
Supreme Preeminent Sovereign


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42 Chs

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Name: Kent Kanzen

Realm Level: Earth Realm – S Tier

Race: Hybrid Human [Purity 5%]

Title: [World Genius] [Unyielding Spirit]

Faction: -

Unique Class: -

Exclusive Traits: [Domain Emperor] [Seven Terror Sins]

• Main Attributes

Strength – S Tier +[200%], Agility – S Tier +[200%], Vitality – S Tier +[650%], Intelligence – S Tier +[200%], Magic – S Tier +[500%], Spirit – S Tier +[750%]

• Skills

Super Speed, Flash Steps, Instantaneous Flash, Critical Burst, Orbital Counter, Multi Parallel Casting, Singular Trinity, Counter Reflection, Elemental Liberation

• Extra Skills

Elemental Magic Extremity, High Poison Immunity, Super Speed Regeneration, Diamond Body

• Universal Force

• Primal Origin

• Primordial Genesis

Title – [World Genius]

World Genius is a title given to a few individuals overviewing the entirety of a world. Someone selected from an unimaginable count of 1-to-1 Billion. Such selected individuals developed and possessed their own outstanding talents, wisdom, and spirit since young.

Effects – Enhances user's overall main attributes by 200%.

Title – [Unyielding Spirit]

Unyielding Spirit is a title giving to a number of young warrior's that have reached a certain threshold in life. This warrior's successfully passed a great challenge of fate, surviving from such quest; aiming to grow to stronger and stronger.

Effects – Enhances user's Spirit attribute by 550%.

Exclusive Traits – [Domain Emperor]

Emperor's need a strong overview to their domain, and to support such strong overview, such Emperor need a strong spirit and control over the surroundings.

First Ability – Gravity Manipulation

Second Ability - LOCK

Third Ability – LOCK

Fourth Ability – LOCK

Fifth Ability – LOCK

Sixth Ability – LOCK

Exclusive Traits – [Seven Terror Sins]

Seven desirable and non-desirable sins living and nonliving creatures garner in their time.

First Ability – Terror of Wrath [Body Enhancement Type]

Second Ability – Terror of Pride [Defensive Barrier Type]

Third Ability – Terror of Gluttony [Soul Devouring Type]

Fourth Ability – Terror of Envy [Analysis Recreation Type]

Fifth Ability – Terror of Sloth [Avatar Cloning Type]

Sixth Ability – Terror of Greed [Abomination Summoning Type]

Seventh Ability – Terror of Lust [Mental Penetration Type]

Extra Skill – Elemental Magic Extremity

Great elemental magic user's requires great buff to support and grow their magic knowledge and wisdom.

Effects – Increase user's casting speed. Enhances users element affinity. Increase user's elemental attribute resistance. Increase user's control over elements and mana.

Extra Effects – Increase user's magic by 300%

Extra Skill – High Poison Immunity,

Body immune to several deadly poisons.

Effects – Earth Realm Poison Immunity, Poison Auto Medical Analysis, Enhanced Poison Resistance, Great Poison Adjustability

Extra Effects – Increase user's Vitality by 100%

Extra Skill – Super Speed Regeneration

To survive and be the perfect warrior, one need a body where the host doesn't need to worry about losing a limb or two.

Effects – High-Speed Regeneration, High Body Adjustability, High-Speed Health Recovery, Pain Resistance, Super Speed Cell Reconstruction

Extra Effects – Increase user's Vitality by 50%

Extra Skill – Diamond Body

Warrior didn't just need good skills, good control over their body, and high-end sense's; warrior's also need a body that can withstand strong assaults to not fall down.

Effects: Pain Resistance, Auto Physical Counter Defensive, Shock Absorption, Knock back Resistance, High Magic and Physical Resistance, Critical Damage Reduction, Extreme Tough Skin, High-Speed Health Recovery

Extra Effects – Increase user's Vitality by 300%


Seeing a perfect overview of his personal information, Kent couldn't help but be surprised and be amazed at the same time to this game like holographic screen.

It remind him of those novels of the old era he read from his father's book collection in their library.

It was at this moment when Kent had himself indulge, to the information displayed, when another holographic blue screen appeared out of tin air.

[First Trial Scenario]

★ Hunter Or Be Hunted ★

Difficulty – F Tier → SS Tier

Rewards – Fragment Inheritance of ****** ******

[Applying Time Conversion Dilation]

Inheritance Ground 1 Hour ↔ Outside World 60 Second.

The system in charge of the inheritance ground made it so that the time conversion of the inheritance and the outside world is reformed. Each hour in the inheritance ground is equivalent to 60 seconds in the outside world.

