
Supreme Priest

The priest, a symbol of nobility and sanctity. As warriors fight bravely on the front against the enemy, the priest stands as their strongest support. Whether through effective healing or chanting battle hymns to empower the warriors, a team with high-level priests is always the most powerful. "Arise, my most loyal companion! When others have fallen before the enemy's might, only the priest remains standing. As long as we are here, there is hope for life!" The priest, the most noble and delicate profession. We are the warriors behind the scenes, the heroes in the shadows, the war machines that don't need guns. We are the noble arbiters of victory! But we are not just the ones who stand behind the warriors. Priests can also stand alone, slay dragons, and destroy everything with a snap of our fingers!

DaoistlpXQ8U · Games
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21 Chs

The Passionate Pink Elixir

Just like the last time he sold medicine, Ye Feng was in urgent need of money. A level 50 priest's robe would cost no less than 40,000 gold coins, and a level 50 staff would demand a similar price. Additionally, items like level 50 shoes, gloves, belts, hats, and so on would easily add up to a set that would cost 200,000 gold coins at the very least.

The shoes, gloves, and belts were not urgent to replace, but the priest's robe and the staff were absolutely essential updates. Thinking about how he had nearly been defeated by mutated skeletons twice and had used two precious magic scrolls, Ye Feng couldn't wait to change into a pristine white robe and a gallant set of armor. As for the staff, it was a treasure that could enhance magical attacks, and the sooner he got it, the more advantageous it would be for leveling up.

"Super Mana Potions with a resistance of 10-20, 20 bottles for a fixed price of 20,000 gold coins, limited to transactions within Greenleaf City; Super Mana Potions with a resistance of 5-10, 7 bottles for a fixed price of 42,000 gold coins, also limited to transactions within Greenleaf City!" Ye Feng quickly set the prices on the trading platform and gave his shop a very common name, 'No Bargaining.'

There were plenty of potion transactions on the platform, but most had high resistances, resulting from players practicing their potion-making skills. Potions with a resistance of around 10, like those sold by Ye Feng, were almost nonexistent. Even if they did exist, it was just a bottle or two occasionally. To see someone like Ye Feng offering more than twenty bottles at once was a unique occurrence across the entire Elysium Continent.

"Ding—Dark Wind has purchased your goods; 20,000 gold coins will be transferred to your account in five minutes; Ding—Dark Wind has purchased your goods; 42,000 gold coins will be transferred to your account in five minutes."

"There are so many wealthy people!" Seeing the goods that were just listed on the platform being sold in less than half a minute, Ye Feng shook his head helplessly. If he could buy high-quality Waterwheel Plain leaves every day like today, then making money would be incredibly easy. He just needed to make potions and list them on the platform, and the gold coins would come pouring in, right?

Ye Feng flipped through the platform pages and did not close the store he had just opened. Instead, he prepared to buy a level 50 priest's robe first when a message suddenly came through.

"Friend, your potions are excellent, with very low resistances. If you have more low-resistance potions, please contact me. I will buy them at a high price; money is no issue!"

Ye Feng looked at the sender of the message, who was indeed the Dark Wind who had just bought his potions, and couldn't help but shake his head. The advantages and disadvantages of the trading platform coexisted. The advantage was that one could contact the seller for bargaining, while the disadvantage was that one could be easily disturbed when selling items.

Money is no issue? But where will I get the raw materials from is a problem!

Recalling the cold and gorgeous woman, who was as beautiful as a rose on a snowy mountain, kissing him in the bar, she had given him a large bag of 100 Waterwheel Plain leaves, yet he didn't even know her name. Ye Feng's heart suddenly quickened by almost half a hertz; could it be that he was excited? Could it be that he liked that beautiful woman?

Thinking of the woman's luxurious attire and looking at his own shabby clothes, Ye Feng dismissed the thought. Heavens, let's first solve his own food and clothing issues!

Ye Feng still replied to Dark Wind's message: "I also have several Super Mana Potions with a resistance below 5! If you have priest's equipment, can you exchange it with me?"

The potions with a resistance of 5-10 were sold at 6,000 gold coins each. Ye Feng thought that selling a potion with a resistance of 3 for 10,000 gold coins should not be considered expensive, right?

Dark Wind seemed to be stunned for a while and took nearly half a minute before replying, "No problem! How many potions do you have? And what level are you?"

