
Supreme Harem System

Normally, death will be the end, but it's just the beginning for Ryan Maxwell. With the privileges he acquired as the host of a System that evolved into the Supreme Harem System due to his wish, can he stay true to his desire? Or will his obligations become the hindrance in his attempt to be the Harem Supreme? Let's find out, shall we? ——— Release: Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday at 00.00 AM GMT+8 ——— Image Copyright: myhilary (Deviantart) ——— If you like this story, consider supporting me at: - P*treon.com/crazysnail ——— Author's Thought: I'm Indonesian, so English isn't my main language. Sorry if you find out some mistakes in grammar structures and punctuations and typos. I write this story to exercise my writing skills before I'm confident enough to release my original story. Thank you.

CrazySnail05 · Fantasy
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39 Chs


The next day, Ryan keeps his promise to Uzume, Mitsuha, and Mitsuki. He brings them out of the basement to do some shopping in Shinto Teito. However, this happens after lunch. Ryan promises the three in the middle of breakfast. After breakfast, he spent his time idly with his Sekirei from the morning to the point before the promised time. Surprisingly, Kochou joined them in the mess hall that has been turned into kinda a living room.

When they all were together, Mitsuha and Mitsuki were clinging on him. They also glowed, and there was a subtle change in their atmosphere. Yomi realized what happened last night; she gave Ryan and the blond-haired duo a knowing look. Although Kochou was aware of their deed, she was as composed as ever and focused on her interest, namely her Tablet PC; she had taken control of 85% of the total system in the Rock Ship. There was 15% left before Kochou gained full control of the ship.

Meanwhile, Taki was blushing as she contemplated about something in silence. Although she said nothing, Ryan could guess what was in the Mist Sekirei's mind from the furtive glances she shot towards Ryan. She wasn't being subtle as she thought she is.

Uzume, Yashima, and Kaho also realized the change around the twins. Uzume gave Ryan ambiguous glances and had a thoughtful expression; she was probably thinking about the event wherein Ryan took her to the love hotel but she refused to hurry their relationship; she had a complicated look on her face. Yashima was blushing beet red whenever her gaze crossed Ryan's, and she would avert her eyes shyly; she understood what happened between Ryan and the twins; she couldn't help but imagine naughty things due to that; although she looked the shyest and the most submissive, there was a saying about the silent one. Kaho was the funniest of all; she had funny expression as though she was both scandalized from their last night tryst and envious of the twins at the same time; she was probably the most prim-and-proper type in Ryan's flock.

For Musubi, well, the musclehead was annoying the twins as she kept whining on them, asking them to allow her to cling to Ryan's arm too. However, the twins kept refusing Musubi's request and it became an endless loop of back and forth between the three. Ryan could only watch helplessly in the meantime.

Although it seemed like the unproductive thing to do, Ryan would beg to differ. He got to know his new Sekirei better and became closer to his old Sekirei. He was very glad that there was no problem in his current harem because Sekirei's mentality that accepted harem, but he expected it won't stay like that forever. There is a chance the future member of his harem won't agree to share him and will do something bad to the rest to monopolize him.

Well, Ryan has something in mind to evade that flag, but he isn't so sure because he doesn't know what the future has for him. He can only pray that he won't draw the short end of the sticks.

And so, several hours passed harmoniously and we finally come to the present.

Ryan brings Uzume, Mitsuha, and Mitsuki outside of his base. He has told his other Sekirei to do whatever they want as he's going out with the trio he picked up. They follow his order obediently.

After leaving the hotel, Ryan takes Uzume, Mitsuha, and Mitsuki to the commercial district in the east. It can't be said that the east holds the best choice for shopping what they need.

As an aside, Ryan has expanded the Storage of his Sekirei who have obtained System's benefit. He only expanded the space of their storages to 10m³. Since there are four Sekirei, he has spent 3,600 SP for that alone. They seemed happy for the new toy they have acquired while the rest seemed envious of the four who has access for their personal hammer-space. Ryan just watched everything with a helpless expression when his other Sekirei asked for the same thing before explaining about the requirements for getting that hammer-space. In the end, they leave with red faces, or in Musubi's case, Kaho needed to drag Musubi away with her because Musubi demanded sex with Ryan despite knowing nothing of what it entailed. It was a total mess.

Along the way, Ryan acquires six new Sekirei. His luck is quite good because his group accidentally stumbles on those unwinged Sekirei in the commercial district of the east Shinto Teito.

Other than the unwinged Sekirei who immediately reacts to him as they get close, his growing group also meets other Ashikabi-Sekirei pairs and even the Thunder and Lighting twins who have been winged by Seo Kaoru. Nobody dares to challenge Ryan's flock since there are nine Sekirei with him.

As an aside, Hibiki and Hikari are in the middle of their part-time job as sales girls. Ryan needs to calm down his Sekirei from ganging up on the poor twins.

The new addition to Ryan's growing flock are No. 16 Toyotama, No. 62 Kaie, No. 72 Natsu, No. 73 Namiji, No. 78 Nanaha, and No. 95 Kuno. It is so absurd that they are dumbfounded by the sudden inflation of Ryan's flock. He promises them that he'll explain everything after they return back to Ryan's suite (and secret base). He also tells them that he only has two quotas left.

For their Love Meter, No. 16, 72, and 73 stop at 10% Devotion; No. 95 stops at 15% Devotion; the rest stops at 12%. He obtains a quite sum of System Points from winging them. Additionally, he got 600 SP from completing quests to wing each one of them.

However, not everything is a smooth sail and well. When they leave the latest store that sold furniture, they stumble into a problem.

"Monkey! How dare thou besmirch this one! Die and repent thou sin for besmirching this one!" The aforementioned trouble declared as the water quickly accumulated around her.

Ryan's Sekirei quickly stand before him and the problem. Meanwhile, Ryan can't help but facepalm.

(Of all Sekirei I meet today, why this Tsundere Queen is included?) Ryan thought helplessly.

*System Points: 6,113,864 points

Total word count: 1048

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