
Supreme Guardian's Heir: Calamity's Awakening

Blinded, betrayed, and killed by the people she trusted the most—her closest friends and family—Ophelia, the illegitimate child of one of the most powerful families, was granted a second life, or the opportunity to be reborn. Little did the young girl know that all of this had been done because she posed a threat to the authority of those who had betrayed her. She had a difficult life, being rejected, never acknowledged, and used as a scapegoat for actions she had not committed. She encountered an entity on the day of her untimely death that was unlike any other she had ever seen; it was aware of every detail about her and gave her the opportunity to reclaim what was truly hers. She was hesitant but resolute, choosing to take a leap of faith and seize the opportunity that would alter the course of history, there was much more to her existence than anyone could have imagined—her life, her death, and everything in between. She was everything that was not meant to be, and it all started the day she was reborn into a life beyond which fate or destiny could now play a role but fate always had a sneaky way of adding its touch, for she was reborn into the very family that caused her death in her previous life and now her fate was tied to another as well. [System notifies.] Join her in a world full of advancements, diverse magical beings, and a harsh but beautiful balance between darkness and cruelty. For most of these beings, the rule of survival of the fittest applied. Ensnared in a web of conspiracy, the battle to ascend to a fabled throne that had been vacant for years, possessing absolute authority, reveal the mysteries surrounding her existence, interwoven with time, life, and death, and the reason behind her unforeseen birth. Will she be able to overcome those who oppose her, threaten what she is creating, and demonstrate her power to the world in order to achieve peace and acceptance and reclaim the life that was meant to be hers, or will her efforts in this world be futile? Will she be able to ascend the throne? Other tags: Overpowered MC - Smut - Fantasy Creatures -Mature - revenge- Magic- survival- Beautiful female lead.

Darkphoenix · Fantasy
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16 Chs

To take form

His eyes locked with Ophelia's causing her to feel the shift in the atmosphere that was happening around them at the time and she looked at herself as she was disappearing at a faster rate when suddenly, the time within the space began slowing down and her eyes widened, wondering how strong he actually was. 

A large clock appeared behind him, ticking in the air, leaving the sound in her ear and she looked up as her soul was being held together and a huge gold and silver door appeared beside him as he circled around her with his entire body glowing, while looking at her, their reflection shone brightly in each other's eyes. 

The energy around him began surrounding her like a whirlpool and her eyes glowed causing two dragon markings to appear in both of them and she began seeing flashbacks of her life, when she realized there were things she had forgotten about herself before she had gotten blind. 

She looked around her and saw a male figure before her, he had long silver hair, blue and gold eyes, muscular and wore traditional robes and he turned to look at her with a gaze unwavering, reflecting her own. 

"Do you accept this?" He asked. 

"Who are you?" She asked. 

"A friend of the dragon's and a messenger, one who has the responsibilities of sorting, do you accept the change of course?" He asked. 

"Yes, I do," She responded as a large scroll appeared in front of her, floating in the air as well as a feather pen. 


"Since you have accepted, sign the document, it's confirmation that you want this and you are not being tricked, but doing this on your own accord, now you have to select something before going through the final process," He said. 


She signed the document and the scroll stretched around her, spinning in a circular motion as the elements of nature appeared in front of her, floating and among them there were three others she didn't recognize. 


"Choose among those which your heart connects to the most, I cannot tell you... You have to focus and listen to your heart on this," He said and she nodded as she felt she was on the brink of disappearing. 

She closed her eyes and focused on what was in front of her at the time, her focus not faltering for a second and both him and the dragon paid close attention to her, as the lightning flashed like a storm. 


She brought forth her hand, which touched one of them and the entire space lit up with various colours as she kept her eyes closed and the guy's eyes narrowed then the elements as well as everything else disappeared. 

"Process complete, you will receive that which you chose, good luck," He said before leaving behind a portal. 

She exhaled deeply, she didn't know what that part was for, but she felt a tinge of energy from what she had chosen. 

She looked at herself and saw that her soul was disappearing as she focused on what was happening when she heard the dragon's voice for the final time. 

"You did well, so far, you will be sent into the life cycle, let me warn you, fate has a nasty way of playing tricks on us, you have to remain strong, this is your final chance, do not waste it, be careful, you will not be able to fully activate certain parts of yourself until you come of age and when you do, come and find me," He said. 

"One more thing, you forgot things before you got blind in your new life, you will regain those memories... use your last chance wisely and stand up and remember...." He added but before she could hear the last part, her form had disappeared completely and her soul had already flown into the life cycle, going through the door he had opened and it closed and disappeared instantly after. 

A creature appeared before the dragon, small and glowing and could almost be passed as a rabbit, it had a marking on its forehead and was quite furry. 

"What have you summoned me for?" It asked while floating around and playing with the dragon's hair, being mischievous. 

The dragon's eyes twitched as he looked at it "Cut it out or I will have you for dinner," He said. 

The creature pulled back immediately, looking like a tamed and timid puppy and the dragon's nose flared. 

"Keep track of the girl and when she is of the right age, approach her and do not fail to obey nor say a word to anybody else about this or I will personally see to it that you disappear from the fabric of time, I will have no one interfere with this," He said and the creature flinched as its eyes widened. 

"You... You broke the rules...This was not supposed to be, you cannot manipulate order, just to get what you want, it's wrong and they will not stand by and let it happen, you also know that given who you are and how powerful you are, yet you went this far, for what reason I do wonder.....There will be consequences... Fine I will do as I am told, don't eat me," It said as it flew off at its best speed. 

"I have many reasons to do what I did, things are just unfair sometimes and rules need to be bent from time to time, they are not gods to decide this.... I know of the consequences very well, but this time I will rise as well and she will be unlike any other before her, along with her companion, the power to steel your own fate, no one will stand in the way this time, the cycle itself will be sent into chaos," The dragon said as his eyes narrowed while, glowing bright red and gold. 

A while after the dragon made a decision that would impact the very nature of things and the way they were supposed to be carried out, fate had begun playing its part and the beginning of a change was about to take its form. 

A baby was about to be born within a royal family that held great power, under a crimson and blue moon and stormy night, a night that was dark yet brimming with life.