
Supreme Smith

William was an Armourer in the Military, but after an accident he wakes up in a Strange World, filled with magic and Kings and Queens. War is no stranger to this land, in order to keep his new family safe. He must grow in strength and power in order to keep the new life he so desperately wants. Follow our main character as he grows up in a new world of mystery and magic. While he might not have the strongest magic in this new world, nobody can conquer his creations

BookAholic · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Grasp of Magic

For the next year I began reading and writing and playing like a child should, most of my past childhood was trying to attract couples or keeping my head down so I didn't attract the attention of the head mistress of the orphanage. Both of my parents where ecstatic I could read and write by the time I was two your going to be a grand blacksmith son soon as we get some muscle on you. Dad I said rolling my eyes I'm two not even able to go to school yet let alone work in the shop which I found out after I could walk was right next to the house. I could now read chapter books and write however much I wanted with no help, mom also spent more time in the forge with dad leaving me with my older brother John which I know I know is a huge coincidence but it made me happy so I didn't care.

We played games and he taught me some of the math they had begun learning in school, all of it was arbitrary but I listened and acted with enthusiasm which always made him happy to teach his little brother. I didn't mind spending time with him I'd never had a blood brother before it was a different sort of connection I was glad to finally have, but during my free time I would walk over to the school which also contained the library and I would read to my hearts content. I learned that we lived one of many continents their where a total of five, on each compass point as well as a central continent where most of the wars where fought. I lived in the eastern continent that only had two countries both fairly large each about the size about Europe. The Autum Empire and the country I lived in called Xersai, both where relatively peaceful they had small skirmishes but no large wars unlike other parts of the world specifically the southern continent which was smaller the the East but had three times the kingdoms.

After reading almost every book in the library by the time I was three I finally found two books that interested me the most. A History of Magic and another book that didn't have a title but gave very basic information about magic, I smiled time to finally learn something new.

The book first talked about the different forms of magic which seemed basic and where the same as most books fantasy books he had read on Earth. Water, Fire, Air, Earth , Light and Dark but just below these was a sentence written in small letters no new form of magic has been found or created in the last two hundred years if a new element is found or created the book will automatically update itself. "Woah a book that that updates itself?" "You can form new magic, damn that's good to know" the book then went on to explain various beginner spells. The next chapter explained that you can combine certain elements together to make something new, such as combining Water and Fire would create steam. It had various other examples but non of them super mind blowing. The last chapter explained at the age of six you can go the local doctor who can test you for the different elements and your affinity for each. "Well, might as well learn as much magic as I can before I go to the doctor."