
Sure, I'm Evil

A Young man that is 21 Years old, He is a History teacher, he usual talk about mythology, he was very passionate about mythology. He loves anime because there are some anime that talks about mythology like fate. But Fate is a bitch and gave him a terrible illness, and shortened his life. He can only live A year or so. He died a few years later. After that he then saw a bright light..... I don't own Anything.

MrSmileySmiley · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

Odin was never been a pervert he was calculated person who is always serious, he never loved someone else than Frigg his wife.

Frigg was as loyal as Odin was to her, they were happy and had children together, but when Frigg died Odin was lost and doesn't know what to do now. So he created a persona to hide his sadness with a perverted persona.

(A/N: Guys I just got bored so yeah I just talked about why Odin in this world is a pervert.)


Hades were walking to the land of Asgard and talking to Odin, for a permission to go to all the nine realms and explore it.

"Hello there who might you be young man? " Asked the old one eyed man.

"I'm not young at all I'm thousands years old." Hades bowed to show respect to the elder, and the Elder then bowed to Hades to return respect. "So Lord Odin I wanna talk to you about something."

"So you figure it was me Odin huh, I never really do over the top disguise myself." Odin or the one eyed elder said. "What do you want to talk about." Odin asked curiously.

"Well, I want a permission to got to the other nine realms and can enter with a guarantee and I can anything that won't do any damages to what their doing, for pursuit of knowledge." Hades said with a smile on his face.

"What do I get when I give those terms?" ask Odin.

"Well how about this I will teach all your children to have knowledge to survive this cruel world we lived in, Is that good enough Lord Odin." Hades asked.

"That's a good offer but let my asked you this who are you anyway and why are you in this land?" Odin asked with a very serious tone.

"Scary, Scary. Well Lord Odin my name is Hades and I'm the Son of Kronos and I seek knowledge on every Pantheon there is." Hades said with a smile on his face.

"Well Kronos, huh. Us rulers of our Pantheon have some meetings. And me and Kronos meet eachother there and had some couple of mead to let the stress out." Odin said.

"Oh, by the way Lord Odin, when I'm in this get up my name will be Luke the Knowledge seeker and a Teacher." Hades said pointing at his clothes.

"Very well I will grant you this permission and you will be on oath that you will teach my future children, are we clear." Odin said with a very serious stare.

"Yes Lord Odin I will uphold my end of the bargain, and take the oath, So Lord Odin why was my father always stressed out, huh?" Hades was curious why his father was stressed out.

"Well because he said that someone always bothered him and laughed at him, and getting yelled at his wife because he just want lesson some one." Odin rolled his eyes and gave Hades a look.

"Well that was definitely me, I would always do that when I got bored and can't make fun of other people." Hades said.


After a couple hours talking to Odin and taking the oath to teach Odin Children in one go, he leave the Asgard and traveled forward.

Hades was Going to the nine realms of Norse Pantheon, to seek knowledge, but he was getting bored being alone so he created a summoning circle to summoned a servant to have company.

Hades was going on blind in the summoning, he didn't specify who which servant who will be summoned.

After some chants he summoned a Servant and a golden light appeared on the summoning and a human appeared before him.....


[Scummy Author here

Guys guess who did Hades summoned.

Any thoughts about Odin perverted story

And I'm gonna try to have a constant update in both of my ff stories.]