
Supreme Smith

William was an Armourer in the Military, but after an accident he wakes up in a Strange World, filled with magic and Kings and Queens. War is no stranger to this land, in order to keep his new family safe. He must grow in strength and power in order to keep the new life he so desperately wants. Follow our main character as he grows up in a new world of mystery and magic. While he might not have the strongest magic in this new world, nobody can conquer his creations

BookAholic · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Forge

Kaiser was now five, and finally he could work for papa in the forge. I had tried to sneak in too help but every time I would quickly get picked up and told "sorry buddy when your older" "when is that I would yell" " when I say so" "well that's a stupid reason" I muttered under my breath "what does that even me I say so jeez, these guys are just like parents from Earth". Eventually after the seventeenth time of sneaking in he father picked him up by the collar of his shirt and all but yelled "god damn it brat fine when your five you can help but only if you stop sneaking in", "thanks dad love ya" cheerily as if he wasn't literally holding me three feet off the ground by the collar of my shirt

Finally after another two and a half years I would began to learn the way of Smithing. But at least while I was waiting I hadn't been wasting my time, while I couldn't exactly work out or spar I could practice magic. It took almost six months but finally I was able to do small of amounts of every type of magic the book had mentioned, I could light a candle or fill my hands with drinking water. My personal favorite was making my hands shine so I could attract and catch what where basically fireflies. Each time I used the magic I would feel exhausted, but by the time I was ready to use it again. I had just a little bit more then the last time, I stuck to that pattern till I was around four.

When my fourth birthday came around my mother was the only one to bring me the present but I learned later on the rest of the family had pooled their recourses to get it for me, The Auto-Biography of Lance Vey, he was an incredible strong mage that lived over three centuries ago. The only mage recorded to date that could control four elements at the same time, granted the book was actually boring but I didn't read it to learn about how his mom sold herself so he could get though school I was learning to read about any tips or his thoughts on magic. The biggest lesson I had learned was that the biggest trick to magic was visualization , how after you can know the true essence of the element you don't even need to say the words. That was the biggest eye opener of the book, seeing as how I used to read tons of fantasy books and watch anime and I was basically the biggest nerd and bookworm I was set with visualization. So now I just need to increase the amount of manna I have.

Seeing as I was four I couldn't do much so I just practiced magic, during the morning I would play with John then when he would go to school and help out dad I would practice magic. I could imagine all the magic just fine so instead I focused on depleting my manna in fact after a while I even did it while I slept. I would constantly send manna into the ground or have a constant breeze outside the house. While that was my main goal I also started multi-casting, I noticed that elements that work well together where the best to use at the same time like lighting a candle that constantly sending a steady stream of wind to increase the flame was far easier then using fire and water magic.

For the next year that's all I did, I hit a comfortable pattern of life. My magic had increased astronomically now I couldn't compare it to anything because I didn't know any other mages. But I could feel and see the difference , not only that I could comfortable use three different kinds of magic without a sweat. My favorite thing to do was have one hand glow with light the other with dark then have outline my hands. It looked pretty bad ass now gonna lie but today was a special day I was turning five and I could finally go to the Forge.

"Alright son, so your finally five I think we all know what you want." Laughter filled the room, "after dinner I'll give you a tour then tomorrow at lunch we will begin your first lesson". "Okay dad".

Finally it was the morning, I didn't get any sleep last night so I just practiced magic and waited. But like clock work morning came. I was up before dad even was sitting at the table just waiting. When dad got up we ate a quick breakfast of bread and milk then headed over to the forge. After arriving he went through some rules, nothing special clearly obvious stuff like walk with the point of a weapon down, watch for hot material because it will burn you. Basic things an idiot needs to learn or I guess a child needs to lear, but seeing how I was neither this part of the day was boring. After giving me a quick tour, which included an anvil various weapons for sale on the wall and a furnace all and all it was very basic yet affective forge. After a quick lunch he sent me to the corner, like literally sent me to the corner to watch. " Are you kidding me dad your sending me to the corner, I'm five man you go to the corner" BWHAHAHA was all I was answered with "what I'm finally five" finally after many deep breaths he managed to breath out " no I'm sending you to the corner so you can watch and learn". "Fine all mighty grouch I'll go sit in corner" haha "yes I am all mighty arnt.. HEY, what do you mean grouch" I struggled to keep my face straight "I'm sorry dad I can't hear you I'm all the way over hear by the corner, what was that you said". I could hear some muttering as he grabbed a block of iron "little squirt why I outta, ill show him" I did nothing but grin as I sat in the corner and watched.