
Office Talk & Merit Pack

"Knock, Knock"

"Come in."

Bruce walks into the office and sees a large man, with feline like eyes and an aura of danger..

"Ahh, Mr. Bruce the anomaly...."

'Anomaly, aren't I a normal human in this highschool of hyper powered freaks?'

"Uhh... Yeah?"

"Why were you sent here Mr.Bruce?"

"Uhh, yeah Mr.Lionheart, Mr.Vance sent me here due to an outburst I had in class...."

"HAHAHA, an outburst? Interesting, did you just realize you're the only mortal in this entire school. HAHA, possibly the entire world? Or did your girlfriend just break up with you? Well either way you'll be spending a week in detention with Miss Fray, don't worry you'll have company.

'Oh shit, Miss Fray?!?! She's a complete devil, all the tasks she gives wears out even the strongest of the freaks and i'm just a human'

If you had even heard half a story of Miss Fray, you would shiver and pray for anyone who would receive her punishment...

"Ooh and it will be for 2 weeks enjoy!"

The moment the word enjoy was said, Mr.Lionheart roared with laughter, causing Bruce to fly out the office.

'That's one crazy and powerful freak!'

Bruce, with nowhere to go heads to the washroom, if he was going to receive detention, he might as well do whatever he wants.

Within the stall, he called the system in his mind.

'Hey Angela, you there?'

[I'm always here even if I don't want to be]

'ehh? Umm, yeah, you got any tips that may help me survive the upcoming torture that I will face?'

[You have a merit pack that you may open, you've received an all round cultivation technique. You are very forgetful even though you have 20 points in intelligence, the average adult has 5...]

'EHHHHHH??? 20 points in intelligence?!?!? Okay okay, umm, please open the merit pack.'

[Are you sure you want to open the merit pack now]


'Yes I do.]'

[Calculating karma from both this life and parallel life


[Ding! Karma has been calculated, you currently have 150,000 karma points]

[Opening merit pack


[Merit pack opened! Host has received

{50,000 Supreme Points}

{1 token of Supreme Mastery}

{Supreme Points to Zing dollars tool}

{Free item token, below 20,000 Supreme Points}

These are your items, I recommend checking your status and cultivating]

'WOW, everything is awesome and self explanatory. Open status menu'

(A/N:LINK START! lmao, hope you're enjoying)

[Status Menu

Name: Bruce Bodhi

Age: 16 years old (32)

Title: Anomaly of the world


Strength: 4

Agility: 6

Dexterity: 5

Control: 9

Intelligence: 20

Luck: 6

*Note, average for every stat except for control and luck is 5.*


Body Strengthening pill x50: A pill that contains the purest energy in the "Start", each pill purges 2% of your body impurities

Mind Clearing pill x25: A pill containing the purest form of energy found in the "Start", each pill increases intelligence by 20% and control by 10%

Phone Hack: A tool that hacks your phone, making you able to see your stats and browse through store and mission items

Highest Order of Magic: Dummies edition: A book filled with all the wonders of magic

Asura Cultivation Set: A set that contains that contains attributes of an Asura, body strengthening, movement technique and a weapon manual all devoted to the path of The Asura]

'Wow, you could say I'm quite decked out to be a speed type warrior! Umm, system, how do I cultivate the Asura Cultivation Set?'

[It's quite simple 'genius', call it out from your inventory and start reading, you'll automatically learn how to cultivate. It will become a part of you, just as how you breathe]

'Quite simple, damn. I choose you! Asura Cultivation set!'

As he summoned the cultivation set, a strike of thunder flashed through the sky, at the same moment, a black book fell from the ceiling landing in Bruce's lap, for a fraction of a millisecond, the book exuded a primordial amount of killing intent, causing Bruce to imagine a land ravaged by war and a solitary figure holding standing among the destruction with a sword and a giant skull, screaming to the heavens. The figure wanted more...

Shaken and slightly in shock, the book that had landed on his lap opened, revealing an image of a man with six arms, an aura so powerful it could make the heavens shake in fear, this was an Asura. As quickly as it opened it closed and disappeared only less frightening, leaving a cultivation teqchinque within his mind.

{A/N: Aww man, this is crazy hard, do I just make him cultivate? I mean like everyone in this world he's in has super powers and he'd be a cultivator, or... I could just make it so that... hmmm this is 772 words, I guess next chapter is info dump, I'll release it before Saturday....}

Yeah, mind block. The thing that's great about info dumps, is that it allows you to plan the world in detail

LegendaryPoetcreators' thoughts