
Shen Canons

Kai Syaoran stood in front of the entrance to the realm of darkness and death and he took a deep breath. He was in his true form but he had reduced his height and size using his transformation art so that he could fit into the world gate.

If he wanted to get the purest devil qi, he needed to go into the underworld. This was the only way. He could use the devil qi that was leaking out of the World Gate but he did not want to. The qi that leaked out of the gate was diluted and had a lot of impurities. Kai Syaoran was a perfectionist and he wanted the best for his cultivation.

Meng Kang looked at the beast before him and gritted his teeth. He could feel that it would only take a few more breath before he could break out of the time freeze but this was too long. One Kai Syaoran took a step into the World Gate, he would be sent into the underworld and the exact location would be up to his luck.