
Supreme Overlord System (Re-Write)

Ren Yagami a 27 year old [otaku], died due to a newly discovered deadly virus outbreak. one of God's Pillars will ask him to do a task which will lead him to the top of the World. *Also the cover is not mine if the original owner wants me to remove it please let me know.* •Wish Fulfillment• •Most likely I will mess up the original story a bit here and there, so please understand if it doesn't make sense or isn't like in 'canon'.• =================^================= [warning!] [This novel is a translation from Indonesian to English (Well.. I edited it and included my ideas in this book, because otherwise the results would be messy.) This novel has content (18+) and I also wrote this FanFic according to my own wishes, so the name, place, etc. what's here is my own bullshit please don't take it seriously.] =================^================= because this is going to be a Mega Harem where the MC wants every (Waifu) he dreams of, so I hope you guys don't take it seriously when there's so much bul*sh*t here. ==================^================= [I don't have any characters other than OC, so forgive me if I don't perfectly imitate every character trait in this FF] ==================^================= • I like to write Fanfic with OP MC, I write to my heart's content, I don't want to bother if I can make it easy (Even though it doesn't make sense). So if you like the OP character and are just looking for the 'Lemon', then read this Fanfic. Don't expect too much about anything, because I write it to my heart's content, so turn off your brain when reading my Fanfic and use your 'D'.• - LewdSenPai ==================^==================

LewdSenPai · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

[Another One]

After that, Ren came out of his room and the inn.

Standing in front of the inn, he stretched his body while thinking about who he would visit first.

Not long after he was stretching his body, he got his answer and smiled before heading towards his destination.

Ren walked leisurely while looking around the village which made his mood better as he walked along while humming.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Ren stopped his steps in front of a household.

Ren spread his senses as his lips curved into a smile after when someone he wanted to visit was inside.

Ren then climbed up the stairs and arrived at the door before knocking politely.


"One moment! I'll be there soon!" Someone shouted from inside.

A voice that seemed to belong to a woman sounded which made his smile even wider.

Not long after that, there was a commotion like falling objects or the sound of running footsteps getting clearer and clearer.

"Who are yo-" voice sounded again before the door slowly opened.

Sure enough, the owner of the voice was a woman.

The woman stopped midway through her words as if petrified when she saw her visitor.

She is a fair-skinned and slender feminine woman with purple eyes.

The thing that stood out the most about her was her beauty and red hair, just like the usual red hair of the Uzumaki clan.

Her hair is straight and reaches her thighs with shoulder-length strands framing either side of her face and a black clip that partes her hair to the left.

She wore a high-collared sleeveless blouse under a loose long dress with a bracelet on her left wrist.

"How are you, Kushina-chan?" Ren said as he smiled charmingly.

That's right, the woman Ren visited was the Red Hot-blooded Habanero.

Better known by her name as Uzumaki Kushina.

Kushina didn't respond but just froze in place as her expression kept changing.

Ren who could feel and see her expression slightly raised his eyebrows when he looked straight into her eyes, there was annoyance and anger, but what made him raise his eyebrows was that there was also longing and love? in her eyes.

Ren calculated inside his head before confirming to Aoi.

'Aoi, what made Kushina have such an expression in her eyes when looking at me was because I prevented her death and at the same time because of the help of my {Supreme God Affection} passive skill right?'

[You're right, if you still remember it, in the anime version, do you still remember what Kushina said to Naruto while dying?]

'I still remember it clearly, it was the worst day for me in my previous life.'

'She wanted to raise Naruto, she wanted to experience being a mother watching her son grow, she wanted to do things as a mother with Naruto, and if I remember correctly... she wanted to be with him.'

[Exactly, and because you prevented her death, her wish became fulfilled, although she felt a great loss after the death of her husband, but she must become stronger and stronger for Naruto-]

'Yes, I understand where your words are going.'

'While she was saddened by the death of her husband, at the same time she became strong because of Naruto, and that's why the pieces of the puzzle are indirectly connected to me as the reason why she now has the expression she has.' Ren finished it for her.


His brow twitched hearing Aoi snort at him.

If she had a face now, Ren believed she was pouting.

[Hehe I'm just kidding~ don't throw away Aoi, Ren.]

'Haahh.. forget it, so the point is because of me right?'

[That's right, if you look deep into her eyes, you can even see she's feeling gratitude towards you.]

[Meanwhile for being annoyed and angry at you is because after saving her and having a little chat, you left and disappeared never to be seen again, like you were never there at the first place, which made her both annoyed and angry at you.]

'Well that can be taken care of later, I already knew it would be like this when I saved her.'

Ren sighed and came out of his thoughts as he looked at Kushina who was still frozen in place.

Kushina blushed slightly when she suddenly came back to her senses and pulled his hand to lead Ren inside before locking the door and pinned him to the door.

"I know you miss me, but can you not be violent -"

Ren didn't have time to finish his words when a punch greeted him instead.

Ren tilted his head to avoid the punch and caught the punch with his bare hands.

"I told you to stop being so violent, Kushina-chan." Ren said as another punch greeted him.


Ren caught it again with his bare hands as the shockwave was engulfed by the space he controlled so as not to damage things.

"Don't dodge my punch." Kushina shouted.

"Oi oi oi, I'm not a masochist!" Ren answered with a flat face.

"Maso- what!?" Kushina was confused while looking at him strangely.

"Uh... in short, I'm not someone who enjoys getting beaten up." Ren replied.

"Then answer me, where have you been all this time?" Kushina asked and pulled her hand from Ren's grip.

"Wandering to interesting places." Ren replied.

"Then why are you-"

Kushina's words were cut off when she opened her eyes wide as her lips were already sealed by his.

Her clenched hands fell to her sides as she closed her eyes before returning the kiss in a slightly clumsy manner.

Ren also carried the kiss gently to balance it out when their tongues met and entwined each other.


Kushina blew hot breaths into his mouth as she slowly brought her hands around Ren's neck before wrapping them around his neck.

Kushina felt her heart flutter and warmed up like something lost had returned home.

Kushina became used to the feeling she felt when she took the kiss to another level.

The kiss that was clumsy at first became smooth as the nervousness she felt at first slowly disappeared.

Their tongues continued to dance together as their heartbeats beating in sync.

The kiss that at first looked like an affectionate kiss became hotter and hotter.

They were exchanging saliva with each other when Kushina greedily sucked his tongue.

A wet slurping sound escape from her mouth which made her cheeks turn red at the lewd sound.

Kushina's body was in heat when her breath started to ragged.

Ren's hand didn't stay still either as he brought his palm to that plump ass and gave a squeeze there.

Kushina who felt this her body squirmed and trembled in excitement.

Moments later, their passionate yet lustful kiss stopped when they separated their lips from each other.

Her glazed eyes and panting breath with drool in her mouth became clear evidence that Kushina enjoyed that lustful kiss.

"Have you calmed down a bit now?" Ren asked.

Kushina just looked at him and nodded before pulling Ren into a hug.

"Welcome back." Kushina said in an affectionate and barely audible voice.

Ren of course heard that which the corners of his lips tugged into a smile as he returned the hug.

"I'm home." Ren replied in the same affectionate way.

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