
Supreme therapist:My healing potions can even poison the gods

John gets a second chance at life, going back to the time before "The Gate to Another World" appeared. Betrayed in his past life as a pharmacist, he decides he can't trust anyone anymore. So, he opts for a hidden profession, becoming a poison master disguised as a regular pharmacist to everyone else. To the other awakened ones, John is just your run-of-the-mill potion maker. Little do they know, every healing potion he brews is laced with deadly poison. "John, heal me quick... Fuck! John, what did you do to me? Why have I turned bald?" "John!!Why did my penis turn into a mushroom after drinking your potion?" "You guys dare to drink John's healing potions? I saw with my own eyes last time, he threw a bottle of his healing potion and it directly stank a Corrupt Lord to death!" "And that's nothing! I saw a toxic serpent bite John, and guess what? The serpent got poisoned to death by him!" John sneered at the collapsed crowd, "I've said it before, though my potions are free, they come with some minor side effects. Want to get rid of the side effects? That'll cost extra!" ---------------------- Update Daily! 9 AM PST Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

Doubleyolkeggs · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Precision Poisoning with Demonic Vines

John focused his mental energy, starting to probe the ground ahead. It didn't take long for him to precisely locate the twisted Treant's position.

It didn't flee very far. Because only the area near the portal was a clearing without flammable trees, the temperature in the rest of the area had already become very high.

Being a plant-based monster, the twisted Treant was very afraid of high temperatures.

So, it could only hide beneath this open space, seemingly not planning to come out.

John glanced at the other world portal not far away. The timing was different from what he had expected—the Treant giants had not yet returned.

It was likely that the awakened ones from the Moonlight City guild were helping to delay those Treants, having received a notification from Hardy.

John wasn't entirely sure about the strength of the giant Treants, but he could tell that the awakened ones from Moonlight City guild were likely no match for them.