
The Entity

Zero was confused by the figure in front of him who greeted him.

The Entity : "This one knows you're confused. Let This One introduce yourself. This One is what you know as The Entity Created by The Chaos Origin Element."

The zero who heard this was surprised by surprise. Because he never thought of meeting an entity in front of him.

The Entity: "This one knows that you want to ask This one, why were you suddenly transferred to This one domains. This one only took all your forms in your world before. Because This one feels that you have all the Primal Divinity, Primal Aura, and Legacy Primal from various First Primal Beings since the Primordial Era.

This one finally decided to take you, because This one has watched all your activities. Therefore, this one now wants to decide to take your whole place to this place, to decide you must explore all of Omniverse. Because your second world is actually the highest level of the world that has the limits made by this one. In the world, the realms of the Gods and above do exist. Only that is limited by the Rules and Laws That This one Make. So in short, the world is what This one makes.

This one will make you explore all of Omniverse for you to learn to develop. Because also This one is a request from all the First Primal Beings to give all of their Divinity and Inheritance to you. "

Zero was shocked by the Entity's words in front of him. Then he asked.

Zero: "Then do I have to move to another Omniverse to develop there? But what about my world before?"

The Entity: "Yes, you must. The world will be frozen. So after your mission is finished, you will move there. This one is what will freeze the world."

Zero: "Then, how will all the skills and levels of cultivation that I have fought for?"

The Entity: "This one will let it go. But it is only given to The King of Chaos God Primal to you. For all the Legacies that you found in your first world. This will limit some, you can choose only 3 for you to use. Also, This one will give you 5 wish that is none other than for you thinking of releasing all the seals that This one attaches to your existence. "

Zero heard this startled, but then a little excited. Because of what the Entity said in front of him that he would be given 5 wishes more than to cancel the seal on him.

Zero : "Then how will I release the seal? Do I have to work hard to strengthen myself?"

The Entity : "Yes. You have to. Is it still there? If there are no more questions, say what you want and choose what is not sealed in the inheritance you get."


Zero then thinks what legacy he can use and what he wants.

A year later, Zero decided to answer.

Zero : "I have decided."

The Entity : "Oh ... good. This one thinks you should need another 5-10 years to think."

Entity terkejut, dalam pendapatnya Zero perlu sekitar 5-10 tahun untuk memutuskan.

Zero : "For The Legacies of Divinity, I want to:

- Creation Divinity

- Invisible Divinity

- Divine Luck

The 3 Legacies of Divinity in my opinion. But, can I ask again? "

The Entity : "Yes, what is that?"

Zero : "Are the skills that I have created using Creation Divinity later not sealed?"

The Entity : "No. It will stick to you. Because it's a skill that you created from a Legacies of Divinity, not Legacies."

Zero heard this sigh of relief. Because he thought if the things he created in the seal might make his a headache.

The Entity : "So kid. What do you want?"

Zero then thinks a little, because he has a lot he wants in his mind.

Zero : "Well, actually I have a lot that I want. But one of them is actually to remove the seal on the inheritance that I got. But, nevertheless it's impossible.

If so, I want this skill:

- Adaptability Enhancement

- System Improvement that you can provide

- Bloodline Primordial of Abyss Phoenix

- The strongest cultivation method besides the one I use, you know that the cultivation method that I use is like having a little lack or still weak.

- And the last one is to be able to bring Sofya to follow me. "

Zero said with the last part having a little longing.

The Entity was a little surprised by his request. But, The Entity had no difficulty because according to him all was only a bucket of water compared to the sky in the sky.

The Entity : "Wah! This one guesses you will ask for a slightly off the mark in the last part. Like asking for unlimited system points or something. But, here you are wise. Well, This one will grant it. Also for the Bloodline you want, as far as This one remember, it hasn't been there since This one created the ancestors of Primordial races. But, because that's what you want This one will create it. It's just that This one confused. What about your Bloodline? Do you want to integrate the two into a new race? "

The Entity said a little confused.

Zero heard this surprised. Because he thought that maybe what he was asking for was there, and never thought that it wasn't there.

Zero : "Well if you can integrate it."

The Entity : "Alright. Then This one withdraw your wife Sofya here."

After saying that, The Entity snapped its fingers and then the voluptuous female figure of Sofya appeared beside Zero.

Sofya who felt a different place was confused with a little fear and looked there here, which then ended towards Zero. After that, she ran towards Zero and hugged him.

Zero : "Sss.. calm down Sofy. I'm here."

Zero bent it and stroked Sofya's back.

Sofya : "*hiks* .. I think you disappeared."


After an hour later,

Feel neglected

The Entity : "Ehem.."

The Entity who saw this felt a little happy for both of them. But choose to spoil the atmosphere a little.

Zero and Sofya who heard this finally let go of each other's arms in shame. Even Zero, who is considered a Pervert Shameless, does not know shame, because he forgets about The Entity.

The Entity : "Huff ... alright. Then Zero, you can take this and go there to combine your Bloodline. Then you drink this liquid."

The Entity said and gave a bottle with a strange liquid colored grayish black.

Zero then decided to take the bottle with a strange liquid and go towards the direction indicated by The Entity which had a strange place like a kind of magic circle on the ground.

After that, Zero drank the liquid. Feel changes in the body and a little pain. Then the pain gradually becomes pain and more painful. Until Zero let out a groan of pain that he never thought of feeling it.


Sofya who saw this and heard Zero's cries of pain trembling because she was afraid of what she saw Zero was now experiencing.

The Entity who saw Sofya trembling in fear of this, then decided to explain to Sofya about the things he had conveyed to Zero.

1209 Words.

Sorry, I'm still busy a little. Maybe I will be able to release 1 chapter for 1-3 days.


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