"About 10 bottles? I'm level 50! Just promoted!"

"Haha, congratulations first for becoming the fifth two-time promoted priest in 'Light'! You are now the fifth-ranked Feng Ye on the priest career ranking list, right? Shall we meet at the Greenleaf City warehouse?"

Seeing Dark Wind's message, Ye Feng was stunned for a moment. Was he the fifth two-time promoted priest in 'Light'? Ye Feng quickly opened the 'Light' ranking list and saw his name prominently on the neatly arranged list.

Career Level Ranking (Priest):

1. Snow Moon Cold Light Level 57

2. Small Snow Moon Mark Level 56

3. Wine and Meat Priest Level 54

4. Trample on Beauty Level 50

5. Wind Field Level 50

Ye Feng was stunned, feeling quite complicated. He didn't expect that by training on his own, he would become the fifth-ranked priest! Ironically, the gap between him and the top few was so large!

Could it be that in 'Light,' apart from himself, Snow Moon, Small Snow, and the other two priests, there is no sixth priest?

—No! That's not right!

Ye Feng suddenly remembered that in 'Light,' there were only more than ten people who had broken through the 50 mark, right? Now even the priests have five! Then what about the other professions...

Ye Feng hastily clicked on the total career ranking.

Feng Ye, Priest, Total Career Ranking 1246.

"Seems my ranking is not bad." Ye Feng smirked bitterly. Among a thousand two hundred people, there were only five senior priests. It seems that the name Feng Ye would bring him a lot of trouble in the future. At least, just through the career level ranking, there were already quite a few people who knew him...

"Change small change! Change small change! Young man, do you have small change?" As usual, when Ye Feng passed by the pharmacy entrance with a body full of potions, the pharmacist, who was filled with a pungent smell of medicine, stopped him again.

"Change!" Ye Feng, with the eyes of passers-by looking at ghosts, took out a large handful of copper coins from his bag.

Ninety for a hundred, only fools and the lazy would not change! Ye Feng is not a fool, and at the same time, he is as hardworking as a little bee in the motherland's garden, naturally with a large amount of copper coins on him.

In fact, now in 'Light,' very few people make this kind of transaction. Although the pharmacist is at a big loss while benefiting the public at a ratio of nine to ten, how many poor people can come to Greenleaf City? How many low-level guys are there?

Almost all monsters above level 30 do not explode copper plates! To collect copper coins, one must provoke low-level monsters, of course, except for the barren Dragon Mountain...

Ninety for a hundred, even if you change ten thousand, you only earn ten gold coins, so now only the poor will do this task, and the entire 'Light,' I'm afraid all players above level 40 who are still making this transaction with the pharmacist, there is only Ye Feng left.

When passers-by saw a priest wearing ragged clothes, but the level must not be low, constantly taking out a large amount of copper coins from the bag as if it were endless, and the pharmacist stood at the door of the pharmacy and kept putting a large amount of copper coins into the bottomless bag, one was digging with sweat on his head, very happy, the other was packing diligently, very satisfied, those who don't know the rules, I'm afraid they think this pair of treasures just came back from robbing the bank!

Ye Feng completely ignored the eyes of others, and the transaction did not end until five minutes later. The delighted pharmacist walked into the small accounting room in the store and patted the bag with satisfaction: "Young man, a total of 1,327 copper coins, I'll give you 1,350, and give you 150 silver coins!"

Ye Feng took the money and threw it into the bag, earning one and a half gold coins, which is 0.015 credit points, well, you can buy a sewing needle.

"Recently, there are fewer people changing small change. To reward you, here you are!" The pharmacist suddenly threw a bottle of pink potion, and Ye Feng caught it steadily, the damn old man, more than a thousand copper plates, just give a bottle!

"Passionate Pink Elixir, level seven, quest item (hidden, trigger conditions require players to reach at least the qualification of Master Alchemist), effect unknown."

Walking out of the pharmacy, looking at the passers-by who were looking at themselves with disdain, Ye Feng quietly hid the potion. Nonsense! If it's just for 0.015 credit points, it's so painstaking to pick up copper plates from the ground one by one, even if it's the old fool who moves the mountain, I'm afraid he will also complain bitterly. This secret, I hope only I will always know, praise the great 'Light' main brain, let all players be so rich that they never change small change!