
Supreme Mage System

Link Atlas died and was reincarnated into the world of Gaia. A world that was once similar to earth but after a catastrophe mutated. It is now a world Overrun by rampant beasts that leave destruction In their wake and humans who can bend the elements of nature to their every desire. How will Link Atlas, who is not without his cheats, survive in this world? . . . . . Hey readers, in new to writing so could y'all please leave comments and reviews so I can improve. . . . . . . cover is not mine, if your the owner and want me to remove it just say so, and i will do that.

Immortal_Mage · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Raging Ape

By a small narrow river, a large figure was moving along it.

This is a raging ape, a high-rank 1 beast, and even among other high-rank 1 beasts, it is extremely strong.

It is a magical beast that had descended from the divine dragons, and thanks to that it's intelligence is higher than other high-rank 1 beasts

In addition, it also has an earth elemental magic skill "stone spears".

It can use the power of the earth element, and turn it into a stone spear, and shoot at it's enemy.

As it was washing it's fur in the water, Link quietly moved in the bushes behind it.

His eyes staring at the back of the ape, he began to condense the power of the wind element in his hands.

"Wind Blade" he said in a low tone, three wind blades suddenly shot through the bushes and towards the beast not far away.

"Hooo hooo" The gibbon reacted quickly, almost as soon as Link launched the wind blades, he had already sensed the danger, and jumped to the side.

"Slash" The speed of the wind blades was extremely fast, and even if the raging ape had responded in a timely manner, it was still impossible for it to avoid them all.

Two of the wind blades missed and hit the water, creating a huge splash.

The last wind blade hit the raging Ape, and a deep one meter long wound was drawn on its left leg, leaving it's bones exposed.


The Raging Ape stood still, let out a roar of pain and anger, and suddenly stretched out his arm, as the force of the earth element condensed in its paw.

Soon, a stone spear with a length of more than a meter appeared in front of it's palm, and then flew into the direction of Link.

The spear flew through the air, whistling under it's shear strength, and shot at the location where Link was hiding.

"Ahh" Link let out a low cry and rolled away from the spot where he stood, dodging the blow.

The stone spear continued whizzed passed him and struck a huge tree, and it sank halfway into the depth.

"So strong", if he was hit by this stone spear, even if he was a higher ranking mage wouldn't be able to survive it.


Because of Link's roll, he also revealed himself leaving his cover.

After seeing Link's appearance clearly, the ape roared loudly, with a look of anger in it's eyes.

The ape remembered him, is this not the thief who came to his territory two days ago and stole his fruit.

Seeing the ape's reaction, Link laughed. "Hey, big man, remember me, this time, I'm going to settle the previous account"

Saying that an evil glint appeared in his eyes.

Two days ago, in order to feed homself, he came here and found a fruit tree, so he picked a lot.

How was he to know that there was a high rank 1 beast guarding it.

He was caught off guard by it, and he was chased and beaten all the way. It took half an hour to get rid of the beast.


The gibbon roared a few times, and then stepped forward and waved its long arms towards Link.

The Raging Ape is a high-rank 1 beast, with a height of around two meters and extremely long arms.

And it is extremely physically strong and would be hard to kill in close combat.

Link wouldn't let it get close.

"Wind Blade"

When the Raging Ape rushed towards him, he had already created three wind blades and shot them at the approaching beast.


Seeing his attack, the demon ape roared, and then a stone spear also formed in front of it and shot into Links three wind blades.

The wound on it's leg was still bleeding, and the pain reminded it to not underestimate Link's attacks.


When the the two attacks collided a loud sound rang out, causing the birds and weaker beasts in the bushes to escape in fear.


And then came a painful roar from the ape.

It turned out that when the stone spear and the wind blade collided, the stone spear only destroyed the two wind blades, and the remaining wind blade still charged towards it.

A large wound was left on its chest.

"Wind Blade"

Link continued after the successful attack not giving it the slightest chance to react, three wind blades shot towards the ape again.

But this time their target is its neck.

Under the control of Link the three wind blades formed a straight line and shot towards their target.

The ape felt the danger, but it was too late to avoid it, so it could only try to block with its arms in an attempt to survive.

However, it overestimated its defense, the first one hit its arm and it split open the flesh, followed by the second one, which hit on the previous wound and cut of it's fore arm directly.

And the third wind blade that followed, hit it's neck causing blood to spay out.

Hey readers, I tried using a different layout for the chapter tell me if it better or if I should just continue as before.

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