
Supreme Waifu System

the original name of this ff is 'Hongmeng System Shuttles Through the World' (here is the link https://www.mtlnovel.com/hongmeng-system-shuttles-through-the-world/ written by Emperor Shenyan ) I messaged him to ask permission about writing this ff but no reply has arrived yet, so I'm not going to wait anymore and write it. I read the original ff but I was disappointed that's why I decided to write my own version of this ff. The title of the ff will be 'Supreme Waifu System' (even if you don't like the name, make do with it) Some necessary things you should know before reading my new ff. 1. It will be copy past and editing 2. The original ff is machine translated, so there will be many grammatical and spelling mistakes, I'll try to improve it but no promises. 3. This will be huge harem and there will be lots of stealing girls, wives and mothers of other in other word mc will be degenerate and with the help of system he will collect girls like Pokemon(you have been warned.) 4. About relationship development, I'll try but no promises. 5. About Lemons, there will be but they will be short.. Ps. The characters or not my original work they belong to their respective creators. ps. This is not my original work (there will be some of my original ideas within this ff.)

Jake_Makvana · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

When Neo heard the notification of system he looked at a certain direction, he saw a beautiful woman with long light green hair, big boobs, pale skin seems really weak, with the support of a maid she is looking at Neo's direction.

Perceiving Neo's gaze she showed a weak charming smiled, Neo too smiled at her.

Yue: ' Wenxin is the mother of Xiao Yan, after giving birth to him she fell I'll and is slowly loosing her vitality, she only have few months to live.'

Neo: 'Well I can revive her using Rinnegan but the feeling of letting her die is....'

Ding! Mission released!

Give the Healing pill to Gu Wenxin and improve her health condition.

Reward: +30 affection with Gu Wenxin.

Neo: 'Hehe now I know what you meant when I received the pil. Btw let's use those love hearts.'

Ding! used Love heart(small)×1, Love heart(medium)×1 =+10 affection with Wenxin(45).

Neo: 'Now let's wait and brush her affection.'

At night, In his room, Neo sat by the bed, relaxed a bit, and said to the Yue:.'Alright Yue, Show me the screen.'

As he said that a blue screen appeared and it was showing a certain room of a certain loli. This is one of the function of system, he can pee...*ahem* keep an eye on the desired target.

Neo: 'A very useful tool for peepin..*ahem* for spying, yup spying.'

Yue: 'Yeah, yeah a best tool for a Pervert like you.'

Neo: 'Ohh look Xun Er looks so cute while licking the lollipop, hehe.'

Yue: 'Ohh don't you want her to lick something else.'

Neo: '*ahem* not now, in the future besides I don't know if there are those FBI cultivators are there to knock on my door.'

Yue: 'pfffff hahahaha ....hahaha Ohh my stomach hurts hahahaha huff huff.'

After laughing to her heart's content she finally calmed down.

Neo: 'Wow, you really enjoyed my joke that much? I'm happy, Ohh look Xiao Yan arrived.'

Yue: 'Huff eh? so that little bastard arrived, let's see his misery fufu~'

As for the reason of their confidence is naturally because, Neo already warned her plus the main reason is Xun Er's high affection towards Neo.

=====Few minutes ago=====

The moon is in the middle of the sky, bright and gentle, and the soft moonlight sets off a calm and peaceful night. The light of the moon falls on the tree, and the mottled shadows fall, scattered like fragments hanging on the tree.

In the Xiao family's compound, Xun'er stood leaning against the window, looking up at the bright moon in the sky. Holding a lollipop, she stretched out the tip of his tongue gracefully and licked it.

Suddenly, a beam of sweet energy penetrated the roots of the teeth, entered the blood vessels, and finally moisturized the entire body with the blood flow.

Xun Er:"It's amazing, it's obviously a lollipop, and it can increase the spirit of fighting. Old Ling, have you heard of this kind of thing?"

An old hoarse voice, like a light breeze, floated into the room.

Old Ling: "Miss, the old man has never heard of this. The bloodline of the fighters in the fighting spirit stage is quite fragile and cannot withstand the power of any pill.

