
Supreme Warrior God: I Shall Sever All Heavens and Realms!

Destroyed and translocated into the body of a deceased, low-ranking disciple from an illustrious sect—formerly timid, cowardly, and utterly useless—Sun Kang, whose soul was randomly transplanted into this specific body by a soul-relocating treasure, will endeavor to cleanse himself of every inherited disgrace and shame. He aims to achieve this by overcoming all that once oppressed and intimidated the former easily frightened, frail, and vulnerable owner of the body he now inhabits. Coupled with an unwavering motive to reach the peak of power, where all living or sentient creations in his universe and far beyond will bow before him with total adoration, fear, and reverence due to the inestimable, vast physical strength and dread-striking, overflowing despotic powers he would possess, he will endeavor to subdue, suppress, surmount, or eliminate all odds that he would encounter in his unstoppable climb to the zenith stage. His ultimate goal? To become sovereign and supreme, looking down upon all things with contempt. Yet, would he be able to achieve this in his weak new form, especially in a world filled with immensely strong, power-thirsting, arrogant cultivators who believe that only the strong survive? A world where the weak are considered prey for the strong, thereby creating continual situations and unfolding events where opportunities to grow stronger, to greatly surpass one's peers, are lustfully, desperately, and brutally sought after, resulting in overwhelming chaos, mayhem, carnage, and havoc that has become the order of the day. To learn more, join Sun Kang on his arduous journey to attain the pinnacle of power. He will embark on endless and perilous explorations into forbidden, abandoned, or sealed malevolent otherworldly sites, as well as uncharted concealed regions and dangerous miniature dimensions. These locations could instantly destroy him, but he is relentless, fearless, indefatigable, and overly curious in his quest for primal ancestral treasures of devastating potency, enormous amounts of exceedingly rare supreme sovereigns' cultivation manuals, and perfect cultivation resources. And, supported by numerous formidable entities—massive and astronomically powerful, highly intelligent cosmic creations that inhabit his body, including possession of the transcendent-tier superior Battle Art and All-Firmament-Severing treasure-sword of an unstoppable, venerable grandmaster Sovereign who is infinitely skilled in the fearsome, ominous, and domineering 'Ways of the Severing Sword', as well as owning thousand other sterling combat skills of devastating effectiveness, Sun Kang will endeavor to overwhelmingly subdue, ruthlessly humiliate, and mercilessly obliterate countless talented cultivation experts of diverse cultivating races or tribes that will act as obstacles or barriers to his acquisition of a vast and limitlessly great, tyrannical divine power. By all means possible, he must become a revered, radiantly dazzling, dreadfully imposing, and majesty commanding 'Supreme Warrior God'—an aspiration he has always harbored since little where he will possess the capability to instantly split, sunder, or rend apart every unbounded heavenly layer, realm, or dimension with disdainful ease!

koladeizdavid · Eastern
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24 Chs

Chapter 18 - Training (II)

Chapter 18 - Training (II)

With his eyes shut tight, Sun Kang moved his violet-colored Origin Energy from his dantian to his palm.

And as a previous, vastly enlightened expert of the Ancestral Law God stage, a stage where was he was one of the strongest in the Major Planet that he resided in, Sun Kang didn't waste any time in comprehending the basic mysteries in which the strike for the [Ordinary Subduing Sword of Minor Sword Deities] functioned in.

So, acting upon that basic comprehension of mysteries that he obtained in a flash, Sun Kang aimed his right palm which was beginning to glow in a blinding violet light at the massive mountain that stood really far in the distance.


The moment he aimed his palm, large amounts of violet Origin Energy instantly rushed out and condensed quickly into a dazzling violet-colored sword.

The moment the illusory violet sword appeared with the basic mysteries of the sword technique drawing an ancient indecipherable pattern on the coldly gleaming surface of the sword, it immediately let out a blinding violet glow with unseen waves of power bearing astounding sharpness, beginning to emanate from the sword and in all directions.

The invisible sharp waves that emitted incessantly from the glowing violet sword, will definitely produce the feeling in anyone that it possessed the power to reduce virtually everything its path to countless, extremely thin slices.


