
Supreme Overlord System (Re-Write)

Ren Yagami a 27 year old [otaku], died due to a newly discovered deadly virus outbreak. one of God's Pillars will ask him to do a task which will lead him to the top of the World. *Also the cover is not mine if the original owner wants me to remove it please let me know.* •Wish Fulfillment• •Most likely I will mess up the original story a bit here and there, so please understand if it doesn't make sense or isn't like in 'canon'.• =================^================= [warning!] [This novel is a translation from Indonesian to English (Well.. I edited it and included my ideas in this book, because otherwise the results would be messy.) This novel has content (18+) and I also wrote this FanFic according to my own wishes, so the name, place, etc. what's here is my own bullshit please don't take it seriously.] =================^================= because this is going to be a Mega Harem where the MC wants every (Waifu) he dreams of, so I hope you guys don't take it seriously when there's so much bul*sh*t here. ==================^================= [I don't have any characters other than OC, so forgive me if I don't perfectly imitate every character trait in this FF] ==================^================= • I like to write Fanfic with OP MC, I write to my heart's content, I don't want to bother if I can make it easy (Even though it doesn't make sense). So if you like the OP character and are just looking for the 'Lemon', then read this Fanfic. Don't expect too much about anything, because I write it to my heart's content, so turn off your brain when reading my Fanfic and use your 'D'.• - LewdSenPai ==================^==================

LewdSenPai · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs


"Tsuna-chan, are you able to use Chakra?" Ren asked.

"Un. Grandpa and Grandma taught me how to use Chakra."

Hearing Tsunade's answer Ren nodded and continued.

"Very good, then are you able to use Jutsu?"

"Tsunade can already use Earth and Water elemental Jutsu." Tsunade answered while nodding.

"Good, then can you show me the Jutsu you have learned?" Ren said.

Tsunade who heard this nodded and got down from Hashirama's arms.

"Tsuna-chan can already use D and C rank Jutsu." Tobirama said.

"You guys can back off and keep your distance first." Ren said.

Mito, Hashirama and Tobirama stepped back looking curiously at Ren and Tsunade.

It's true, Tsunade has been taught how to use Chakra and Jutsu with rank D and C.

Tsunade then made hand seals and screamed cutely.

{Suiton : Teppoudama}


A water ball cannon was created and destroyed a tree not far away from her.

"Hehe Tsuna-chan is really amazing~"

Ren praised her while stroking Tsunade's tiny head making the latter happy and smiling.

'Aoi, buy something for Tsunade so that her Senju Bloodline can be purified to the same purity as Hashirama's Bloodline.' Ren said to Aoi.

[Okay Ren~]

[Bloodline Purification Pill (A) : Can cleanse one's bloodline and increase its purity by twenty percent.

Note : Can only be used five times, more than that the effect of the pill will not work. ---- 100K points.]

'Hmm... okay, buy ten pills.'

[Understood Ren~]

[Bloodline Purification Pills ---- purchased.]

'Aoi, if the difference in the purity of Madara's and Hashirama's bloodline is different, then how can Madara be in balance? is it because of the power of his eyes?'

[Apart from the Uchiha's eye power being known, that was also possible since they were both practically the reincarnations of Indra and Ashura, which was destiny for both of them to be strong.]

'That's possible. Well even though in the anime, Indra was eventually defeated by Ashura and Madara was defeated by Hashirama even though he didn't actually die, their fates continued to twist into the future.'

[That's right, plus the presence of Black Zetsu as the guide of each of antagonists.]

'Have you scan this world and found Black Zetsu's whereabouts?' Ren asked Aoi.

[I have scanned this world and got the position.]

'Good, the most important thing is that his position is known. If it wasn't for him, I'm sure this antagonist probably wouldn't be trapped due to blindness.'

Ren finished his conversation with Aoi and sighed.

"Okay, Tsuna-chan, this is a delicious candy, please try it."

Ren said and handed a pill to Tsunade.

Hashirama, Mito and Tobirama who saw this were just silent and curious.

Tsunade nodded and put the pill into her mouth and swallowed it.

Immediately Ren felt the Nature Energy around him being sucked into Tsunade's body.

While Hashirama could only feel the Nature Energy around him as if was being sucked in by something.

Ren disturbed Hashirama's senses so he didn't know that Nature's Energy was sucked up by Tsunade.

"Very good, then does Tsuna-chan want to be able to have Jutsu like grandpa?" Ren said.

"Un. I want to become a great Shinobi like grandpa and big brother Ren." Tsunade replied.

Hearing this Ren smiled and patted her head before taking out a scroll from his inventory.

Meanwhile Hashirama, Mito and Tobirama were curious to see the scroll.

"Here, please see."

Ren handed the scroll to Tsunade who immediately took it and read it.

Those who were curious couldn't wait any longer and approached Ren.

"Ren, what scroll is that?" Mito asked.

Ren hearing the question smiled mysteriously and said.

"You will see later."

"Are you able to use it?" Ren said to Tsunade.

Tsunade who heard this nodded her head.

"Alright, let's back off keeping our distance for Tsuna-chan." Ren said.

Hearing this, the curious Hashirama, Mito and Tobirama followed him back a little further.

Tsunade then slowly made hand seals making Hashirama's body stiffen when he saw her hand.

{Mokuton : Mukujoheki}

Soon wood vines came out of the ground to form a dome which covered the sunlight shining on Tsunade.

Hashirama, Mito and Tobirama opened their mouths and eyes wide.

Especially for Hashirama, When he saw the hand seals made by Tsunade he was stunned but he didn't expect his granddaughter to be able to use Mokuton like him.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Tsuna-chan is so Amazing!"

