
Supreme Guardian's Heir: Calamity's Awakening

Blinded, betrayed, and killed by the people she trusted the most—her closest friends and family—Ophelia, the illegitimate child of one of the most powerful families, was granted a second life, or the opportunity to be reborn. Little did the young girl know that all of this had been done because she posed a threat to the authority of those who had betrayed her. She had a difficult life, being rejected, never acknowledged, and used as a scapegoat for actions she had not committed. She encountered an entity on the day of her untimely death that was unlike any other she had ever seen; it was aware of every detail about her and gave her the opportunity to reclaim what was truly hers. She was hesitant but resolute, choosing to take a leap of faith and seize the opportunity that would alter the course of history, there was much more to her existence than anyone could have imagined—her life, her death, and everything in between. She was everything that was not meant to be, and it all started the day she was reborn into a life beyond which fate or destiny could now play a role but fate always had a sneaky way of adding its touch, for she was reborn into the very family that caused her death in her previous life and now her fate was tied to another as well. [System notifies.] Join her in a world full of advancements, diverse magical beings, and a harsh but beautiful balance between darkness and cruelty. For most of these beings, the rule of survival of the fittest applied. Ensnared in a web of conspiracy, the battle to ascend to a fabled throne that had been vacant for years, possessing absolute authority, reveal the mysteries surrounding her existence, interwoven with time, life, and death, and the reason behind her unforeseen birth. Will she be able to overcome those who oppose her, threaten what she is creating, and demonstrate her power to the world in order to achieve peace and acceptance and reclaim the life that was meant to be hers, or will her efforts in this world be futile? Will she be able to ascend the throne? Other tags: Overpowered MC - Smut - Fantasy Creatures -Mature - revenge- Magic- survival- Beautiful female lead.

Darkphoenix · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Violet looked around to see where the voice was coming from since she was confused and she glanced at Zania, who was staring at her with a bewildered look and she tilted her head a little to the right, an endearing action that made him snap out of his thoughts and he chuckled at her. 

She wondered what he found amusing and her eyes narrowed as she heard the ring again in her ear and she gritted her teeth, thinking about what it could be that she was hearing at the time and if it was something meant to harm her in any way. 

"What's wrong?" Xania asked and she glanced up at him with her eyes narrowed. 

"I keep hearing a voice, a very compelling one at that," She responded and his brows furrowed as he approached her to get a better understanding about what sort of pain she was going through.

"You can talk to me that's one of the reasons why I am here you know...You don't have to hold back, just relax, also calm your body and maybe you will be able to relax and focus more on whatever it is that... Just try and keep a clam, not to react," Xania said and her brows furrowed as she looked at him then nodded. 

Xania sighed, feeling a bit relieved that she was listening to him and his eyes glowed red as he looked at her, trying to figure out what was wrong with her, but it was getting more difficult by the minute since the atmosphere in the room was heavy, palpable for anyone to hear outside that were passing by. 

"Can you tell me what the voice is like that you are hearing right now?" Xania sked and she looked at him then nodded. 

"It's faint, yet quite sharp and it said something about activating I don't understand what that means bit I can tell that it was quite serious from the tone I heard just now," She responded and Xania's brows furrowed, wondering whose voice it was that she was hearing, since it was either something good or bad and both changes were highly likely with her being in the mix of it all. 

"Do you have any idea as to whose voice it may be that I am hearing?" She asked and he snapped out of his thoughts then looked at her and exhaled deeply, knowing to find the answers she will need to dig into more of the past for that or maybe worse. 

"Hmm? Well, don't know either, this is quite a rare case, I hardly deal with these types of trouble and it seems as though someone took my blood and framed me for all that's happened so far, whatever is happening can be either a good thing or a bad thing, do not trust people easily" Xania said and she nodded, knowing he was only looking out for her, in many more ways than one and she was grateful to him. 

Just then her eyes began glowing brighter and the sound echoed in her ears, causing her to feel uneasy and her eyes narrowed as she clutched the wall beside her and Xania looked at her with a worried expression debating whether to contact the dragon to discuss the matter at hand since it did not seem normal nor was she. 

"Violet, hey are you in pain?" Xania asked and she glanced at him then shook her head, since she was indeed in a bit of pain due to the ringing sound, which had now begun to disappear, to her surprise and she was able to relax. 

[System Activation Complete.]

[Welcome Master, my name is Rein.]

"What!" She exclaimed and Xania flinched and looked at her completely startled. 

"What? What's the matter?" He asked and he looked at her. 

"A system? You are a system? Why do I have you? What is that supposed to even mean?" She asked and Xania's eyes narrowed, since he now understood what was happening to her. 

[Yes, I am the system that was granted to you upon your birth, I can provide many things, but each has a certain amount of limit, and cannot be overused, you can simply see me here as another guide to help you raise and understand your abilities.]

""I see... How is this even possible?" She asked, completely baffled by what was happening around her and she noticed even her eye colours had changed as well. 

[It is possible because it is what you had chosen a while back and did not even realize it, I will do my share of the job, I will only activate when you call out to me or when I sense you need advice, is that permissible?]

"Yes, it is permissible, though I am still trying to process what you are saying, since none of it actually is supposed to be possible, I know many had magic, but I barely could do a few spells at most, now I can what? Surpass even some of the strongest of I get stronger?" She asked and Xania looked at her as a screen appeared in front of her and she ran through it. 

It was a virtual screen and while looking through and taking in the information that was being shown to her by the system, Rein. She realized that there were many things she did not know about herself and she exhaled deeply, trying to take in so many things being dumped on her.

'This is all too confusing... I am going to need to have a chat with this so-called system alone in order to understand what more is going on with me and how I should even handle it... This was not expected and I even have to demand my entry into the event before the selection begins, this is all infuriating but... Maybe this system...' She thought as her eyes narrowed.

"What's with that look? What are you up to?" Zania asked as he looked and her eyes stopped glowing as she turned to look at him. 

[Master, do you want to see your type of abilities and what more could be achieved if you pushed them? Do you want me to demonstrate how to use me so you could understand better?] 

"Yes," She added. 

[As you wish... Scan activated.] 

 At the same time, her eyes glowed as the screen in front of her got bigger and she felt a rush of unfamiliar energy coursing through her veins as the mark on her chest began glowing slightly.