

Jon was silent as he'd look closely, seemed unsure for a long while yet suddenly noticed something. Shifting, he'd touch over one smaller print that was partly hidden among the larger ones. Slowly he'd began to follow them, starting slowly yet soon standing up to follow a more solid trail. The two began to zigzag around the yard, showing Tyrion's haphazard trip towards the stables. In the end, the two neared the kennels were the dogs slept and just nearing the pen they could hear snoring behind the board fencing.

Both Jon and Jason moved in close, peeking over the short fence to find Tyrion, thankfully clothed, passed out among a bunch of dozing hounds. They looked at each other, baffled and amused at the sight as the dwarf scratched his face in his sleep, grumbling a bit as he did so.

"Water?" Jon remarked with a smirk.

"Water," Jason answered in agreement as he'd find a clean bucket nearby and move over to a nearby water barrel to fill it up. Soon he'd splash it out at the sleeping dwarf and hounds, the canines yelping in shock from the splash, making them squirm away while the dwarf gasped out.

"Gah! Not storm season already!" He groaned as he'd spit out water out of his mouth and rub his face, blinking rapidly as he started to get an idea of his surroundings. Looking up at Jason and Jon, noticing the bucket in hand, he'd give an annoyed look as he'd stagger up onto his feet. "That is a cruel…joke you know Sir Surgebinder." He muttered as he'd brace against the fence for support.

"Could give you another douse to help with the smell." Jason teased, making Tyrion roll his eyes yet smirk in amusement.

"I'll pass on that thank you very much." With a bit of effort, he'd climb over the fence, nearly falling over yet landing on his feet, even giving a small opened armed gesture as if finishing a performance. Jon in good humour gave a short clap.

"Can we expect backflips and cartwheels next?" He chuckled was Tyrion moved up to the two.

"Still working on that act I'm afraid. Anyway, care to explain why you two decided to interrupt my beauty sleep?" The dwarf questioned before giving a small yawn and stiff stretch.

"Not polite to leave a drinking companion alone. Besides felt, I needed to apologize for running off last night." Jason explained to the short Lannister.

"Well considering how miffed you made Robert, I say it was worth it. Never seen the King so frustrated and lively like that. Think he was debating giving you a medal for bravery…or to have you flogged for disrespecting him." Tyrion remarked back.

"Charming…" Jason muttered, guessing his chat had the King more bothered then expected. "Also ran into your brother when I was leaving last night."

"Ah yes, dear Jaime. Far more likeable than my sister, at least from my point of view. Let me guess, challenge you to a fight?" It wasn't hard for the dwarf to know the answer from Jason dead set stare. "Right…guess some explaining then." Glancing around, he'd see a bench nearby and hurried over to sit, almost tumbling onto his back. Jason and Jon followed, yet decided to remain standing as the dwarf lodged back.

"Now you may have heard plenty of stories about my good brother. How he rose up from an aspiring page, trained under the fine care of master swordsman Barristan, commander of the King's Guard. He's skill at the joust is among the best in the land and he's fury when it comes to the melee." Tyrion explained. "Overall Sandor's has been his latest opponent when it came to battles, yet he's gained the edge over the Hound. As for the Mountain well…the Mountain is another matter."

"The point Tyrion. I get it…your brother enjoys fighting." Jason grumbled.

"Yes. It's what drives him really. Thing is Eddard has been on his list of people he wishes to duel, mainly because the Warden of the North has the claim of slaying Arthur Dayne during the Rebellion. Sir Arthur was Jaime's idol…so you get the idea." Tyrion then paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Then YOU show up. When the raven came telling of a strange white-haired man…well…I saw the excitement in my brother's eyes. Hearing how you battled a dozen savages single handed must have brought up old memories of Arthur who always battle outnumbered odds in many battles."

"So wait…you're saying that he sees me as some replacement for Dayne? A man who's been dead for nearly twenty years." Jason questioned.

The dwarf gave a half nod and shrug. "You're skills seem to match the legendary knight."

Tyrion continued. "Point is he sees you as a chance to face his idol. Already he's been listening to every rumour about you and no doubt will be trying to study the way you fight. He'll size you up, learn your strengths and weaknesses before then crushing you…eh…possibly."

"Explain his pushy nature. Wanted to test my temperament…and my reaction. Guess I surprised him considering." Jason muttered.

"I'd not be too certain. The more one rivals against him the more serious he'll get and when he's serious can become quite deadly." Tyrion remarked in a concerning manner. By now the dwarf shift off his seat, seeming to be mostly recovered. "Overall I tell you this as a warning. Don't challenge Jaime."

"Don't plan to…more worried he'll force me into a fight somehow," Jason remarked back.

The dwarf just shook his head as he'd pace by the Surgebinder and Jon, his direction towards the Great Hall again. "Anyway while I enjoy chatting I feel I require a little breakfast."

"It's nearly lunchtime by my guess." Jon piped in.

"Then brunch then!" Tyrion quickly answered back as he'd already be headed off on his own

Jon and Jason looked to each other, unsure what to make of the eccentric Lannister. "So what do you think about what he said Jon?" The Surgebinder asked the young man.

"Can't say for sure. I've heard of Jaime's many tournament accomplishments and the stories about the Mad King. The man seems like a natural talent seeking that 'dragon' to slay." Jon answered back.

"Wonderful…" Jason sighed as he'd pace around a bit, already trying to figure out a solution to this new annoyance. "Any plans for today?" He'd ask Jon.

"Have a few studies to finish along with some chores. Besides that nothing else by evening time."

Thinking for a moment, Jason sighed as he realized he'd have little else to do today. "Maybe I'll leave the keep for a bit. Go on a long walk to avoid everyone trying to bargain or fight with me. Just back home…same problems."

"These kinds of things happen to you all the time before you came here?" Jon questioned curiously.

"Not important. Overall I've dealt with worse." Pausing for a moment, he quickly remembered one last thing. "By the way. Good work finding the right trail. Didn't expect you to get it on the first try."

"Oh…umm…thanks," Jon muttered, a bit off guard on the compliment. "Anyway should get to my chores. See you later Jason."

Nodding, the Surgebinder watched Jon hurry off across the yard to talk to some of the workers. Now on his own, Jason sighed as he'd think over what he could do until hunting party returned in the evening. After a moment of thinking, he decided to go check up at the blacksmith to see how Bran's crossbow was going. He was certain it be finished by now. The smithy was close by the kennels and from the sound of it, the blacksmith was already at work hammering away at something.

Nearing the small building, he'd hang back when he heard a gruff voice speak out. "You can fix the armour right? Got it dented up after yesterday." Sandor asked the bearded blacksmith. The tall warrior wasn't in the same armour as before, having changed into a lighter set of chain and metal armour with leather under it all.

"O-Of course. Doesn't seem serious so I can have it fixed up by tomorrow." The blacksmith quickly remarked, obviously nervous with the scarred man.