
Chapter 45

“Just that he was in intensive care.”

“Oh.”Luke’s mind was a swirl of emotions.He remembered the last time he’d seen Roger,theanger on his face,the twitching of his muscles.He’d been ill;Luke knew he should have tried harder to get him to seek help.

“Luke?”Andy asked.

“Oh,sorry.”He realised Andy had been talking to him for the past couple of minutes,but he hadn’t heard a word.

Andy organised for him to leave work early,telling Tony that he’d just had news of a family emergency and might need to take a few days off.Luke,though numb,felt bad that he’d only just got the job and was needing time off.

“These things happen,”Tony said.“Just come back as soon as you can.”

“Thanks,”Luke said.

“I hope your brother feels better soon,”Tony said.

Luke opened his mouth to tell Tony that Roger wasn’t his brother,but closed it again without speaking.How could he explain that Roger was his ex-boyfriend,and his‘illness’was probably drug related?