Such miraculous treasure that has the power to manipulate the time dilation is unheard of in Earth; and if such treasure existed, countless powerhouses and organizations would sure to fight over such thing.

Training in such place, where an hour is equivalent to 60 seconds, is something warriors and mage's all around desired.

Moreover, the worry of dying out of old age has long been forgotten, individuals possessing prowess above A Tier can live for more than 500 years or so. Thiers's even a study where individuals possessing SS Tier prowess could live up to a thousand year and passed that.

So, humans of Earth, whether rich or poor, would do anything to improve their power and increase their Tier level.

Everyone wanted to lived longer, as such everyone wanted to grow stronger, not just to enjoy life but also to live a long life.

This mutation on human evolution is just one of the numerous benefits, earthlings gained; from the appearance of dimensional gates.

★ Hunter Or Be Hunted ★ [F Tier]

Out of nowhere the scenery change, Kent found himself surrounding in lush wide grasslands.

The test started, yet Kent immediately spread his sense's.

The quest was said to be an [F Tier] yet, Kent still didn't let his guard down.

Kent is someone, who would test the enemies while minimize his performance, testing them, studying their behavior trying to understand them.

But while he does this, Kent won't just show any opening that could put him in a dangerous situation, he wouldn't let them have their way.

It was presently, because of Kent's action, he successfully avoided a prior danger.

The grasses swayed, seeing that there's no strong enough wind to cause such motion, and with his sense's reaching the area where the strange motion occurred, Kent successfully avoid a sudden sneak attack.

Kent jump using [Gravity Manipulation] he levitated floating midair. The place where he at moments ago we're filled with scattered grasses.

"What's that?"

To Kent's question, six creatures resembling a bunny but with horns in their forehead was seen.

"F Tier…! For real, … that speed isn't something F Tier beast could be accomplished."

Kent couldn't help but voice out a complaint, recalling the extreme speed and sharpness, the little bunnies showed earlier.

'Even with my Diamond Body…'

Before Kent could continue his thoughts, the six cute bunnies on the ground pounced at him.

Seeing, this, Kent immediately unsheathe his sword, executing a sword technique.

"Demon blood sword art, first form, Crimson mist dance."

Kent moved in a speed normal people couldn't hope to see, dancing midair; as blood splattered raining down, cutting the cute devilish bunnies into pieces.

The particles of blood swayed accompanying the breeze of the wind, creating a red mist.

"This so called F Tier beast prowess is equivalent to those B – A frost saber tooth tigers, while they did resemble horned bunnies, these bunnies have had this strange green colored particles around them."

"Enhancement… a beast using an enhancement skill… no, it doesn't seem like an enhancement."

Kent focused thoroughly, heightening his sense's through the surroundings, aiming to discern the strange green particles of energy that had spread throughout the surroundings. This green particles of energy that came out after the death of the bunnies.

Kent has an almost unbearable curiosity to the unknown, this curiosity of him is one of the major reasons for his current prowess.

Kent who always seek for answer's couldn't help but embarked in experiments, trying different things just to achieve a certain point of result that could satisfy him.

Currently, Kent's interest was brought forth to this strange green particles. Suspecting that these tiny particles is the one responsible for the unbelievable prowess the small bunnies have.

'Interesting, I need more samples.'

To a second glance, Kent has a bright smile seeing something new and interesting.

"I need more samples…!"

To his call, from a far distance where a tall expanse of grass swayed, he sensed a massive hoard of the same bunnies answering his request.

Kent's currently bright expression change, yet instead of solemnity due to the upcoming hoard of savage bunnies. Kent let out a smile that seemed to be having fun, a devil like smile.

The hoard of savage bunnies rushing over felt a great instinctive danger.

Unfortunately, for them, before they could react or think of running Kent used [Super Speed] + [Flash Step] + [Instantaneous Flash] and [Gravity Manipulation] to arrive beside them.

To their surprised they've forgotten the instinctive danger they felt.

These savage bunnies then tried pouncing at Kent, aiming their sharp pointy horns coated by this strange greened like particles.

"Oh ho, amazing." Kent smiling brightly shouted, in his eyes time seemed to slow down. Kent, initiated one of the [Seven Terror Sins] – Terror of Envy [Analysis Recreation Type]

To this slow motion point, Kent's analysis ability, brought by the terror of envy worked to its fullest extent. Kent's eyes and brain made a systematic theory, trying to analyze the green particles to his fullest process power.

'Wind…? A very pure cluster of pure wind energy… this purity, is this even possible.'

The results of his analysis ended to more and more questions. Kent himself, couldn't believe his result.