
Supreme Simple System

Wiradhi Ranata, a 31 years old NEET, is Isekai'd after he get choked to the death when eating mochi on New Year. As cliché as it sounds, he got a System like every other Isekai'd MC out there. With the System in Hand, the World is in my Hand! And thus began his Adventure, completing quests, killing monsters and villains, and of course, gathering heavenly beauties in his Harem!

Viadhivan_Ranata · Fantasy
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31 Chs

The Aftermath of Heart Demon Incident II

After we all finished our dinner together with my niece, my Daddy give out a futon to me and told me that I should let my niece sleep on my bed while I slept on floor using that futon.

Hearing that makes me doubted my ear.

"Father....., why am I sleeping on the floor?"

"Oh..... so you, a man, wants to sleep on the bed while letting a little girl sleep on the floor?"

That's actually makes sense.

So since I can't retort back, I obediently rolls open the futon on my bedroom floor while letting my niece climbs up my bed after we finished washing the dishes and we all have brushed our teeth clean.

It was at this moment, that my niece make a bold suggestion.

Laying off her soft body on my smooth bed, she turned her body sidewise to face me and opens up a space on the bed while patting the open place in front of her, making an inviting gesture.

"Uncle....., why don't you come and sleep here...?"

Her blushing face while making such invitation is so cute and irresistible.

As a man, who am I to refuse such an offer?

Besides, it's not like I never sleep with my little sister too, right?

In fact, I am absolutely sure that we are more often sleep together on the same bed than not.

And so I come over and sleep beside her on my bed.

Hmmm..... Different girl sure has different sensation when we are sleeping together on the same bed.

And maybe it's because it is the first time I sleep together with my sweet little niece.

She gives out a fresh sensation and a feeling of novelty that is totally different than when I sleep together with my cold on the outside but warm on the inside little sister.

And it turns out that my niece Kiseki has also become so proactive now.

Right after I lay off my body above my bed, the little girl hugs me from my right and kissing my right cheek while saying, "Good night, Uncle..... And thank you for everything."

After that, she closed her beautiful eyes and fly away to the land of dreams.

Uuuuuhhhhhhhh.... My little banana begins to grown BIG again....

But with her hugging me from the side, there is no way I can relieve myself, right?

Besides, a half youkai like her is known to be very sensitive and have a very keen sense.

What will she think if she suddenly smells my banana juice on my crotch?

Altough we are currently very very intimate right now, I don't think that now is a good time to progress to climbs up the stairs of adult, right?

Not to mention, both of us are still eleven years old.

Let's just wait one more year before we continue our progress to the stairways of adultery.

Yup, let's do it that way.

And so, without any accident that can lead to a minimum of three years in jail and a maximum of a death sentence, I also fallen asleep while embracing the soft and fragrant body of my sweet niece.

Morning comes and I wake up even before the cocks crowing on 5 am.

I opened my eyes and seeing my little niece is still sleeping, I can't resist myself to hug and secure her shapely waist with my left hand while I am patting her smooth and silky hair with my right hand.

My palm and fingers are traveling along the path of her long hair, flowing from the top of her head down to the back of her waist, my right hand is meeting up with my left hand on the end of the journey.

My niece seems to be enjoying the treatment.

She still closed her eyes, but her enticing lips are curved nicely to make a very sweet smile while her already soft body is getting even softer and more relaxed in my embrace.

It's only after past 6 am, that she opened her eyes and smiles sweetly to me before she planted a good morning kiss on both my cheeks.

I also responded by kissing her three times, on her left cheek, right cheek and her forehead.

She blushed heavily but she seems to be vary happy with her eyes and lips making three crescent moons on her face.

After that, we get up, tidying my bed together, and then we get out of the room to have breakfast together with the rest of my family.

After that, we brushed our teeth and I along with my little sister and sweet niece go out to train and cultivates together just like our usual routine.

In the middle of our training, I and my little sister hears my niece out and listened to her story of what have happened yesterday when my parents is coming over to have a talk with her parents regarding her heart demon incident.

It is on that moment that I and my little sister heard that our niece's Dad is currently getting hospitalized and he will stay in hospital for a whole summer season after he receives a "passionate fist and talk discussion" from my Dad.

Meanwhile, my niece's mother is also getting a portion of her own "passionate fist and talk discussion" from my mother, albeit she is getting off with lighter injury and only need to be hospitalized for one or two months.

Well..., my savage father is no surprise, but my angelic mother is also getting furious like that?

Heck, I should go out to their place yesterday to watch the rare spectacle of my pure and angelic mother giving divine punishment to other people.


We have our usual training and cultivation together until the mids of the day.

After that, we have lunch and decided to take a rest and enjoy the summer break holiday together.

Hard practice and diligent cultivation is important, but having fun and enjoying our youth is also equally important, okay?

After all, the times of childhood and youth is only a fleeting moment, it's best if we can savor such a precious moment to the best, right?




P.s. Happy Valentine/Lupercalio, everyone~!!!!!!


How many chocolates you receives this year?

Or how many womens you whip up with goat skin?

Did you run amok around the town with only a piece of wolfskin right what they do in Ancient Rome?

Feel free to mention your Valentine's Day or Lupercalio experience this year in the Comments Section, alright?
