
Supreme Guardian's Heir: Calamity's Awakening

Blinded, betrayed, and killed by the people she trusted the most—her closest friends and family—Ophelia, the illegitimate child of one of the most powerful families, was granted a second life, or the opportunity to be reborn. Little did the young girl know that all of this had been done because she posed a threat to the authority of those who had betrayed her. She had a difficult life, being rejected, never acknowledged, and used as a scapegoat for actions she had not committed. She encountered an entity on the day of her untimely death that was unlike any other she had ever seen; it was aware of every detail about her and gave her the opportunity to reclaim what was truly hers. She was hesitant but resolute, choosing to take a leap of faith and seize the opportunity that would alter the course of history, there was much more to her existence than anyone could have imagined—her life, her death, and everything in between. She was everything that was not meant to be, and it all started the day she was reborn into a life beyond which fate or destiny could now play a role but fate always had a sneaky way of adding its touch, for she was reborn into the very family that caused her death in her previous life and now her fate was tied to another as well. [System notifies.] Join her in a world full of advancements, diverse magical beings, and a harsh but beautiful balance between darkness and cruelty. For most of these beings, the rule of survival of the fittest applied. Ensnared in a web of conspiracy, the battle to ascend to a fabled throne that had been vacant for years, possessing absolute authority, reveal the mysteries surrounding her existence, interwoven with time, life, and death, and the reason behind her unforeseen birth. Will she be able to overcome those who oppose her, threaten what she is creating, and demonstrate her power to the world in order to achieve peace and acceptance and reclaim the life that was meant to be hers, or will her efforts in this world be futile? Will she be able to ascend the throne? Other tags: Overpowered MC - Smut - Fantasy Creatures -Mature - revenge- Magic- survival- Beautiful female lead.

Darkphoenix · Fantasy
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16 Chs

To be known

Xania's eyes were wide open with what he was seeing before him for it was not something that he was expecting, he did not expect the gift that was granted to her, was a system, something that is considered dangerous due to its intelligence and one of the most advanced magical beings to be created as well, a system had the ability to gift one who was a nobody an ability as well, only few had this trait, what kind of ability highly depended on the person. 

Xania looked at Violet as she was focusing on controlling the energy that was flowing through her body like wildfire and he glanced at the information that was currently coming up on the screen, explaining parts of the things that were going on within her body, that even he could not figure out. 

Violet exhaled deeply as her eyes began switching between various different colours and a little light came from the screen, surrounding her body in a circular motion, scanning her from head to toe, while Xania looked on with his mouth shut and eyes wide.


He did not know what to say at the time other than let the system Rein, that was given to her, to help her understand more about her body, abilities and things that he could not help her with, since he was bound by things, rules and orders, while Rein was not, the system was only bound to Violet and no other being nor will it ever listen to another. 

Violet exhaled deeply once more as she felt a slight burning sensation coming from the mark on her chest and the one of her forehead, disappeared into small blue ashes and she touched it, wondering what more is in store for her and how much more she will need to do. 

[Scan completed.]

[Energy Contained.]

[Abilities Partially Unlocked.]

[Abilities Given: Unknown.] 

[Limits: Unknown.]

[Threat Level: Unknown and Testing.] 

[Current Level: Unknown.] 

[Companion: Given but unknown] 

[Contract: Sealed.] 

[Host: Violet Stymir.] 

[Master the scan is completed and most information about what you can do is not available as yet, I cannot give you because you have only recently unlocked parts of yourself, with time I will be able to give a proper report as you progress, first you have to use your abilities.] 

Violet opened her eyes after hearing what Rein had to say and she glanced at the screen, which was showing a fully scan of her body's current state as well as status and she knew the system was right, she needed to step up. 

"I understand, thank you, Rein," She said. 

[No problem, I am doing what I was created to do and that is my service to you and as for that being, Xania, he is now bonded to you by contract of another being, who? I do not know but rest assured that the one thing he cannot do is betray you nor does he have any such intention I can tell.] 

Upon hearing that Violet chuckled then glanced at Xania, who was looking at her with an unamused expression and she shrugged, knowing it was pointless asking who it was that made him the contract that is now the reason he is bonded to her and he exhaled deeply, while shaking his head at a loss for words. 

[Master, you can communicate with me through telepathy... It's a means of communication between us so you don't have to actually talk to me verbally and no one can know you are talking to me that way.] 

'Oh? That's a nice ability... Thank you for telling me,' She thought and Rein chuckled, since it heard her well and the telepathic connection was actually working. 

"So... Now that you have sorted that can we get back to what you are going to do now?" Xania asked and Violet tilted her head as she looked at him. 

"You look cute cut it out before I smack you..." He huffed and she chuckled. 

"Alright...So what is it that you are on about now, Xania?" She asked and he exhaled deeply. 

"Either you are lost somewhere in space or one of us here is stupid girl.... I am talking about what you are supposed to do, which is joining the event, the registration is today remember?" He asked and she sighed then nodded. 

"Yeah, I remember it perfectly fine... I only have to visit my father to get it over with and that too in front of the rest of the family members who will be thee and the rest of the court, great.... This should be good," She responded and Xania stifled a laugh, since he knew her family situation quiet well and it was not pleasant. 

"Oh you will be fine... After all, you are no longer the same girl, now are you?" Xania asked and she glanced at him with her eyes narrowed and he smirked. 

She looked at herself in the mirror, knowing that parts of her had changed in many more ways than one and what she could do now, she had no idea, all she saw in her reflection was unpredictability and she was more than willing to test her limits, for now she had an opportunity presented to her that she never did before, one that could change her entire life and where she currently stood and she was not about to let it slide. 

"Have you found your bearings now little girl?" Xania asked and she scoffed as she looked at him. 

"Yes, I have... Now the sessions will start in a few minutes, if we don't hurry we will be late and my father is one that will take time to deal with, they will not allow or accept me to join that easily," She responded. 

"So, this should be interesting then, I am looking forward to a show, put on a good one love... Shall we get going before we miss the chance?" Xania asked as he floated around her with a smirk in the air. 

"Let's go, what's the worst that can happen by now, this should be interesting...." She said as she walked out of her chambers, heading to the throne room, where the others would be and Xania followed her, but no one could see him.