At least, the old man has not heard of any pharmacist who can make it. The pill to quickly improve the cultivation base of the fighting spirit stage. As Cultivators below fighting spirit can't handle the energy of pills. "

He his old Ling the bodyguard of Xun Er, due to give privacy to Xun Er, he doesn't directly keep his eyes on her but he focuses on her surrounding fluctuations of aura, and will also need to her call. In this way he gives privacy to Xun Er.

Xun Er is cute little daughter of Gu Yan the patriarch of Ancient Gu clan, how could he allow her to have privacy problem.

Xun Er: "What is the origin of big brother Neo, who actually owns such a strange thing?"

As she thought of Neo she blushed and focused on licking the lollipop.

old Ling:"Miss, or else, the old man will follow him to see where he comes from?"

Xun'er refused without thinking: "No!! As a friend, the most important thing is sincerity!"

After the atmosphere was silent for a while, the old voice floated into the room again.

Old Ling:"Actually, miss, the old man has a bold guess about his identity!"

"Old Ling, what did you see?" Xun'er asked curiously.

old Ling:"I heard that there is a strength called Yunlanzong on the Gamma Empire, and the young master seems to be called Neo.

But a sect in the Northwest Territory, even if it is a strong fighting sect, it shouldn't have such a thing.

Hmm. Someone is coming!"

In Xun'er's eyes, through the window, caught a dark shadow, walking towards this side.

Old Ling: "Miss, do you want me to get rid of him!"

Xun Er: "Let's take a look, maybe, the other party didn't come to me. It's just passing by."

Xun'er ordered, but the short figure in the dark road walked straight towards her.

Seeing this, Xun'er lay on the bed. With a creak, the door was gently pushed open.

Suddenly, Xun'er remembered what Neo had said about a Pervert guy.

Xun'er narrowed her eyes, and she looked at each other secretly. The vision in the room was very dim, and she could only roughly tell that the other party was a male from the outline of the other party's body.

The figure sneaked up to Xun'er's bed, and didn't even notice that Xun'er was not asleep at this time. He stretched out his hand and shook it gently in front of Xun'er's eyes. After seeing Xun'er not responding, he stretched out his hands.

Xun'er finally couldn't help it, lifted her foot and kicked the opponent back several steps. With her foot, the other party sat on the ground, his eyes looking up at Xun'er who was already sitting on the bed.

Xun Er:"The smelly rascal, molested the little girl, looking for Death!"

Xiao Xun'er got angry Her body was almost touched by others. When she came out, Gu Yuan had told her that a man could not touch a woman's body. Otherwise, children will be born.

Xun Er: 'Besides what would brother Neo think?!! This BASTARD!!'

And she kicked again this time it wasn't his stomach but his balls.

Xiao Yan:"Ahhh!, don't fight, don't fight, it's me, it's me! Xiao Yan, where did you kick me, it hurts!! 'Damn my balls, my fucking balls, I'm sure they are broken damn it' "

The figure hugged his lower body with both hands, his complexion distorted, and wailed, he retreated all the way to the window sill, tears streaming out of his painful eyes.

Xun Er: "Are you... Xiao Yan? Uncle Xiao's son?"

Xiao Yan: "Yeah, it's me."

Xun Er:"So brother Neo is talking about you!"

"Who?" Xiao Yan asked suspiciously.

"Let me ask you, at night, why don't you go to bed and run into my room?" Xun'er asked.

"I...I'm here to help you nourish the meridians with the fighting Qi." Xiao Yan stammered and explained.

   "Warm and nourish meridians? Who told you that you can nourish meridians with fighting Qi?" Xun'er asked.

   "Why, can't vindictive qi nourish people's meridians?" Xiao Yan asked back.

   "You, you don't know how to make an excuse for doing bad things." Xun'er mocked.

   "I'm really here to warm up the meridians for you." Xiao Yan retorted again.

"Nonsense, I only met you today. There are so many women in the Xiao family, why do you want to warm my meridians? Go, look at the face of Uncle Xiao Zhan, today I will spare you. If there is another time , I'll kill you without mercy!!"

Xun Er showed disgust and killing intend towards him, Xiao Yan felt cold sweat on his back and quickly ran away from Xun Er's room with difficulties in walking.


Watching this little show and the misery of the protagonist, Yue and Neo are laughing without a care, fortunately Yue put a barrier around the room otherwise people will think that this handsome boy have gone crazy in the middle of the night.

