
Surf My Dreams

A skilled surfing instructor, Amy had heroically rescued Milo Blake from a dangerous riptide. As a result, he was deeply grateful to her and couldn't resist spending time with her on the beach. Their mutual attraction quickly grew into a fiery romance, with each day filled with passionate moments of longing and desire. They knew their time together was limited but determined to make the most of it. However, Amy kept a secret from Milo - a past she feared would make him question their relationship. As their time together drew close, she struggled with whether or not to reveal her secret.

OzMystic · Urban
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After our harrowing experience on the island, Dan decided to give our superyacht complete restoration and repair. We sailed to a marina in south France, where we found a skilled team of marine engineers who could perform the necessary work.

It took several weeks to complete the restoration, but the result was worth it. Our yacht looked brand new, with fresh coats of paint and shiny new fixtures. Dan was thrilled with the work that had been done, and I must admit that I was also impressed.

But after spending so much time cooped up on the yacht, the three of us were eager for a change of scenery. We decided to head to a five-star resort hotel in southern Spain, where we could relax and unwind for a few days.

The hotel was everything we had hoped for and more. It was nestled in the hills overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, with breathtaking water views and the surrounding countryside.