
Insider Trading (Part 1)

"What about the Parliament?" Aalejah asked.

"It's rough." Le'Ahy said with a nod. "M'Rael's offer was interesting only because there was no alternative. I mean, going to the Tree gives us more space, new neighbors, and access to their knowledge but that's it.

"We are still scared of humans and resentful of beasts, but being finally free to roam Mogar is still a dream come true to most of my people."

"If that's how you feel, why is the decision taking this long?" 

"Not so fast!" The huntress narrowed her eyes in annoyance. "That's another question. Does Qisal have a companion?"

"Yes, a human woman." With anyone else, Aalejah would have said no, but to an elf, the answer had a different meaning. "Also, as a sign of friendship, I can tell you that he's already waiting for his firstborn, conceived on their first night."

"Really? Just one companion?" Le'Ahy's squeal was so high-pitched that the nearby dogs howled. "That would make me the second!"

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