

MULTIPLE REALMS . REALM DESTRUCTION. WE SUPREME BEINGS RULER'S OF HEAVEN OUR VOICE S COULD SHATTER THE MULTI VERSE WE ARE CHAOS AND ANARCHY . WE ARE SUPREME...... Hayson a young boy that is a fire and lightning cultivator. after the death of his father he strife to be in the Pinnacle of power in other to carry out his revenge. read more on this fascinating novel

Itz_Swiss_Eichen_0165 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


with a leap Clay landed on the roof top of a two story balcony as he stared at the two people standing on the roof top of the Ernst family mansion.

Clay Drew the attention of the two mysterious figures with his thunderous voice that sounded like lightning bolts he then said " what do we owe this unpleasant visit from the flaming metal sect ". Clay said with anger in his mind as one of the two said " hah Clay can't we pay our long lost friend a visit ". the man putting on a black robe amongst their two gave out a loud laugh as he stared at Clay with his sharp cold blue eyes.

the flaming metal sect is a sect that lies in the northern Southside of the rhemund empire. in the rhemund empire the flaming metal sect is one of the biggest sect around that region. and they are also known for their sword master called the three sword SAINTS. the sword saints are one of the the highest sword Lord's in the dragon continent. in the dragon continent the Flaming metal sect are also known for training young master's. the people in front of Clay consists of a young boy of eighteen and a middle aged man.

Clay forcefully barked at the young boy " purit you dare show your face here " as the young boy smiled coldly as he said " Clay I knew you would bring this up ".

" Clay I couldn't forget our last fight, you know I spared your life that day because you were too weak and fragile " as he laughed in a mocking way, Clay mind was filled with furry as he stared at this young youth with disgust Clay then barked angrily as he said " why don't we settle our issues here in the Ernst clan " with a flick of his hands he retrieved a golden coloured sword as he flipped the sword in the air a forcefully aura emitted from the sword making the members of the clan jump in fear the young youth with a smile then said " Clay it seem you have gotten yourself another sword " indeed Clay had a fight with purit in the Flaming metal sect training field a few years ago then Clay sword was broken by a single palm strike from this mysterious youth, the thought of this fight back then with purit made Clay grew more angrier then in a flash Clay appeared in front of purit as he struck hard with his sword.

purit retreated two miles away from Clay as he retrieved his own sword as he stood in midair with a dark blue heavy sword and mockingly said " Clay it seem your strength have increased a bit but your speed is still not compared to mine " like a streak of lightning he shot toward Clay as his voice sounded in the HEAVEN'S.


Clay's eyes lit up as he saw this sword move his mind flashed back to the day he fought with purit this was the same sword skill he used to beat him, his mind froze as he saw the mysterious sword approaching him in a very fast speed he tried to escape but he then noticed that the air space around him has been locked down by this crafty sword techniques. since there was no way to escape he decided to take the attack head on, but then he felt a fast force Pierce through his defense as the sword landed on his body.

Clay retreated twenty miles away from purit with his face pale white as he stared at the young youth in front of him in amazement, purit not too far away from Clay then said " it seems am still right on my words you are still as feeble as a child ".

back in the ancestral room Hayson sat there waiting for his father to return heard the sound of fighting and then ran out of the room to take a peak as he saw his father in midair with blood leaking out from the corner of his mouth.

purit then said to Clay " Clay you remember your bet on the Flaming metal sect training field, so go into the ancestral room and bring out the destroyer or I will do it myself " this shocked Uncle Drayton as he stared at Clay in Surprise. the middle aged man had a smile on his face as he said to purit " purit retrieve the warblade let's head back to the sect ". The destroyer Marcus Ernst warblade was then brought to purit as he looked at the sword in his hands as he gave out a surprising laugh now Clay you shall die by your family warblade as a red coloured brute Force shot out of the sword and headed straight toward Clay in a devastating speed, Clay's eyes were closed as he was waiting to receive the last blow that will send him to the after realm he then heard a wap noise immediately he opened his eyes he saw Hayson falling from the skies with blood leaking out from all over his body Hayson landed on the ground with a thud as the Earth was soaked with his blood his eyes tightly shut and his face pale white. purit laughed as he said Clay it seem am going to catch up another day and that your son has some guts as he and the middle aged man flew toward the northern region..

next chapter....