
Supreme Simple System

Wiradhi Ranata, a 31 years old NEET, is Isekai'd after he get choked to the death when eating mochi on New Year. As cliché as it sounds, he got a System like every other Isekai'd MC out there. With the System in Hand, the World is in my Hand! And thus began his Adventure, completing quests, killing monsters and villains, and of course, gathering heavenly beauties in his Harem!

Viadhivan_Ranata · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Our Second Tournament I

And so, after I have the three of us consumed 1 of those item and started doing the intense training programme as instructed in the booklet together each month for 10 months from the late mid-autumn after our first hunt to the closing of spring this year, our stats have become like that.

Well, that's so worth it, spending RPs in System like that.

My level 7 stats in total is equal to an average Level 26-27 people, that's more than three times the number and almost close to four times as much!

And so, with all preparation completes, I with my little sister and our parents go to the tournament venue that is the Main Family Hall located above the mountain that oversees the whole area of our big family territory.

After arriving there, I see our niece has also come with her parents.

Both my and her family gives each other greetings and I along with my little sister also greets our sweet niece.

Then, we go to our respective spots.

As the Champion of the previous year Annual Family Gathering Youth Tournament, I along with my family got to sits on the right side next to my Grandpa Wiradhi Prakosa Anantawijaya, the current Family Head and his three Principal Wives who are also His Servants whom He contracted as a Heavenly Master.

Meanwhile, as the runner up, my niece's family got to sits on his left side.

I get along well with his Third Principal Wive who is also from the Demonic Race like my Succubus Grandma.

She is a Level 66 Ashura Sword Priestess from the Western Holyland, it is said that my Grandpa manages to get her hand in marriage after he succeed to win against her in a sword duel.

Also, even though she is practically my Grand-Aunt, she is still a Heaven destroyer beauty coupled with her sextraordinarily awesome Super Ripe MILF Body.

The heck, that milk jugs sized breasts is absolutely inhuman, and her sinisterly curvaceous body can easily makes all man cumming non stop from only looking at her even if she is just dancing and shaking her supremely shaped hips like those erotic Indian Belly Dancers.

I fought hard to keep my youthful passion in check, after all she is still my Grand-Aunt, you know!

And an Ashura on top of that, Goddess knows what she will do if she got furious.

I don't want to be a target victim of a Sexy Bodacious MILF version of Ashura's Wrath protagonist here, not when even my level is only one tenth of her level!

Cough, cough, I am getting sidetracked again.....

Begone, gentlemanly thoughts, I banished thee to the depth of my abyssal mind!

Let's get back to the Tournament Arc here...

So to get things fair, me, my niece and my little sister as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winner of the last year's Annual Family Gathering Youth Tournament become a seeded participant again and only need to fights from quarter final stage and above.

After all, my Grandpa and the other Family Elders are not idiots, they can sense clearly how strong our 11 years old body right now despite being only on the sixth to the seventh stage of Foundation Establishment Realm in Cultivation.

If they let the three of us bulldoze our way right from the preliminary section, it's only unfair for those weak 10-17 years old brats who will only be ruthlessly bulldozed -I mean, eliminated right on the preliminary stage without any chance to showcase their talent and combat prowess.

And so, me long with my little sister and niece got to just sits around comfortably and watch the tournament fights like Caiser Nero watching the Colosseum until the semifinal begins.

Of course, we are not getting idle just watching the battle on the arena below, we also have a discussion and commentary regarding the combat prowess of the participant in this year's tournament.

And me with the System Library in my mind never stopped to impress my little sister, my niece, along with the Elders and other Family members who happened to eardrops on our discussion as I accurately assessed every single participants combat potential (by using the System library in mind, of course).

Everyone just chalked it

He he he he, being in the limelight and getting all the attention and admiration from my Family, especially with those inflential Elders sure felt good.

All those low key, humble but always bring trouble MCs should just die!

If you will bring troubles knocking on your door anyway, isn't it better to be just high profile and let everyone see how much you worth so they will also willingly helps to established good connection with you!?

Why should we be an authistic low key person that eventually makes more and more people just look down on you very much?

What? Playing as a pig to eat the tiger?

Sorry, I prefer to play as a King to eat the Dragon.

Be High Profile and showcase your worth is the one True Way, but I also make sure to have preparation for any unexpected situation.

Stored in my System Inventory, there is 13 pieces of Jade Ankhs that can automatically revive me if I am getting killed for 13 times consecutively every 69 seconds, along with 33 pieces of Escape Talismans that can randomly teleport me along with everyone on my side to a safe place.

I also have 33 Healing Candies and 33 Magic Gummies (1 each for every flavors they have) always ready in the very top section on my System Inventory so I can always quickly take them out and consume them if I need any healing or refreshments.

Anyway, let's get back to the Annual Family Gathering Youth Tournament.

On the quarter final, I, my sister and our niece finally got down to fights on the stage.

The three of us each have a fight on a different round, easily eliminating 3 out of 5 quarterfinalists who make their way from the preliminary stage.

All of the quarterfinalists are already 17 years old and all of them have cultivation level at the sixth stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm (Level 6 by the System Standard) with their stats ranging from 16 to 34.

Regarding this, Grandpa and the Elders in the Family has noticed that on this year's Annual Family Gathering Youth Tournament, the overall cultivation level and combat prowess showcased by the current young generation participating in the tournament is increased significantly from the other years.

They attributed it to them being more diligent in their cultivation and training after me who is only 10 years old last year managed to defeat everyone and get the champion seat on the previous year tournament.

So the Grandpa and the Family Elders all nodded in satisfaction seeing the rapid development of the current young generation in the family.

Really, the sense of competition and the spirit of rivalry are the keys for rapid development and progress!

Anyway, that didn't change the fact that I easily defeat everyone again and smoothly become a Champion on this year too.

Oh, by the way, my little sister now has managed to avenge her defeat on the previous year by winning against our niece and has become the Runner up of this year tournament.

And with my niece seated on the 3rd winner of the tournament, this year Annual Family Gathering Youth Tournament then comes to a close after the reward for the winners are distributed.

After that, there is the Annual Family Meeting and Banquets held on the Family Main Hall.

I plan to dine in with both my little sister and our niece, but somehow we can't found our little foxy niece and her family everywhere on the banquet hall....