
Supreme One, Momonga! (Volume 1)

Momonga arrives in the world of Death Note instead of the New World. How will the Supreme One, handle the situation? Can go to patreon to finish the rest of the story. https://patreon.com/user?u=5844850 I’m doing this for fun, but without any gain, this is pretty draining. Please buy me a cup of coffee. PayPal: @LebertBrooks https://discord.gg/ees4vRQN

Soul_River · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The Confused Light Yagami!

Returning to Light's side, Ryuk chuckled, causing Light to look at him with a questioning gaze. However, Light could not ask, as he knew there were cameras observing his actions. If he act suspicious, a lot of things would spiral out of his control.

This was the price for his actions, though he knew he was rash in the beginning, this did not stop him from continuing his plan.

Had he made sure the news was being broadcast worldwide, he would not have had a Task Force on his tail.

Even watching news from other countries and killing criminals did not stop the Task Force from arriving in Japan.

Observing Light, Ryuk burst into laughter, 'What an amusing human! If only he knew he was in danger, how would he react? However, considering the things on the line, I guess I should tell him? One apple over a thousand, the choice is obvious!'

Ryuk did not care for Light's wellbeing. He had help Light to locate the cameras because he wanted to eat his apples in peace. If Light died, he would collect his book and return to the Shinigami Realm, however boring it is.

"Light, do not react in a suspicious way about the information I am about to tell you. Nod if you understand." Seeing Light nod, Ryuk continued, "Good, there is someone outside your window observing you. He has been there awhile now, however that is not what I want to tell you. Someone has dropped a book in the Human World and someone has taken possession of it. Their goal is to hunt down Kira." Ryuk decided not to say anything about Yael and Paradise. He was still uncertain about these things. If he gives Light too much information, there is a possibility he could win the bet, but Ryuk knew Light was very smart for a human, so he limited the information he gave. It is not that Ryuk was being stupid but he had to think about things in the long run. If Light and the owner of the Life Note contend for a long time, he could gather information on the abilities of Yael, which would benefit him. True, the Branch of Life was good but that was a temporary item which is worth less than information on an unknown being. Even if he lost, there is no reason he cannot gain the Branch of Life in the future.

Light looked at Ryuk with a shocked and angry expression, before suppressing himself. He knew he was being observed but did not realize there was someone outside monitoring him. If he had done something odd or suspicious during this time, he would be at the top of L's list of suspects. Though he already predicted such actions, Light found it was too soon. He was just a student studying for the college exam, why would L waste time on him?

Going through his memories, Light could not find where he messed up. No matter how intelligent L is, there is no way he could pinpoint him as Kira, when he just began his career.

Wait! Could they discover my usage of my fathers computer? However I use the correct password and have not been locked out. There has to be another reason! I guess I need to start working inside the Task Force and get L on my side. Eventually he will slip up and that is when he dies!

Light's eyes glowed with confidence before realizing something. Why did Ryuk tell me this information? I did not bribe him, so he had no incentive to be nice. Could the book drop be different? Is the book of Shinigamis different? No, wait! Why must it be a Death Note? Ryuk in the beginning said that I will not enter Heaven or Hell when I die, so could the book be from one of those places? If so, what are the powers? Also why did he mention a drop book and someone outside in the same sentence? What is the connection between them?

Doing his homework, Light calmed down as he almost snapped his pen. He was in a dangerous state right now. The police were suspicious of him, L was on his tail and a new enemy popped up?

How much does this person know about me? Actually they should know a lot about me, far more than I know about them. They should be able to ascertain the abilities of the Death Note, however if the original owner of their book is easier to manipulate than Ryuk, I could be in a bind! But this is also an opportunity. If I can discover this enemy, I could gain more power.

"The book that was dropped is called the Life Note, and is the counter of the Death Note. Its power can undo the effects of the Death Note." After saying that, Ryuk picked up an apple and was about to eat it in a blind spot, stopping as he realized there was no blind spot in the room.

Counter the Death Note? How? Does it undue the deaths I cause? Can it revive the dead? If I go off the name, it should be like that. And since it's the counter, the abilities should be the opposite of mine. If I can possess the Life Note and Death Note, I will be closer to being the god of the New World! However, Ryuk might not have been completely honest, there is a possibility that the Life Note's power is bigger than what he said. I am only an object of entertainment for him after all. I need to know what the opposite of a Shinigami is, so I can get an idea of the origin of the Life Note.

The more Light thought, the more his eyes glowed.

This was not a bad thing but a good one. The police cannot arrest me since they have no proof I am Kira, plus I have alibis, which cannot tie me together to any of the killings. So I just need to worry about L and the Life Note user. How can I get L and the Life Note user to go against each other? However, unlike my Death Note there is a higher probability that they would team up. Wait, could I take 'him' under my wing? Explain my ambition. However the risks are too high. Ryuk already stated what the Life Notes goals are, so I can not risk it. It seems I have to push my plans ahead of schedule even at the risk.

