
Sure, I'm Evil

A Young man that is 21 Years old, He is a History teacher, he usual talk about mythology, he was very passionate about mythology. He loves anime because there are some anime that talks about mythology like fate. But Fate is a bitch and gave him a terrible illness, and shortened his life. He can only live A year or so. He died a few years later. After that he then saw a bright light..... I don't own Anything.

MrSmileySmiley · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

Hades always plays with his father, when his bored he always cast a curse to his father to make fun of him.

Like when hades stole his Kronos weapon and replace it with a magical girl wand, that can talk I was like a kaliedostick.

Kronos was mad at him so he punished the one who always pranks him, and it was hades. He punished Hades by Making Hades a target shooting for Kronos which Hades agree.

But Rhea soon found out about Kronos Punishing Hades, she then punished Kronos for endangering Hades. Hades then laughed at Kronos and sneaked away from Rhea yelling at Kronos.


Hades founds out that he was not aging at all because he does have any wrinkle for a millenium.

Hades was getting bored of his place and wanna go to the other Pantheons, but he needed to not let others know he was gone so for a few months in his laboratory in the underworld. He stayed day and night to create a perfect clone that aged and store what happened to a book in his person at all time.

He recreated Caps of invisibility and make it a cloak of invisibility so even if doesn't turn on the invisibility he can steal hide his face.

After a few months of preparation he was finally done and going to get out of this place and got to other Pantheons and learn their cultures and magic.

'Its gonna be a fun years coming ahead of me' Hades thought.


Leto and Hades were always fighting about some idiotic thing. One day Asteria, Leto sister ask me to marry Leto. Hades then made tease Leto about being married to me and having children.

Which made Hecate who was near angry and Leto angry to of how Hades tease her. Hecate was angry because she first loved Hades.

Leto was angry because of the constant teasing and how much she hated Hades. It was a good memories of teasing.


After a few months of travelling he reach his first destination, the Norse Pantheon.

He used his eyes and put some Divinity and magic on it and see the Yggdrasil connected to all 9 worlds that Norse Pantheon has to offer.

Hades has a tool that can travel to anywhere he wants to go, It was kaleidoscope he was very compatible with it. So he traveled to Yggdrasil or World tree and talk to Mìmir to drink the sacred water of the world tree.

Hades then activated Kaleidoscope and got to where Mìmir is and exchange something for the water.


"So son of Kronos and Rhea, Hades what are you doing here at this place?" an old man questioned Hades.

"I've come here to drink the water of the world tree and seek the divine knowledge in it, Lord Mìmir." Hades said, and the old man or Mìmir was surprised that Hades know who he is.

"Why do you seek the knowledge of the tree carries." Mìmir asked.

"I have nothing else to gain knowledge from my home land and that's why I plan to travel to every Pantheon and all the knowledge that they have. and I'm bored there is nothing to to do in my home land." Hades said.

"So that's why you leave you home land to seek all the knowledge that all Pantheon had to offer." Mìmir said

"What do I need to offer lord Mìmir to drink the water of the world tree?" Hades said.