Then like an arrow leaving a bow, the sword shot out as a streak of violet light towards the mountain in the distance.


It collided heavily into the mountain and caused a thunderous bang sound to immediately ring out.

Surprisingly, Sun Kang had left a clean gash in the mountain at that distance. Actually, the sword had fully gone into it, leaving a ten feet-deep cut in it.

But, assuming Sun Kang could tell that the mountain in the distance was only a low-tier, Common-grade mountain-shaped treasure, he will be more awed by the offensive power possessed by the attack that he unleashed.

Seeing the power that the sword possessed, despite being only an attack of the high-level tier, Sun Kang nodded his head in full satisfaction.

He couldn't wait to see what the Cosmic Deity-level technique had in store for him.

With his eyes beginning to shine as he prepared himself to unleash the same attack, but at the Peak-level tier, he readily moved large amounts of his violet-colored Origin Energy to his palm.

He then aimed at the mountain with that palm.

The instant he aimed with that palm, the energy stored within that palm rushed out like a flood and immediately condensed into a crystalline sword that shone with a dazzling violet brilliance.

Once the sword, which formed in less than a second, with the comprehended mysteries of the technique that Sun Kang understood being weaved into it in a flash, a certain strange pattern suddenly appeared on the body of the sword before expanding to cover it entirely.

The moment this occurred, with the pattern disappearing into it the next moment, the brilliance coming from the sword intensified with an overwhelming aura of sharpness beginning to emanate from the sword.

The bizarre sharp aura that the sword constantly gave off, made the sword seem like one that could cut through a hundred mountains effortlessly.


Travelling once again as a streak of violet light into the distance, the sword struck the low-tier mountain-shaped treasure in the distance once it arrived in front of it.


A deafening bang sound immediately rang out as soon as the sword struck it with a fierce overbearing power.

This time, the sword cut thirty feet deep into the mountain.

"Nice!" Sun Kang said with the satisfied nod of his head.

Beginning to anticipate the power that the Cosmic Deity-level attack will carry, Sun Kang moved to practice the Divine-level tier attack.

Repeating his earlier action, large amounts of his violet-colored Origin Energy immediately gushed out of his hand and rapidly condensed into a sword.

Then weaving the mysteries of the divine-level technique that he comprehended into the sword, which would absolutely differentiate it from an ordinary attack and imbue it with a higher-level power of the world, the sword began to exert a type of pressure that immediately caused the ground beneath it to crack.


The pressure coming from the buzzing violet sword was so great that the crack made into the ground, immediately transformed into a large web of thin fissures that spread for ten feet across the ground.

Furthermore, an aura of sharpness that was tenfold greater than the aura that emitted from the Peak-level attack, began to exude unendingly from the sword that shone with a strongly blinding brilliance.


As soon as it formed in only a single breath, with the mysteries of the technique engraved in it manifesting as a beautiful but ancient cryptic pattern on the sword's dazzling surface, the sword immediately shot out like a bolt of lightning towards the mountain that stood imposingly from afar.


As soon as the sword struck it, it immediately cut deep into it that it was until it had cleanly pierced through it for more than a hundred and fifty feet before it began to slowly lose its amazing penetration power.

"Great!" Sun Kang said with a fully satisfied look appearing in his face.


After unleashing the attack for the supreme-level tier, he was able to make a cut that was four hundred and seventy feet deep into the mountain-shaped treasure in the distance, signifying that the attack definitely possessed much more power than the attack that originated from the divine-level tier technique.

Then with his eyes beginning to blaze in strong anticipation and excitement for the power that will be possessed by the Cosmic Deity-level attack, Sun Kang suddenly twisted his face in unhappiness and impatience when he saw that he had fully used up all the Origin Energy stored in his dantian.

"These attacks definitely consume large amounts of Origin Energy. I can't afford to be liberal with them." Sun Kang mentioned with a sour expression appearing on his face.

He then sat on the ground in the cross-legged position to recover his lost energy, whilst preparing himself physically and mentally for the grandiose attack that will surely drain his dantian completely dry.