Returning to Raye's side, Yael did not say anything and Raye did not ask. There seems to be a non spoken rule between them.

Yael did not think she would lose as the Life Book was just a prop for her to use her powers. Raye even if he died could revive but the Death Note user cannot. If Raye uses her powers according to the rules inside the book, the odds of him losing is less than 14% but if the Death Note user is more intelligent than she thinks, the odds might be slightly more.

Raye already knows Kira's identity, so what he needs to do is find proof that this world can accept to put him behind bars.

"Raye what are your plans? I know you are planning on capturing Kira but what after?" Yael was kind of annoyed that he had not used the Life Note, so she does not know what she needed to improve on. The Life Note is an experiment Father God wanted to see the results of. Her Father had plans on creating other books upon seeing her results.

Raye was surprised as he had not thought about this. Him marrying his fiance is not a plan since it will happen regardless , "With the Life Note, I suppose I could create a paradise on Earth. I could allow those who I believe to have died unjustly a second chance. Though I am reluctant to use such power. If I use it, I might change and become someone I cannot recognize. This power is not what a human should have access to."

"There is no reason why you cannot use it. If someone else had been given this book, would they have the same mindset as you? I think your goal is good, Father God would appreciate it. This might be surprising to hear but Father God does not decide the fate of mortals, well not all mortals. The fact babies are killed at birth, and respectful men and women die when morally unjust people live is all according to the laws of the universe. If you can fill this gap and give this world a future, I am sure that Father God would be happy." Yael was not lying, with the fragments of memories she obtained from Father God, she had an idea of His's thought process. If Raye could use her power in a good manner, Father God would be pleased.

Raye was relieved but also confused. He had always assumed God commanded everything under the heavens but Yael is saying that is not true, well to be specific God does not want to. The urge to use the Life Note has replaced the fear and unease he felt before.

Thinking for a moment, Raye looked at Light's house one more time before deciding to begin his newfound job. There is no need to observe Light since he already knew he was Kira, all he can do is use the Life Note to counter the Death Note's effect and heal the people of the world. Maybe he could reignite the flame of worship for God in the process? God would surely smile on humans once more.

Yael watched Raye's thoughts like a movie, and was happy. Finally she could use her powers.

Father God had given her the Wand of Resurrection and two rings that conceal the user from view.

She wore one and Raye wore the other. Unless they were a Shinigami or Father God, it was impossible for mortals to see her.

Walking away from Light's house, Raye came across a woman that was glancing above his head, and did not think much about it. There are many weird people nowadays, it does not hurt to have one more.

Yael looked at the mortal with surprise as she could tell the mortal was looking at her. How can a mortal see her? Wait, glancing around the surroundings, Yael spotted a Shinigami who was looking at her with interest.

What a small world, Shinigamis' come in waves it seems. Could the reason this mortal can see me be because she traded her lifespan for the 'Eyes of Death'? That would explain everything. If that is the case, I could probably steal these eyes but, Father God would not be pleased. Sighed, Father God is so picky!

Yael floated above the woman and tapped her forehead, changing Raye's name to 'Matt Haunt' in her mind.

Her mana drained at an alarming pace making her frown.

is a high tier spell that even her mana was not high enough to use casually.

Sighing once more, Yael teleported above the female Shinigami and changed her memories as well, feeling her face pale.

While a Shinigami is far stronger than a mortal, it is easy to manipulate their memory but because their mind is like that of an undead, Yael requires far more mana than a mortal. If she did not want to remain relatively hidden, she would have just killed them and been done with it.

Unlike Ryuk, Yael did not want any other Shinigamis to know about her. It was too early to push Father God's plan. .

Raye continued to walk, not aware of the scene behind him or maybe he did but was acting stupid? Who knows.

Authors Note:

Hello everyone, I hope your day has been good. Anyway, I did not think I needed to explain this but here it is. Death Note is a world that is basically full of schemes, different views on Justice with some supernatural elements. I can not have a story, at least a good one, without having the characters make sense and the readers able to understand their goals and motivations. If Yael and Momonga were to be quiet, the story would not flow. If this was a different world, I would have done so. Not even the Shinigami King can make Momonga scared or panicky, so I have to improvise.

PS: I appreciate everyone for giving reviews, it has helped improve my writing and allow me to think of ideas I would otherwise fail to come up with.

PS again: I have many Overlord fanfics I have written but have not finished. I will focus on this story for now and drop them when I am done with this.

Also I do not have a set schedule for releasing chapters since I have to work, college and other stuff to do. Honestly, I forget to even check the websites sometimes.

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