new set of squire clothes with the more fitting colours of the Lannister house. When he saw Jason he was wide-eyed and face paled, making the Surgebinder wonder if his Axii Sign had been faulty somehow. The young man leaned in to whisper something to Cersei, yet the woman's expression remained unchanged even after he finished speaking.

Lastly, there was her son who sat on the high seat of the bladed throne, lodging back to be comfortable on the rough metal seat. He too was changed into the finest set of clothes Jason had seen the prince in, regal leather designed in a scaled pattern along with brown fine cloth under it. His face had a serious look to it, almost commanding as he'd stare at Eddard directly. Despite the armed men followed the Stark, he seemed unconcerned of them.

Soon Eddard's group stopped in the middle of the room, keeping a fair distance from the line of King's Guard between them and Joffrey. Ned looked up at the prince, having a determined look in his eyes as he seemed to wait for the boy to speak first.

"I commend the Council to make all the necessary arrangements for my coronation. I wish to be crowned within the fortnight. Today I will accept oaths of fealty from my loyal Councilors." The boy's gaze drifted across the hall, passing over each of the members of the Small Council before settling back on Ned. "My father's murder is a great tragedy, but we mustn't let fear and hesitation deny Seven Kingdoms its rightful ruler."

For a long moment, no one spoke within the hall, the silence almost deafening if it weren't for the muffled din of bells ringing in the city. Jason wondered how much of the boy's speech was of his own making or prepared by his dear mother's advice. In the end, though, Eddard at last spoke.

"Bold words your grace…however being too hasty is unwise." He calmly answered back before shifting one hand to his belt, drawing the sealed scroll of Robert's last decree. "You may claim the right to rule, yet that is not for you to decide."

Both Joffrey and Cersei gave confused looks, anger hinting the boy's eyes. "What do you mean Lord Stark?" He questioned sharply.

Ned looked forward at Barristan, the old knight staring back. "Ser Barristan. I believe no man here could question your honour." He'd hold out the scroll to the man, who'd slowly step forward and take it.

He'd examine the parchment closely, focusing on the wax seal. "King Robert's seal. Unbroken." Slowly, he'd pace closer to the Iron Throne before opening the scroll and began to read it out loud before reaching the decree's conclusion. "Lord Eddard Stark is to be hereby named Protector of the Realm. To rule as Regent, until the rightful heir is decided."

A low murmuring filled the hall when it came to the last part of the decree or in this case final will. Now Jason understood what Eddard had done, the act questionable yet understood. The lack of Joffrey being directly named as heir drew a shocked look across the boy's face who glanced to his mother, almost pleadingly for some help from her.

Cersei barely kept her own dismayed look hidden from even Jason's sharp eyes, quickly turning it into a passive expression. "Let me see that letter Ser Barristan." She'd politely ask before standing up, walking closer for the knight to hand the paper over. Taking it, she'd glance over the written words with a quite dismissive look before a small coy smile crossed her fair lips. "Is this meant to be your shield, Lord Stark?" Turning the paper in her hands, she'd casually rip it in half, the sound echoing through the hall. "A piece of paper." Again, the parchment was torn, echoing out before she tossed the pieces aside.

Beric and even Barristan gawked at what they just witnessed while Thoros held back a growling curse. "She-devil…to disrespect her own husband's last wishes!"

"Those were the King's words." Barristand remarked in shock towards Cersei, who coyly smiled back.

"We have a new King now." She simply stated back with a coy smile.

"You disregard your husband's last wishes?" Jason suddenly spoke up, drawing Cersei's attention to him. "I witnessed him give those last orders, though I guess you wouldn't care if the entire world was witness to that moment

"No…I question them." She sharply countered back. "Ever since you and Lord Stark had joined the court, trouble has followed. Suspicious isn't it? Lord Stark has much to gain in being given the title of Regent and while you…his lapdog can earn whatever prize promised."

The Surgebinder clenched one fist tightly as he was ready to snap back before Ned moved an arm in front of Jason to silence him. "Is slander and lies your only defence, your grace?"

"How amusing. You and your pet 'wolf' have spent months snooping throughout the city…seen in quite questionable places even. Do not think I am naïve or blind Lord Stark."

The gathered crowd muttered, seemed divided on what was going on at this very moment. Jason knew that was Cersei's goal, twist their actions into something shady and hostile towards the royal family. Already he could see Thoros tensing, the priest's battle instinct seeming on edge. However, he'd put a firm hand on the man's shoulder to calm him down before glancing at Eddard who remained ever calm.