After they finally finished laughing, Neo was distracted by the system's notification.

Ding! Mission released!

Go to the forest and get the loli.

Reward: +50 Affection with Ziyan.

Neo: 'Ehh? Ziyan!!, Ok show me her location haha.'


With that Neo saw the green dot on the map of a forest far away from where he is, but using God-level Rinnegan plus with system's help he can directly teleport to the location shown in the map.

Next moment Neo used the power of Rinnegan and teleported to where Ziyan is.


(A/N: I don't know the exact time of Ziyan transforming in to human, but hey it's my version of ff so go along with it.)

Deep in the forest there is a red glowing cocoon, showing a shadow of a little girl, that girl is Ziyan a dragon who accidentally ate a transformation herb, which can give a beast a human form.

Suddenly a figure of a handsome boy wearing white cloths who has snow white hair, red eyes appeared out of nowhere without any space fluctuations.(teleportation always makes space fluctuations)

The boy is obviously Neo, he looked at the glowing red cocoon with Surprised expression.

Neo: 'So, she is Ziyan the cute loli hehe ok, Since my title only takes effect when a girl sees me but she is now unconscious so lets use the Love heart.'

Ding! Used Love heart(small)×2

+10 affection with Ziyan.

Yue: 'Now we wait for her transformation to complete.'

After half an hour of waiting the cocoon cracked and a little Loli with long purple hair and small nude figure appeared, She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Neo as he was standing right in front of her with a warm smile.

She got started but and put on her guard up.

Ding! +30 affection with Ziyan(40)

Neo: 'Ok use love Heart'

Ding! Used Love heart (medium) +5 affection with Ziyan(45)

Ziyan: "Who are you?"

Neo: "Ohh my name is Neo, nice to meet you and here please put this on you will catch a cold"

Neo gave her a blanket, Ziyan looked at the blanket then she looked down realizing that she was completely naked, she blushed heavily and quickly covered her body. Then she looked at Neo with a puffed cheeks.

Ding! +5 affection with Ziyan(50)

Neo: 'Hehe use another one.'

Ding! Used Love heart(large)×1 +5 affection with Ziyan(55)

Neo: 'And now she have crush level affection on me.'

Yue: ' Finish it quickly that old man of the Academy has already entered the forest.'

Neo: " 'Ok' Hey girls what's your name?"

Ziyan: "Name? What's that? can you eat it?"

Neo: "Ahh? no a name is to identify someone like my name is Neo, Ohh shall I give you a name?"

Ziyan: "Ok."

Neo: " 'Well we'll go with Ziyan' Ok so how about Ziyan it sounds cute just like you."

Ziyan: "*blush* Ziyan!, Ziyan! Umm I'll b3 called Ziyan from now on haha."

Ding! +5 Affection with Ziyan(60)

Neo: "Alright Ziyan, are you hungry? brother have this fruit filled with heaven and earth energy 'Well I'm young master of a sect now, and I'm rich hehe' "

Ziyan: "Wow brother give it to me hehe."

Ding! +5 Affection with Ziyan(65)

And She ate it with one bite, and then spread her cute little hand towards Neo.

Neo: 'Damn, even if I'm rich young master I'll go bankrupt, this is the reason I'm trying to max her affection quickly, as in my inner world I'm a god and I can make every I want but I can't bring those things outside.

And only the girls with 100 affection can enter the inner world.'

Neo: "Ok, I'll give it to you but you have to came back to home with big brother."

Ziyan: "Home?, can you take me away from here?"

Neo: "Of course, with me around no one will bully you."

Hearing the world bully her body shuddered a bit and her eyes had a bit moisture.

Ziyan without him the support of family was being bullied by other beasts, in the inner part of the forest. She hated her parents for living her alone without any support.

Ziyan: "P-promise *sniff* "

She started crying silently, Neo quickly went near her and hugged her tightly.

Neo: "I promise, no one will bully you ever again and if they do they have to face the Wraith of your big brother, so come with me back home ok?"

Ziyan: "Umm *sniff*"

Ding! Mission complete.

Go to the forest and get the loli.

Reward: +50 Affection with Ziyan.(100 max)