Ren clapped his hands and said bringing Hashirama, Mito and Tobirama back to their senses.

"Hahaha! Amazing! Tsuna-chan is great! My granddaughter can finally use a makuton like me!"

Hashirama laughed and shouted before finally running and lifting Tsunade up high.

Mito and Tobirama glanced at Ren looking at him curiously.

"I wasn't lying when I said I know who other Makuton users besides you, right Hashi-chan? and that person is Tsunade." Ren said.

"How!? I know very well that Tsunade can't use Makuton." Tobirama approached Ren and whispered.

"Is it because of something you gave to Tsuna-chan?" this time Mito asked.

"With ability of course." Ren answered briefly.

"But it's impossible to awaken a Makuton in someone with abilities alone! Did you know that if someone wants to use a Makuton that person must have a Sage Body!? Without a Sage Body, awakening a Makuton is impossible!"

"And furthermore, that being said, the person possessing the Sage Body is the successor of the God of Shinobi, how is it possible that Tsunade who was born without a Sage Body can use Makuton now!?" Tobirama denied.

"Tobirama is right, what did you do to Tsunade Ren?" Mito chimed in.

"I just awakened her Sage Body, that's all." Ren replied as if it was an easy matter.

"That's impossible! Unless you are the God of Shinobi itself, you won't be able to awaken her Sage body." Tobirama said while shaking his head.

"Tobi-chan, what you say is true, but I have my own way...after all, it's not only that old man Hagoromo who can give Sage Bodies." Ren said.

"Hagoromo? Who is Hagoromo?" Tobirama asked and was confused.

When a name, Hagoromo, was mentioned, a pair of eyes lit up from within the darkness.

"It's the old man who created the ball of fur inside Mito-chan's body or also known as God of Shinobi." Ren said.

Hearing this a pair of eyes that lit up in the darkness slowly revealed itself.

Seen, a fox with nine tails growled in displeasure before finally shouting.

"Mito! Beat this bastard for me! How dare this human insult me!"

That's right, that pair of eyes belonged to the nine tailed beast or known as the Kyuubi.

Mito who heard a shouted voice from within herself was shocked.


'It seems your friend knows a lot about that old man... Before you ask, beat him up first for me!' Kyūbi said.

While Ren, who realized Mito's blank look, said to her.

"Did the furball wake up?"

'Mito! let me take over your body! let me kick this asshole!' Kyuubi who was inside Mito's body shouted.

Of course they couldn't hear the tailed beast's shouted except for Mito.

'Calm down Kyuubi, He's not a bad person. let me talk to him first.' Mito said to Kyuubi.

'Humph!' Kyuubi snorted.

A few moments later Mito's vision returned to normal and said.

"Don't say that, Kyuubi is angry because you made fun of him."

"Then let him come out and talk, I've always been curious and wanted to talk to him face to face. Isn't your relationship with him quite good? Then why are you still sealing him?" Ren said.

"No, I can't let the Kyuubi out of the seal, because the negative energy he has is huge." Mito refused.

"If we break the seal, he will go on a rampage and destroy the village." Tobirama added.

Hearing Mito and Tobirama's words, Ren just looked at the two of them strangely and sighed before speaking.

"You guys really don't understand huh... no wonder the furball doesn't want to help Mito."

"What do you mean?" Tobirama asked.

"You two, what do you think the tailed beasts are?" Ren asked back.

Before Tobirama and Mito could answer, Hashirama walked over to them with Tsunade on his shoulder.

"Ren thanks for helping Tsuna-"

Hashirama didn't have time to finish his words when he saw the serious atmosphere made him ask seriously.

"What is it?"

Mito and Tobirama then explained their conversation from the start to Hashirama.

"Why are you asking about tailed beast Ren?" Hashirama asked.

"I just wonder what they think of the tailed beasts." Ren said.

"I think the tailed beasts are very dangerous if they are released in the wild, if they rampage it will be disastrous for humans." Mito said after thinking.

"I also agree. By sealing it into a human body, not only will we avoid disaster, we will also have backup power to defend the village." Tobirama said.

"I also agree with Tobirama. During the first war, you yourself know how terrible it is when the tailed beasts go berserk, right?" Hashirama added.

Ren hearing this looked at them strangely and sighed before saying.

"Haahh... do you guys really think like that?"

"What do you mean?" Hashirama asked confusedly.

"Listen, do you think the God of Shinobi really exists?" Ren asked.

Hearing Ren's question, they all nodded their heads simultaneously.

"Good, Do you know the origins of the tailed beasts?"

Seeing those who were silent and looking at him, Ren decided to tell a brief story.

"In short, the tailed beasts were originally just one, that is ten tailed beasts, then they split and became what you guys call them now tailed beasts. one tailed beasts, two tailed beasts, etc."

"Long story short, Then the old man scattered the tailed beasts to different places and then humans sealed them into the bodies we now know as Jinchūriki."

"If you believe that the God of Shinobi exists and Hashirama's Sage Body was created by him, then why do you think that God of Shinobi spread the tailed beasts?" Ren said.

Hearing Ren's words they racked their brains and thought, but the result was still 'ignorance'.

Seeing them silent and deep in thought Ren continued.

"That's why I told Mito that the ball of fur inside her won't help Mito, because you don't even know what a tailed beast is."

Hearing Ren's explanation, Mito, Hashirama and Tobirama looked at Ren seriously.

Meanwhile the fox inside Mito's body, who was listening to their conversation from the start narrowed his eyes and wondered 'Who exactly is this human who knows this much'.

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