A little wolf born on a desolate continent in a forest where the weak are prey and the strong are still prey struggles to rise to the top of the food chain in its pursuit of perfection, but how can one be perfect without achieving eternity?
Kai Syaoran Stood up and with one step, he reached the edge of the formations.
With one swing of the spear, he bisected six rat-type Demonic beasts.
He wanted to take full advantage of the surprise attack so he jumped out of the formations and entered the group of beasts. Like a wolf in a hen house, he began to slaughter left and right.
The Demonic beasts ganged up to face him, but they lacked coordination. These Demonic beasts were of different species and their fighting styles showed this even more clearly.
Some of the attacks instead of landing on Kai Syaoran, instead ended up killing other Demonic beasts. As he fought, he took full advantage of this and in some instances, he used other Demonic beasts as shields.
Slash, a rat-type Demonic beast slashed Kai Syaoran's back with its sharp claws.
Blood flowed from the wound making Kai Syaoran groan in pain.